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All-in-One SEO and PPC Tools
for Better Marketing

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keyword rankings for free.

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Research keywords, check rankings, crawl and analyze your websites whenever and wherever. Savvy marketers, web analysts and SEO consultants, experts and novices track SEO progress with Topvisor worry-free.
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Topvisor SEO and PPC tools

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Everyone in Topvisor team has access to the Support Ticket System and can see all requests. We work together as a team to resolve the issues proactively. Contact us to learn how to get the most out of our tools, in case of any questions or just to share your ideas. We always reply quickly.

We regularly post on social media to thank our customers for brilliant ideas, check our Twitter, Facebook and Google+. You help us make our tools better.

Safe data storage


Projects, ranking history, keywords and keyword data are stored forever. We keep backups of your data on our servers to quickly restore an accidentally deleted project or a keyword.

Cloud storage.

A broken or malfunctioning PC or a lost laptop isn't a problem anymore. You can access your Topvisor data whenever you need it. Anytime. From anywhere in the world.

Topvisor API

Comprehensive solutions. Simple and handy format.

Getting started with Topvisor API is easy: create an account and read through the developer documentation. To obtain an API key, make at least 1 minimum payment.

Use API Explorer to better learn and research Topvisor API and test your requests.

Recommended by experts

Aleksandrs Buraks Head of SEO Discover Cars Topvisor is the best solution for many tasks:
- Finding opportunities by crawling Google;
- Checking algorithmic filters using Google operators for list of domains;
- Fast checking indexation;
- Tracking changes and monitoring competitors;
Basically, it is the best service for large Google parsing (100MB + csv exports).
Enstine Muki SEO blogger With over 3 flagship features, Topvisor looks at common SEO elements from perspectives that produce more results than you get elsewhere.
The pricing structure is the most flexible we have in the digital world today. You may want to pay-as-you-go. Drop funds into your account and only use them each time there is an action.
Thomas Harvey Consultant After using Topvisor for a couple of months I believe it's one of the best rank tracking tools out there. The support from the team is second to none. Very responsive to suggestions.
I use with clients of all sizes, 20,000+ keywords all the way down to 10, very affordable and well worth the money.
Ivan Braun Founder of Icons8 We've paid a lot for various SEO tools. For keyword analysis, we've found nothing close to Topvisor. First, it finds the related keywords as no one else. Second, it has an awesome clustering; the only one we can trust.
Finally, we like the Topvisor's pay-as-you-go plan. Also, we have to balance between the plan limits; they have plenty of, even for "unlimited" plans.
Kristaps Horns Director and owner at Ideaspool Topvisor has been essential for us in helping our clients to advance the Google ladder. After using Topvisor for more than a year, I can say with certainty, that it delivers business essential data fast and with precision. It has helped us to save a significant amount of money, by targeting only those keywords, that are profitable, and finding new options for better business tomorrow.
Alex Cimpoca Head of SEO at MKOR Using Topvisor is a wonderful experience for me as I don’t have to pay out monthly fees for tracking my rankings. The interface is simple and straightforward. I recommend the service for everyone who wants to see how they are doing in Google.

Choose a plan that works for you and save up to 30%

Rank tracker tool
/100 keywords
Keyword research tool
/100 keywords
Search suggestions tool
/100 keywords
Search volume tool
/100 keywords
Keyword clustering tool
/100 keywords
SEO audit tool
/100 pages
Website watcher
/100 pages
Bid manager
/1000 adjustments
pricing plan
per month
you save
$ 0
per month
Rank tracker tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.15
Keyword research tool
/100 keywords
$ 2.5
Search suggestions tool
/100 keywords
$ 1.5
Search volume tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.052
Keyword clustering tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.8
SEO audit tool
/100 pages
$ 1.5
Website watcher
/100 pages
$ 0.25
Bid manager
/1000 adjustments
$ 0.025
$ 29
per month
Rank tracker tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.135
Keyword research tool
/100 keywords
$ 2.25
Search suggestions tool
/100 keywords
$ 1.35
Search volume tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.047
Keyword clustering tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.72
SEO audit tool
/100 pages
$ 1.35
Website watcher
/100 pages
$ 0.225
Bid manager
/1000 adjustments
$ 0.0225
$ 89
per month
Rank tracker tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.1275
Keyword research tool
/100 keywords
$ 2.125
Search suggestions tool
/100 keywords
$ 1.275
Search volume tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.044
Keyword clustering tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.68
SEO audit tool
/100 pages
$ 1.275
Website watcher
/100 pages
$ 0.2125
Bid manager
/1000 adjustments
$ 0.02125
$ 299
per month
Rank tracker tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.12
Keyword research tool
/100 keywords
$ 2
Search suggestions tool
/100 keywords
$ 1.2
Search volume tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.042
Keyword clustering tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.64
SEO audit tool
/100 pages
$ 1.2
Website watcher
/100 pages
$ 0.2
Bid manager
/1000 adjustments
$ 0.02
$ 599
per month
Rank tracker tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.105
Keyword research tool
/100 keywords
$ 1.75
Search suggestions tool
/100 keywords
$ 1.05
Search volume tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.036
Keyword clustering tool
/100 keywords
$ 0.56
SEO audit tool
/100 pages
$ 1.05
Website watcher
/100 pages
$ 0.175
Bid manager
/1000 adjustments
$ 0.0175
View full pricing