March 14, 2021
  • Support 4
  • Technology 2
  • Quality of offers 3
  • Reliability 1

This is a scamming company, I drove my traffic to them, as soon as it came to the payments, the conversion decreased at times, as well as blocked the account, I wrote a letter to support, they replied: "Your account is blocked - motivated traffic is forbidden in our country. Before that, their traffic was fine, but as soon as they have to pay, they did not like my traffic!!!! Do not get in touch with this "shady" company just waste time and money!

Translated from the original

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

Unfortunately, motivated registrations, made with the help of tasks, placed on busses, are not paid.
March 22, 2021, 15:20 0
Unfortunately, motivated registrations, made with the help of tasks, placed on busses, are not paid.
March 25, 2021, 18:52 0

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Buy traffic: +$50 RollPartnerkin