20+ TOP Dating Affiliate Programs — Best Highest Paying Dating Networks of 2025 for Money Making

There is one questionable opinion that the dating vertical has died. But is it true? We believe that dating is one of the giant markets, with lots of possibilities to earn.

Dating sites are becoming an increasingly popular meeting place for people. Nowadays, it’s much easier to find new partners via the Internet, and only after that arrange a date — or not going anywhere, but enjoy an online meeting.

Using dating sites you can not only improve your personal life but also make good money. One of the most popular niches in traffic arbitration is dating. In the article, we will tell you what dating affiliate programs are, how you can earn in them, and which platforms will be the most profitable in 2021.

What Are Dating Site Affiliate Programs

Even in such an unstable time, there is something that remains unchanged. What will people always want? Eat, lose weight, have fun, and most importantly for us, to be together with significant other, or just have sex. Therefore, the popularity of dating sites will never fall. Let's figure out how to monetize the human need for intimacy.

Dating sites are portals that help you find someone for personal relationships. They usually offer paid services to their members. In addition, dating sites work as advertising platforms.

Today in the world there are more than 8 000 online dating services, and every year their number only grows. The demand for dating sites has always been quite high. Now almost half of the Internet users are single, and according to forecasts, by 2021, 20% of them will use online dating services, which will increase the market turnover to $12 billion.

Dating is a profitable niche on the Internet. The owners of such portals make a profit by providing their users with additional services, such as VIP-accounts, gifts, translations from other foreign languages, the ability to add additional photos, etc.

There are two types of dating affiliate programs:

  1. Working on CPL model — payment for each person who clicked on and registered by your link.
  2. CPA model — commissions from the amounts spent by your invitees. A person who clicks on your link will definitely have to pay for something, and you will get a percentage from this.

If you create an interesting website, fill it with good content and links from affiliate programs of dating sites, then this will be the easiest way to make money on the site. Affiliate programs of dating sites, as a rule, are best suited for entertainment sites. For example, movie sites or gaming sites.

Affiliate dating programs can be Mainstream and Adult.

Mainstream is a regular type of dating website. It offers to refer to dating websites/apps, where people try to find their match based on common interests. For example, Tinder, or Tindog, a very niched dating site for dog lovers. Or, it can be video chats in which you can contact a random person anywhere in the world. Or serious dating portals created so that users can find a husband or wife.

Adult affiliate programs are programs in which you need to attract users to resources of category 18+. Often these are portals for sex dating in a particular city or country.

Usually, adult dating offers have a higher payment than mainstream. And it’s one of the most profitable niches in affiliate marketing.

As a rule, using dating sites for girls is completely free. Men on dating sites are more active and willing to spend money for successful dating. For them, the site provides various paid services. Therefore, the direction of affiliate dating programs is almost always focused on attracting a male audience.

The Advantages of Working with Dating Programs

  1. Almost all traffic sources are allowed in dating. Usually, affiliate programs accept any traffic, except motivated and bots.
  2. Traffic from any device is successfully converted. This greatly simplifies the work for beginners who are just starting to learn affiliate marketing.
  3. Universality – the vertical is suitable for almost all geo and target audience.
  4. High demand. There is always a huge amount of people who want to meet new partners through the Internet.
  5. Dating offers work very well with almost all sources, except social networks (Facebook, Instagram) that don’t welcome both mainstream and even much less adult ads.

Who Uses Dating Sites

The target audience in this direction is extremely vast. It can be men and women, people of different sexual orientations and different ages, single and married.

As you can see, it will be difficult to determine the target audience for CA, but we will tell you how to do it. So, the entire audience of dating offers can be divided into several categories:

  1. Teens and young people who are looking for new acquaintances on the Internet.
  2. Introverts of any age who spend a lot of time at home and just look for interlocutors.
  3. People of any age who are looking for short-term and long-term intimate relationships.
  4. Businessmen, workaholics, and just busy people who do not have time to find a soul mate. Often these people are looking for short-term paid communication.
  5. People who are looking for sponsors.
  6. Gays who do not want to talk openly about their sexual preferences.
  7. Perverts. No comments.

Each audience prefers different sites and applications for communication. Each audience needs its own creatives and enticing slogans.

Payout Models

Affiliate marketing is the field of dating that is not much different from working in other niches. Your goal is to buy traffic as cheaply as possible and get as much money as possible as a reward from the advertiser. But dating has its certain specifics when it comes to payouts.

The user conversion flow is simple — registration, completing the profile, becoming the paying member.

Let’s talk about payout options: CPL (cost-per-lead) or PPL — model based on lead generation. It can be Single Opt-In (SOI) and Double Opt-In (DOI).

SOI (Single Opt-In) is the easiest way. You are paid for every user that fills the registration form. This model brings some risk because it’s too easy to make an error while filling out a form. Furthermore, SOI-model doesn’t offer high payouts.

But offers have high CR, and this model allows you to split-test different images and landers with a limited budget.

The DOI model (Double Opt-In) requires a user to perform one more action. For example, not only fill the e-mail but verify it. Or create a profile, or upload the photo. This option is more difficult, but the payouts are higher.

Revshare — you get a certain percentage when a person purchases the membership.

PPS (pay-per-sale) — you get a flat rate for each paid member you bring to the site/app. Payouts range from $20 to $100+ and depend on geo and the dating site.

Which model should you choose? Test each one, and you’ll know. With a limited budget, try CPL, SOI – they are the easiest to test and optimize. What about Revshare, you should be patient and willing to invest in testing campaigns for several months.

Payments may vary significantly depending on the GEO – because of the different income levels of people and their willingness to spend money. For example, residents of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Canada, and France are considered the highest-paid users. For them, the payout is almost 5 times more than for a user from the Russian Federation.

What is Better — CPS or CPA Model

We think that is definitely a CPA. It’s hard to control for the whole sales funnel in dating. Yes, on traffic sources you pay for impressions, but with the CPS model, you depend on the quality of the product.

CPS could be a great option if you really know the advertiser’s flow, their ability to monetize their users, and the quality of your traffic is good.

Some Tips while Promoting Dating Offers

  1. Choose geo carefully. There are a lot of available GEO's and you will be tempted to start with top tiers, like the USA and the UK right away. Yes, the payouts are bigger, but too high competition can really spoil the game. It would be much wiser to start with less competitive places (e.g. Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Russia) and master it.
  2. Again, keep in mind that social media has lots of restrictions on the promotion of dating offers.
  3. Analyze your stats regularly. Testing and optimization should become your routine.
  4. Keep in contact with your affiliate manager. The payments, the best offers, some special hints, tips on how to increase conversion rates in their hands, remember it.

How to Choose the Perfect Offer

Suppose you find a couple of good offers. But how do you know which one is better? To make the right choice, you should check:

  1. The popularity of the site. Popular sites that everyone knows about are not the best option. Everyone knows them already, there is advertising in various sources, hundreds of webmasters are already working there. On the other hand, a poorly recognizable platform is also not very good. If the site was created only recently, and it is in the process of promotion, you can try. If it has existed for a long time but hasn’t scored the right audience, is it worth taking it at all? We think that is unlikely.
  2. How is it easy to register? On some sites you can register in 10 seconds, just log in through one of the proposed social networks. On the other hand, people need to enter a lot of data, confirm the registration via mail and mobile phone. Although, for a larger number of actions made by the user, a larger payout is supposed.
  3. The dating categories. A service may contain such parameters: type of meetings (friendship, intimacy, long-term relationship, search for a sponsor), age, religion, social status. See which category has more users and which, on the contrary, has less. Try to concentrate on one group and focus on it when creating creatives, for example: "Want to find a wealthy man from France? That way!" or "Quick dating for one night. Come in!" Do not work with all categories of users. Determine which is more interesting to you, and work with it.
  4. The convenience of the interface. Before the tests, register yourself on the site and see how it works. If you can freely search for people, write to them and share files, the audience will have no problems using the site. If even small actions require payment, then this should stop you. The simpler and more accessible the site’s functionality, the easier it will be to work with the offer.
  5. Anonymity. Many do not want to post personal data on the Internet, so they use fake accounts and blank pages. If the system refuses to register such profiles, problems may arise.
  6. Cost of services. If you need to pay before getting the access, sending people there will be awful. Just think: why pay for what you can get absolutely free on dozens of other sites? If they have a subscription, you need to clearly understand what a person needs to pay for. If the site has obvious advantages that other services do not have, tell about them. Make clear in your ads why this particular site is worth attention.
  7. The credit card information. Some services have such a requirement – and it makes many people leave the site immediately.
  8. The minimum age specified in the conditions of the affiliate program: 18+, 21+, 35+. If a user who registers an age below the allowed value is registered on your link, the conversion will not be counted.
  9. Are there any reviews? Reputation matters. How secure is the personal information of users? Did any troubles happen? If there are no bad reviews, this is a good sign.

How to Promote Mainstream Dating Offers

By mainstream dating offers, we mean ordinary dating sites known to everyone. There is nothing forbidden in such offers. Where to promote them:

  • Social networks. A great tool for promoting dating affiliates. There is no need to invent and refine something, just make good pictures. Indicate age, gender, GEO, and do not forget to indicate marital status.
  • Targeting. Dating offers work best in Tier-1 and Tier-2 countries. Do tests on male and female audiences, experiment with age, GEO, interests.
  • Push ads. They show excellent results both in tests and directly in practice.

Landing pages. Traffic can be sent to the advertiser's direct link or to your own landing page. Landing page quality is half the success. Even if the product is really interesting to the user, there will be no sales without a good wrapper. You should not rely on one landing page either, as you can’t do without tests. Create several landing pages and look at the quality of traffic. One of the most important things is how many fields a person needs to fill in to receive the desired product. If there are only a few fields — good, but too many — bad. People are not happy to share personal information. What about adding polls, do not make them mandatory. People come for a service, not for answering questions.

How to Promote Adult Dating Offers

Social networks immediately reject any ads related to the adult sphere. Ways to promote such offers:

  1. Online games. There are many applications for adults in which you can add any kind of advertisement (without porn, erotic, or shock content). You can contact the owners of the application directly or go to special portals where developers and advertisers find each other.
  2. Sites for adults. It can be sex shops, porn sites, information resources on the topic of sex, various forums.
  3. Translation studios and film dubbing. Amateur dubbing studios that work with unpopular and little-known films are happy to take such orders. For a small fee, they will advertise any product, leaving a referral link in the comments. The advertisement itself will appear as a voice message several times throughout the film.
  4. Webcam chats. You can contact models directly to order advertising: specify a promotional code, invite new models to chat rooms through a referral link, receive payments for the users listed.

Gay Dating

The evolution of gay dating has gone a long way from ads in newspapers and magazines to dating sites and mobile apps. A niche is growing in quantity, revenue, and traffic volumes. Here you can find not only a narrowly targeted audience but also traffic from top countries.

The growth of new LGBT users in online dating applications is more than 50% higher than casual dating. A survey of application users in the United States in 2019 showed that LGBT minorities use dating platforms 2 times more often (55%) to find a partner than 28% heterosexuals.

According to LovePlanet statistics, users of gay applications are more loyal and motivated to find a partner, which means that the success of such apps is much higher.

Some affiliate networks have special offers for gay traffic. For example, in iMonetizeIt for gay dating, there are a lot of possibilities: "Smart" traffic, top GEO, and high payouts. Niche dating is the most relevant direction for those who are looking for something new and profitable.

How to Make Money with Online Dating Offers

One of the great ways to get profit through affiliate marketing is with online dating offers. You need just refer a new user to a dating site and get payment of around $1–$4 for each valid signup. As we said before, most dating sites are free to join and there are many of them to choose from.

But what about those people who are married or in relationships already? You should play around with your ad campaigns and test out dating and relationships on a CPS basis as well.

Just take a look at how many times people type the word "relationship" in Google.

People are searching for various terms relating to relationship problems, marriage counseling, love advice, etc. So, you need to give them an answer to their questions and suggest a solution to their problems.

Try some ClickBank offers, foк example, "Magic Relationship Words", or "Modern Love-Dating And Relationship". After choosing a program, you need to decide on how you want to promote it: Content Site, Facebook Targeting, Pay Per Click Marketing, or Media Buying.

Whatever you choose, it’s all about testing and seeing what is best. If you are looking at a $30 commission per sale, you need to convert 1 out of every 60 visitors into a sale to make a profit. The main thing is to get the right traffic and maximize your click-through rates to lower your costs.

It’s simply a numbers game as usual in affiliate marketing. One sale per day on an offer like the one above could result in $900 per month. To multiply the profit, build a campaign, and keep split testing until it’s more and more profitable.


We believe that among all verticals, dating still occupies a leading position. And there is a very simple reason for this. In a world where everything can be obtained for free, selling content to users is not easy. That's why it is so hard to convince visitors to porn sites to purchase a subscription to any resource.

But in the case of dating, things are completely different. Downloading relationships, including sexual, is simply impossible. Such things cannot be recorded, and then broadcast for free on the Internet. For the same reason, live chats (webcams) are also very popular.