Since 1999, our DDoS protection and network visibility solutions have been tested and proven in the world's largest, most complex networks. We deliver powerful visibility and traffic intelligence, at internet scale, to help customers not only understand their own environment, but who the threat actors are, their tools, behaviors and ongoing campaigns on a global basis.

Best-in-class Hybrid Adaptive DDoS Mitigation & Protection

Adaptive DDoS Attack Mitigation: Industry best practices recommend an adaptive, hybrid, approach, backed by continuous threat intelligence to battle the newest dynamic multi-vector attacks.
Protection in The Cloud

Stop today’s high volume attacks, which are exceeding 3Tbps/sec with our powerful cloud-based DDoS mitigation platform.

On-premesis Protection

Detect and mitigate stealthy low-volume, multi- vector attacks that are designed to evade existing upstream defenses.

Multi-layer Defense

Only a tightly integrated defense with on-premise and cloud components can adequately protect you from the full spectrum of DDoS attacks.

What Can NETSCOUT Do for Me?

Organizations are constantly striving to protect their networks from costly downtime caused by targeted DDoS attacks. To deliver continuous adaptive protection designed to mitigate today's stealthy ever-evolving attacks, NETSCOUT delivers unparalleled network visibility and intelligent threat analysis backed by best-in-class global threat intelligence to deliver Adaptive DDoS Mitigation.

How do I keep my services up and running?

Stop the most significant threat to service availability - DDoS attacks - with our suite of products and services.

Arbor DDoS Protection

Arbor DDoS Platform Servers

How can I close security gaps within my team?

You can empower your security teams with the global intelligence provided by Netscout.

NETSCOUT Threat Intelligence

DDoS Mitigation Team

How do I leverage the full power of my network?

Capitalize on analytics to maximize network performance and investment returns.

Network Visibility

Arbor Threat Analytics

Are You Experiencing a DDoS Attack?

Your business is riding on the availability and integrity of your website and online services. A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack could wreak financial havoc, compromise your customers and damage your reputation.

If you're under attack, Please call us. We can help.

Our DDoS Mitigation Tools are proven in the world’s most demanding networks. We can provide rapid deployment and pricing flexibility through a mix of managed services, in-cloud, on-premise and virtualized solutions.

Insight into the Global Threat Landscape

Our world-class ATLAS Security and Engineering Research Team (ASERT) deeply researches malware campaigns and botnets at a global level, providing much-needed context to the overall threat environment.

NETSCOUT DDOS THREAT INTELLIGENCE REPORT Issue 12 Two-page spread with cover and key findings

Latest Netscout Threat Intelligence Report

DDoS Takes Center Stage on the Global Threat Landscape. Read more in this 2H 2023 report.

Explore interactive report

NETSCOUT Smart Data fuels our DDoS Mitigation Solutions

Stopping the modern-day DDoS attack no longer needs to be complex. Let us simplify it for you.
NETSCOUT’s Active Threat Level Analysis System sees more internet traffic, and collects more data on that traffic, than anybody else. ATLAS monitors over 50% of all internet traffic providing near-real-time visibility into today's’ threats.
Learn more
ATLAS Security Engineering & Response Team (ASERT), world-class security researchers and analysts.
Visit the blog

DDoS Solutions by the Numbers

NETSCOUT secures the world's most demanding and complex networks from DDoS attacks and cyber threats.


Countries where Arbor solutions are deployed


Years delivering security and network visibility innovations


Frost & Sullivan’s DDoS Mitigation Products Market Leadership Award


of the world's Tier 1 Service Providers

Proven DDoS Protection and Network Visibility platform for enterprise, cloud, and service provider organizations.
  • Solution Brief
  • Data Sheet

Arbor DDoS Attack Protection Solutions

Intelligently Automated, Hybrid DDoS Protection, Backed by Global Visibility and Threat Intelligence

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Implementation Services for Sightline / Threat Mitigation System (TMS)

NETSCOUT is committed to providing its customers with quality implementation services delivered by a team of skilled industry professionals.

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Implementation Services for Arbor Edge Defense (AED)

NETSCOUT is committed to providing its customers with quality implementation services delivered by a team of skilled industry professionals.

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