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10 апреля 2023 0 448

Top 10 Affiliate Programs for YouTubers

Do you know that affiliate marketing can be applied particularly profitably to Youtube? Maybe yes but… if you have never had the opportunity to delve into this topic, it is enough to remember how affiliation  marketing  for Youtube  can simply consist in the creation of video content that contains affiliate links in the video or in the video description.

In turn,  affiliate links  are links that lead directly to a product or website, thus allowing the visitor who clicks on these links to purchase a product or subscribe to a service. For each person who makes a purchase through his affiliate link,  the affiliate will be able to earn commissions  , fixed or in percentage.

A mechanism that, apparently, may seem difficult to implement. In reality, however, it only takes a few minutes to realize that setting up affiliate links on your videos is the simplest part of the job… the hardest part will be getting your users to click on them!

But what are the  best affiliate programs for youtubers  ? We have identified 10 of them!

You moved

Movavi  is a company that produces high quality software for photographers & co. The company runs a good affiliate program with some very attractive offers for young people looking to profit from their YouTube channel, taking advantage of  40% margins accounted for within secure transactions  . Also, the fact that the software to be sold is well known and linked to a growing sector… should do the rest!

Nintendo Creators Program

As you can imagine, this Nintendo Creators Program  affiliate program  is aimed at the world of video games. The mechanism works like any other affiliate program, with a commission that Nintendo will recognize for its YouTube videos, provided they are linked to the Japanese brand. The program was originally designed for all those young people who use copyrighted Nintendo content in their videos: you can choose between registering the entire channel to the program, or just some specific videos, with a 70% share of advertising revenues for channels and 60  % for videos  .


The PointsPrizes  Affiliate Program  offers the ability to earn through a program that includes referral links at the top of video descriptions that are most relevant to your niche audience. What's different about this program? Is that instead of paying in commissions on stock purchases,  it pays for traffic  . Therefore, a mechanism that rewards not only the commercial impulse, but also the interest generated.

Sigma Beauty

If you are passionate about beauty and wellness, the  Sigma Beauty Affiliate Program  is right for you. In fact, all you have to do is sign up for the affiliate program, receive your affiliate code and read the instructions on how to maximize your income through the program. Sigma prefers that you include links in video descriptions. How much you receive depends on the type of promotional activity you intend to do, and how many products you will be able to sell.


Amazon  is the "basic" affiliate program for everyone, and therefore it can only be part of this list. Super easy to use and simple to join, requiring little to no approval. It is therefore possible to choose for yourself from the Amazon database which products to advertise in front of your users, and thus  earn up to 10% of advertising costs  . A lot of youtubers put Amazon links to benefit their niche, even without necessarily talking about the products themselves.


Target's affiliate  program  is relatively new, with  only up to 8% commission  . However, this certainly shouldn't make you despair. Considering a wide range of products and its growing popularity as a shop, it is worth signing up for their affiliate program. Additionally, Target keeps tabs on affiliate links for much longer than Amazon does, rewarding your dedication over time.


Some of the users who watch your videos are probably wondering what kind of camera equipment you use. You can take advantage of this curiosity by joining the Canon affiliate  program  , one of the leaders in the sector: even if the  commission rate is only up to 6%  , you will get full support from their advertising team and a good 30 days of tracking your links. thus making it more likely that you will actually get a commission. Additionally, the team will provide banners, text links, and other creative ways to advertise their products.


eBay is not only one of the most well-known marketplaces in the world, but also the owner of a good affiliate program, which will allow you to earn money by selecting the ads you like and sharing the related links. The  eBay Partner Program  provides link generators and more to help you optimize your affiliate links. They also provide reports and analyzes so that you can monitor how much you have actually earned and… that's not all: earning partners can  even earn more than 50% of the revenue  !


Shopify  is a well-known e-commerce platform that allows users to create their own e-commerce site and become entrepreneurs quickly and easily. By spreading the word, you can earn an average of $58 for each user who signs up using your affiliate link. Shopify provides you with 24/7 support and links to blogs, video tutorials and more to help you better explain to your audience what Shopify is and how it works.


Finally, we conclude with  Skillshare  , a platform that provides its users with high-quality video tutorials that they can then apply in real life. With Skillshare, you can earn up to $10 in commission for every new customer that signs up for a subscription or free trial, and the software that Skillshare uses will track your referrals for 30 days.

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