Product manager / Project manager / Business analyst
Евгений Роговец
Мужской, 29 лет

Product manager / Project manager / Business analyst - Маркетинг

5 000 $

Тип занятости: Любой

Место работы: Удаленно

Город: Киев

К переезду Готов(а), к командировкам Готов(а)

Общий опыт работы - 6 лет 11 мес.
апр. 2018 - по настоящее время


Technical product manager

Проработка и утверждение всей стратегии развития,
Организация сотрудничества между отделами,
Разработка и управление планами,
Разработка бизнес-процессов в работе над продуктом,
Работа над общим бюджетом продуктов и отделов


продвижение проектов

разработка тз

управление продуктами

стратегическое планирование

оптимизация бизнес-процессов

Образование: Магистр


Компьютерных наук и технологий

Инженерия программного обеспечения

О себе

I am a manager with a technical background focused on business results, with more than 5 years of experience. During my managerial experience, I worked with businesses of different scales, from small businesses (10-15 people) to enterprise companies (banks, agricultural holdings). For these 5 years, I have worked with desktop application development projects, web development, mobile application development, SaaS systems, product implementation, improvement, and reorganization of business processes projects.

I combine tech skills with Agile (Scrum, Kanban, SAFe) experience and analytical abilities to evolve each product strategy. Worked in healthcare, banking, government, eCommerce projects.

My strengths are finding and making decisions in the face of uncertainty, and the ability to quickly understand subject areas and issues.

I am interested in working on complex projects of large products and systems in order to develop myself and be useful to the business.

Владение языками

русский - Родной

английский - C2 - в совершенстве