January 13, 2022 2599

7 Best Affiliate Marketing Forums in 2025

For an affiliate marketer, it is crucial to have a connection with other people who do affiliate marketing. There are many ways to contact other affiliate marketers. Social media is one of them. Places such as Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media can provide you the opportunity to get in touch with some other affiliate marketers. One place that allows you to get in contact with other people is online forums.

For affiliate marketers, forums are valuable because an affiliate marketer needs to contact other affiliate marketers and constantly learn from others. In this article, we will be showing you some of the best forums for affiliate marketers. Some of them are pretty active nowadays, and some have long been there.

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Stack That Money (STM Forum)

Stack That Money is also another paid forum that is incredibly useful.

STM might be the most famous forum that we have right now, if not, it is definitely among the bests, and one of the most competitive ones. The Stack That Money forum itself claims to be the number one affiliate marketing community right now.  

The price of their plan and the cost for you to join their community is $99 per month. When you are a subscriber of their community, you will be having access to one of the best courses available for affiliate marketing. There will also be a lot of super affiliates to help you with your journey to becoming a successful affiliate. The forum is very active and updated. If you are a member of them, you will never be outdated in terms of methods for doing affiliate marketing.

There are always people who will answer your questions quickly. The moderators of the Stack That Money forum are also very knowledgeable when it comes to affiliate marketing. They will provide you with a lot of tips and knowledge that will guarantee a successful road for your business.

Stack That Money has a very comprehensive and inclusive list of subjects and niches that you can browse, especially if you become a paid member on their website.

Link: https://stmforum.com


AffLift is a different type of forum. Instead of a place for discussion, AffLift aims for high-quality educational content. The founder of AffLift is Luke Kling. Luke Kling is a famous affiliate marketer and an affiliate marketing expert. There is a lot of content available for people who are new to the world of affiliate marketing.

There is both free content and premium content available. The free guides and content are good, but if you pay $20 per month, you can access a lot of in-depth content worth gold. You can also get a 20% to 25% discount when you shift to a premium membership during a promotional period. The free content is good, but we believe the paid plan is worth paying. You can even get a lifetime subscription for $350.

With the premium plan, you will have a lot of beneficial programs such as guides, walk-throughs, or threads that you can follow along. You will be having access to the forum, and they will keep you engaged in their community. Besides the forum, you will also have access to some of the affiliate marketing experts. The picture below will showcase some of the affiliate marketing experts, including Luke Kling himself.

AffLift is one of the forums we highly recommend to people who are new to affiliate marketing and want to learn their way through the top in a short time. You can learn a lot and make a lot of valuable connections.

AffLift also has a chat section that registered members can use to talk to other affiliates directly without any waste of time. You can even become an affiliate coach on AffLift.

Link: https://afflift.com

Warrior Forum

One of the most exclusive forums that we are going to be talking about is the Warrior Forum. If you have been doing affiliate marketing long enough, then you have probably heard the name of this forum. Warrior Forum is one of the most successful forums that we have on our list. Their Alexa ranking is about 2 500, and it is remarkably famous. You can find all the things about online affiliate marketing in the Warrior Forum, from strategy and fundamental things to very complicated subjects of online affiliate marketing.

The Warrior Forum is a very old forum, and some of its users are people who have been posting on this forum for 10 years. Warrior Forum is very active in terms of answering your questions and complications.

You can also host your own offers on Warrior Forum. This means that Warrior Forum allows you to promote your affiliate offers easily through the specified forums.

Link: https://www.warriorforum.com


Similar to Warrior Forum, SitePoint is another well-known forum for affiliate marketers. With their Alexa ranking being around 7 100, SitePoint is one of the best forums you can find about online affiliate marketing. There are a lot of topics in the SitePoint forum. There are topics about web development, UI designing, programming, and of course, marketing. Right now, there are around 9 000 topics available for marketing on SitePoint. There are many active users, and as you can see in the picture below, there are a lot of replies to each topic of discussion. So, if you ask a question in this forum, you can be sure that there are users who will answer you.

One important thing to keep in mind is that SitePoint is very helpful in the niche of programming and designing, while the other forums on our list are not. This forum is specialized in the development side of affiliate marketing.

Link: https://www.sitepoint.com/community

Affiliate Fix

Affiliate Fix is another free forum that you can join. They are very popular, and they started their forum in 2010, so there are some experienced users. The forum, signing in, and posting is free in the Affiliate Fix forum. You can get a paid subscription for around $60 a month. The paid subscription allows you to post links and pictures in your forum posts. Affiliate Fix sure has a lot of users, both newbies, and experienced affiliate marketers, who visit this forum from time to time. This forum used to have a lot of activities and active users, but the number of activities has been slowly going down. You can still visit their topics, read them and add to your knowledge. You can even post your problems, and there is a tiny chance that someone might answer you.

Affiliate Fix has an advanced search tool that allows you to quickly navigate to the thread where you can find the answers to your exact question. Affiliate Fix also has a kit for affiliate marketers that explains everything from Geo-redirection to Landing page creation. This service is called AffKit.

Link: https://www.affiliatefix.com

Black Hat World

This other forum is an interesting one. You might have heard the name black hat before. If not, in the computer world, a black hat is a person who maliciously gets to his goal. It might be against the privacy policy of a place to do these tricks. Still, the Black Hat World forum is a place to talk about strategies and ways you can use in affiliate marketing that are not allowed in most networks.

Usually, people do not recommend such a way to achieve a goal. Everybody recommends a safe way that will help the community to become a better place for everyone. There are still some people that prefer to use harmful ways so they can reach their goal faster than others. Most of the content you see on Black Hat World is about SEO. You can still talk about anything on this forum and ask about anything. Also, we need to mention that not everything on this forum is illegal. Users can still talk about online affiliate marketing in general.

The community is active and you can ask other people about anything about online affiliate marketing, whether it is a legal or illegal activity.

Link: https://www.blackhatworld.com


WickedFire is an old forum that used to be one of the best forums for affiliate marketing. Right now, it might not be the best one, but it still holds some values from its old days. WickedFire is also free, and you can start using it right after signing up for their website. There are many different types of subjects on WickedFire about affiliate marketing. Most of the content you may see on their forum is related to SEO (search engine optimization) and web development, but you can still find most of the things you are looking for in this forum.

Sadly, the WickedFire forum is not active like it used to be in the old days. Ever since competitors try to compete over which one is the best community for affiliate marketing, WickedFire has lost most of its activities. This does not mean that WickedFire is not worth signing up for. There are still a small number of active users there, and there are useful pieces of information from the best. The cost of joining their community is also zero so, there would not be much to lose.

WickedFire is one of the only forums that includes a list of topics for complete newbies in this niche. There are lists of How-to threads and Ad Networks and SEO strategies.

Link: https://www.wickedfire.com


Surely there are a lot of options to choose from. We included the best of the best for you in this article, and you can choose which one you want to join. Some of these articles will not be free to join, but we highly recommend them. We can arguably say that the ones that use paid plans such as AffLift and STM forum are better if you are willing to spend a little bit of money and invest it on your affiliate marketing journey.

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