Фронтенд разработчик
Владимир Поротников
Мужской, 20 лет

Фронтенд разработчик - Разработка

3 000 $

Тип занятости: Полный

Место работы: Удаленно

Город: Бангкок

К переезду Готов(а), к командировкам Готов(а)

Общий опыт работы - 3 года
марта 2022 - по настоящее время


Frontend Web Developer

Leaded whole proccess migrating frontend tech stac,
Accompanied SSOT transition from state managers,
Staged a genocide of legacy tools,
Huge contribution to our UI library,
Many other things which vary a lot during 3 years

О себе

I am in Frontend development for about 3 years. My favorite tools for web development are Svelte, Typescript and GraphQL. I also prefer more native code (cannot fully enjoy preprocessors and sugar languages). I easily build web applications using not only Svelte but also Vue.js (or even Nuxt.js). I really do enjoy working on accessibility, keeping up with latest web standards and practicing them. Of course all of this wrapped in enjoyable environment (VCS, tests, documentation or agreements).
From not mentioned above I also use or had experienced with:
Vite, Rollup, Webpack and other building tools
PostCSS, Handlebars, Lodash and other common libraries & tools
Stylus, CoffeeScript, Pug and other additional languages
Other not so really important skills but also worthy of mention:
Linux (Arch, Void), Python (Flask), Regex, SVG, BEM.
Also I speak English at the upper-intermediate level and know it good enough to use on the technical side and daily communication.
My goal – develop both beautiful and user-friendly interfaces in a friendly team. You can contact me using the links next to text you are reading, I will answer you as soon as possible.
Near future I want to raise my architecture skills and deep dive into typescript. Also want to learn WASM & web components soon.

Владение языками

Русский - Родной

Английский - C1 - продвинутый