May 10, 2023 0 703

How to Become a ChatGPT Expert Through Accurate ChatGPT Prompt Writing

ChatGPT has recently emerged as a popular method of sourcing information and answering questions ranging from work and leisure to relationships and travel. Despite its popularity due to its effectiveness, it can only provide relevant answers when the correct command is given to it. As a result, It is critical to practise writing the best prompt for each topic or question for which we seek assistance. A prompt is a command or action sentence that is used to communicate with ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence language models.

In this article, we'll reveal some insider tips for creating perfect ChatGPT prompts and becoming a master of the craft; however, it comes with its limitations also. 

  • ChatGPT is a text-only language model that does not generate AI images.
  • Several commands are needed in most cases before the desired result is generated. 
  • ChatGPT is trained on a large dataset that includes internet text data until 2021. Training a language model with more recent data would necessitate a significant investment of computational resources and time. As a result, the decision was made to limit the knowledge cut-off to 2021 to balance the model's accuracy and efficiency.
  • Another ChatGPT limitation comes with increased popularity, and due to heavy traffic, it is usually either slow or down. To address this challenge, OpenAI launched a paid premium plan with a dedicated server for smooth operation even during heavy traffic. 

On the bright side, there are compelling reasons to continue using ChatGPT despite its limitations. So having a tool like ChatGPT that has been trained on databases created by humans and understands how we speak is fantastic. Even though they are trained on human-generated data, they are still machines that must be instructed to complete the task.

Writing the ideal ChatGPT prompt can lead to: 

  • Faster responses increase productivity and help you complete tasks on time.
  • ChatGPT's accurate predictions and relevant analogies can be used in your work.
  • Conversations that are meaningful and engaging, such as learning more about a specific concept by asking follow-up questions and effectively using these responses.
  • Improving the perspectives and notions of ChatGPT by maintaining clarity in your prompt.


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How to Write an Excellent ChatGPT Prompt

It's not difficult to write ChatGPT prompts, but writing the ideal ChatGPT prompts to elicit relevant results from the language model is no easy task. Here are a few tips you can leverage on: 

Provide an Example 

If you want ChatGPT to use a format of what you have in mind, it is always better to give an example for it to follow. This way, it will get inspired from the existing content pieces and such examples in prompts can help you get the desired responses.

ChatGPT Command

Can you create a cold email from Flovatar NFT using the copy above as inspiration to the CEO of Coca-Cola sharing about the value of Flovatar NFTs and asking them to get a short call so we can discuss the value of helping Coca-Cola grow through NFTs and Web3 innovations. 

Note: There had been previously a copy of the email already typed into ChatGPT the writer asked it to use as an example to follow. 

The result is below: 

Also, you can include a previous example conversation between a user and a customer service agent if you want the AI to respond to a user's question in a chat-based format. End your prompt with "Customer Service:" to indicate where you want the AI to begin typing. You can accomplish this by doing something like this:

You are an expert baker who answers questions from users. Respond as an agent.

An example of a conversation:

User: Could you please assist me with something?

Agent: Sure! What exactly do you require assistance with?

User: I'd like to bake a cake, but I'm not sure what temperature to set the oven to.

Customer Service: Preheat the oven to 350°F (177°C) for most cakes.

Currently being discussed:

User: [Insert user question here]

Customer Service: [Insert response]

We can use ChatGPT in calculations too, and there are so many ways to go about it, but a very common and easy way is to give examples. This method can also be useful in writing, solving mathematical problems, and in other areas where specifics are important. If you want ChatGPT to format data for you, it's especially important to provide an example. For example:

Input: 2023-03-05T16:4t:00Z 

Add 5 days and convert the following time stamp into DD/MMM/YYYY HH:MM:SS format 

Output: 15/Mar/2023 16:45:00

Input: 2023-04-01T12:01:07.934Z


Be precise

Just as no one enjoys being vague because it leaves no actionable insights to work with, ChatGPT cannot generate good responses with vague prompts because it works best when given specific instructions. 

ChatGPT Command:

Write marketing copy to make my email marketing more engaging. The product I am promoting is called ChatGPT. What subject lines would you suggest for a sequence of 3 emails?

The result is below:  

The above example was straight to the point and specific details like subject lines and the number of emails in the sequence were added.

Begin your command with a verbal action.

If you want to get straightforward responses, start your commands with verbs like create, generate, make, write, summarize, compile, etc. In some cases, asking a question like starting with 'Can you', may not give you a very good response. 

ChatGTP Command:

Create a career plan to become a copywriter in 2023.

The result is below: 

Provide context

A doctor can better diagnose a patient's condition if they have a clear context of the symptoms they report, but veterinary doctors may have to guess in cases where medical exams are limited. Similarly, ChatGPG can generate a relevant answer with sufficient context for your query.

ChatGPT command: 

I have 3 years of experience as a software developer. Now I got bored with coding and want to transition to another career. My education qualifications are B. Tech in computer science, and I am well-versed in understanding the business side of software as well. Suggest a list of career options that are easy for me to transition to.

The result is below: 

Here are some more examples of how to improve a prompt by including more context:

ChatGTP prompt:

Write about nature.

A better ChatGPT prompt:  

Write a blog post about the importance of living close to nature and how it is good for our health. 

The algorithm will be much more effective and give you a better output if you include the type of content ("blog") as well as some specifics about what to cover in the blog post the way it was done above. 

Here's another example, with a variety of details.

ChatGPT prompt:

Write about how to make wooden furniture.

A better prompt:

As a professional carpenter and wood designer,  write an email to a customer who has a house and tell him beds, chairs, and kitchen cabinets made from mahogany wood that are presently trending in the market. Also, tell him about the benefits.

In the better prompt, we ask the algorithm to play a specific role ("professional carpenter and wood designer") and provide context-based the actual type of wood for chairs, beds, and kitchen cabinets. We also tell them, as in the previous example, what kind of content we want. ("email").

The AI can also change the writing style of its output, so include context if this is important for your use case.

ChatGPT prompt:

Write an article about gardening during summer.

A better ChatGPT prompt:

Write an article in the style of Alan Titchmarsh about gardening and tomato production during summer. 

This can also be applied to a variety of business tasks, such as

Send a professional but friendly email


Write a formal executive summary.

Use Role-Playing

You can ask ChatGPT to role-play any situation to give a better response. For example, you are looking for content marketing advice on how to increase brand awareness for your newly launched CRM software.

ChatGPT command: 

You are a marketing veteran for software products with ten years of experience in the industry. You have built marketing strategies for successful software products like Vimeo, Freshworks, Hubspot, and Zoho. Using your marketing experience, advise me on how to build awareness for my newly launched CRM software product 'Zilio'. 

In this example, you asked ChatGTP to play the role of a software product marketing veteran. 

The result is below: 

Use Handy Expressions 

Make use of some of these useful expressions.

Sometimes it's just a matter of finding the exact phrase to which ChatGPT will respond better, and here are a few phrases that users have discovered work well with ChatGPT to achieve excellent results. 

1. Let's take it one step at a time.

This trains the algorithm to think logically, which is especially useful when solving mathematical problems. 

2. Looking backward. 

This can be useful if the algorithm continues to draw incorrect conclusions.

3.  In the manner of [popular individual or celebrity].

This will greatly aid in the matching of styles.

4. As a [insert occupation/role]. 

This helps the algorithm frame its knowledge so that it knows what it knows, and what it doesn't. 

Define the Desired Formats 

ChatGPT can generate code in languages such as Python, Java, JavaScript, and HTML, as well as visual formats such as charts and CSVs. ChatGPT, as a large language model, is all about text. And, fortunately for you, that text contains code, and it can generate code snippets in popular programming languages like JavaScript, Python, C#, PHP, and Java. Giving it the format of both your input and your desired output will help you get exactly what you need. 

ChatGTP Prompt:

Name of the product, Quantity

Melon, 6

Watermelon, 10

Pawpaw,  25

Plantain, 28

Thyme, 45

Beans, 78 

Carrot, 16

Basil, 9

Rosemary, 25

Watercress, 100

Arugula, 14 

Create a chart of the frequency of each product that appears in the text above using the CSV above.

It's easy to overlook defining the input format (in this case, CSV), so always double-check what you write.

Another scenario is that you want to add the transcript of your most recent podcast interview to your website but it needs to be converted to HTML. The algorithm is excellent at this, but you must tell it precisely what you require.

ChatGTP Prompt: 

[Insert complete interview transcript here]

Create an HTML version of the above interview.

Set the Desired Response Length

When creating GPT prompts, it's a good idea to include a word count for the response so you don't get a 5 000-word response when you were looking for a few sentences. (or vice versa). You could even use a list of acceptable lengths.

If you want a 350-word response, for example, you could ask, 

ChatGPT Prompt 

Write a 350-400-word summary of this article.

This allows the algorithm to generate a response that falls within the specified range. You can also use less precise terminology such as "short" or "long." 


Writing ChatGPT prompts is simple, but writing prompts that produce desired results requires practice, and we have provided some suggestions for better prompts with examples in this article. Some of the ways we can improve writing ChatGPT prompts are to provide an example, to be precise, to begin your prompt with action words, to provide context, to use role-playing, to use handy expressions, to define the desired formats, and to set the desired response length.

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