20+ TOP Bitcoin Affiliate Programs — Best Crypto Affiliate Programs of 2025 for Online Money Making

Since 2010 people have been mining, exchanging, and purchasing Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. The crypto-market witnessed an abrupt jump in 2017 and a slight drop in 2018. Nevertheless, the market overall seems to be quite stable. The global hype around blockchain technology and new emerging virtual currencies plays into the hands of digital marketers. Many people get curious about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, so they surf all around nosing for news. Apparently, you’ve noticed a vast number of search requests for crypto-services, crypto-wallets, crypto-exchanges, etc. Obviously, we witness the lack of informative, high-quality content.

Crypto-market is still considered as a new vertical for affiliate marketing, and in this sense it isn’t as crowded as Nutra, e-commerce, adult and some other verticals.

The rise of the popularity of cryptocurrencies resulted in the emerging infrastructure of mining, storing, and exchanging Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Webmasters and marketers can use this trending vertical for earning on crypto-audience. Bitcoin and other crypto affiliate programs represent a very palatable option of getting passive income (occasionally, even a lifetime income).

It is trendy and profitable; better still, cryptocurrencies are more reputable than Forex, gambling, and some other profitable verticals. Besides, a wide array of terms related to mining, storage, and exchange of cryptocurrencies, names of continuously emerging forks, and alternative currencies allows collecting a great number of keywords for the promotion of your own website or a traffic purchase. Sometimes Forex and binary offers are referred also to as crypto trading offers because many brokers added cryptocurrencies to their lists of tradable assets. One more popular sub-vertical is crypto gambling.

We’ll not chew over the system and key principles of affiliate marketing because we genuinely believe that you’ve read our previous articles and got familiar with the topic. It is worth mentioning that it’s a win-win strategy. Let’s go straight to the point.


Let’s state the obvious: crypto-audience (those who indeed are ready to invest in crypto) is actually small. Only a small segment is interested in seeing crypto-related ads. The targeted audience is characterized by a deeper understanding of the blockchain technology and financial markets, so, you have to invest the effort to understand the cryptocurrency market and its trends to make your marketing campaigns efficient and profitable.  

Therefore, reaching this audience is a rather challenging mission for webmasters and marketers. At the same time, it is a rewarding task as well. Talking about crypto traffic we have to mention the specifics of crypto-proficient audience, which includes crypto-miners, crypto-architects, crypto-traders, etc. Huh, the term "crypto" will be all-around this post. As practice shows, the targeted audience for the crypto vertical is represented primarily by men, 21-27 years old, interested in online money-making and investments.  

In fact, there are more than 1 300 cryptocurrencies traded on numerous exchanges all over the world. Hand on heart, the reputation of some exchanges is questionable mainly owing to security and fraud issues. That being said, choose a crypto network and crypto offers carefully, study thoroughly details of the offer and customer reviews, particularly in terms of payouts.  As for commission payments, usually, they are paid in cryptocurrencies (in Bitcoins for most Bitcoin affiliate offers) or fiat currencies (mainly in USD via PayPal or wire transfer).

There are two major types of companies that need more clients:

  1. Hosting providers and owners of all kinds of infrastructures ready for cloud-mining of cryptocurrencies.
  2. Bitcoin (and other crypto-) exchanges. Besides exchange services, crypto-exchanges often offer web-wallet services too. These platforms earn on trading and exchange differences.

How to work with partnership programs of Bitcoin exchanges:

  • Directly. Register and join a referral program.
  • Select an offer from one of the numerous CPA networks.

Crypto affiliate programs might work even with beginners. Even though you don’t feel at home with SEO, you can create a blog on WordPress with a couple of high-grade reviews or articles and start monetizing it. In fact, some websites with shady content yield a return. Here is an example of a website with generated and unreadable content (but related to the crypto topic) that gets pretty impressive traffic.

ICO Offers

ICO stands for "Initial Coin Offerings". Marketing experts noticed impressive results in 2017 with ROI for ICO 1 300%. Another option for affiliates is cloud mining. Whereas traditional mining demands technical knowledge, expensive hardware and research, as well as premises for storing the equipment and funds to cover electricity bills, cloud mining streamlines the entire process. In this case, the cloud mining company is responsible for storing and maintaining the hardware, users just purchase mining shares (aka contracts).

As a result, mined cryptocurrencies are divided among users by their shares. Over time many cloud mining companies earned the trust and a great reputation. Some of them have well-established affiliate programs with revenue share commissions. Currently, we deal with a still new, emerging vertical. You can read reviews about specific companies, platforms, and offers on resources like Bitcointalk.


One of the key aspects of affiliate marketing is a traffic source. Generally accepted opinion is that crypto-traffic is quite expensive. We can’t but disagree. As a marketer you may use almost all the same traffic sources as for any other vertical. Typically, companies accept any traffic for their mining and Bitcoin offers. However, ads with direct brand promotion are often prohibited. Facebook has banned crypto-ads, so you may get traffic from this platform only by spamming or publishing promo-posts through direct agreements with groups’ admins. Perhaps, Facebook is the only exception.

Educational websites, YouTube channels, and blogs (with a focus on detailed reviews and first-hand experience) work pretty well.

YouTube is a stockpot of traffic. Being a second search engine, it provides numerous opportunities to get high-quality crypto traffic. You can consider the idea of opening a new channel with a focus on cryptocurrencies, their mining, and exchange to get traffic. It sounds pretty easy, but to drive a decent volume of traffic to the affiliate program you’ll need high-quality video content: educational and explanatory materials, streaming (in case of crypto-gambling), video trading with screenshots (in case of trading cryptocurrencies), and so on. Let’s say, there should be at least 7-10 videos. Another option is paid ads. The YouTube ads program is not expensive and very efficient. Although, keep in mind that cryptocurrencies are still currencies, which means finances. So, before running an ad campaign, consider the economical situation in the world, recent trends, and legislation.

Organic and paid search traffic is also very efficient. Don’t forget social media marketing. Many webmasters and marketers don’t use Twitter as a major traffic source; however, it might be very functional and powerful. For example, there are crowded crypto-communities that explore, discuss and invest in the crypto-market and/or crypto-exchanges. If you aren’t convinced yet, give a look at how Paris Hilton and Floyd Mayweather promote ISOs on Twitter.

Next, Reddit is gaining its power as a high-quality traffic source. Needless to say, Redditors reject direct ads, but informative beneficial posts can be upvoted and fruitful in terms of driving traffic.

Yet another method is Push Notifications. According to many marketers, push notifications work very well for finance and tech verticals with fairly high CTR (and that’s what we need, right?) Alternatively, you can use push notifications in combo with onclick ads or retargeting.


There are two main commission models in crypto affiliate offers: CPA (cost per action) and a revenue share. Some of them offer one-time payments (when a client spends $100 worth of BTC, you receive $10-25), while others provide a lifetime commission. Therefore, commission rates are different, but usually, affiliates are paid from 20% to 50% revenue share. Additionally, you might consider that many companies offer additional bonuses and two-tier affiliate models (as a rule, you get 5-10% for a 2-tier referral). The commission is often paid in cryptocurrency.

Free tip: think out of the box and try unconventional methods to discover crypto-traffic. The combination of commitment to success, creativity in ads and persistence might bring good results in the crypto-market.

Crypto Affiliate Networks

Affiliate networks represent an easy-to-use solution for marketers – numerous affiliate offers are presented on a single platform. The most common crypto affiliate products include cryptocurrencies, crypto trading robots, and signals, crypto platforms, etc. Well-established and reputable networks provide detailed information about all offers, including company, offer duration, commission rates, payout methods, and, if there are any, additional marketing instruments and tools.

Networks can be divided into two main categories:

  1. General affiliate networks with offers in numerous verticals, including Bitcoin and crypto affiliate offers. This type of network inspires confidence in terms of legitimacy and reliability. Well-established and well-known networks usually have crypto offers. So, if you’re already registered in one of the market-leading networks, check if there is a cryptocurrency category.    
  2. Specialized crypto affiliate networks. This kind of networks are focused on all kinds of crypto-offers, therefore they put all resources in this vertical searching for more and more advertisers and various offers, such as crypto exchange, crypto mining, ICO, blockchain, etc.

As cryptocurrencies become more and more accepted, crypto affiliate programs are growing as well. Just several years ago you wouldn’t find any crypto-specialized affiliate network, while now these platforms are on the rise, continuously extending the number of advertisers. Focused on cryptocurrencies networks offer an opportunity to get some bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency in the form of commissions for the traffic. Multi-vertical (or ‘general’) affiliate networks mostly pay affiliates in traditional currencies.    

How to Make $7 355 on Crypto-Offers (GEO — Latin America)

Affiliate platform: AdCombo

Source: Megapush

Offers: Crypto Genius LATAM and Weed Millionaire ($289 for a deposit from $200)

Duration: 11/01/2018 – 03/31/2019

GEO: Latin America (Spain, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Guatemala, El Salvador)

ROI: 149%

Expenses: $4 920

Income: $12 275

Profit: $7 355

The choice of AdCombo is bound to the previous successful experience of working with this platform. GEO was selected by relatively lower competition, lower traffic prices, and rates for the deposit. First, both offers were tested in all 9 countries (only mobile traffic from the main feed). CPC fluctuated between 0,12 and 0,82 cents. The first deposit appeared after spending the first $100 on the campaign. Later, the campaign was adjusted: ads for Spain were turned off, as well as the ads for the Weed Millionaire offer. The marketer also launched campaigns for 8 countries (excluding Spain) on the desktop. Some of the creatives that were used throughout the campaign:

Ad texts were focused mainly on the ability to get rich in no time, from the first day of work; in some campaigns the emphasis was put on the fact that cryptocurrency is the destiny of the ‘elite’ and the fastest way to become rich.

The results were as follows:

Country, Clicks, Expenses, Profit, Sales

Mexico was the leading country in terms of the revenue:

Income: $5 253

Expenses: $2 524

Profit: $2 729

ROI: 108% (18 deposits).

However, Colombia demonstrated a very high ROI:

Income: $2 628

Expenses: $492

Profit: $2 136

ROI: 434% (9 deposits).

And Ecuador really amazed bringing just awesome results with ROI:

Income: $1 785

Expenses: $228

Profit: $1 557

ROI: 682% (6 deposits).

Well, ROI for Peru was 54% (4 deposits with a profit $405) and for Argentina — 37% (2 deposits, profit was only $158). El Salvador (ROI 590%, profit $254), Guatemala (ROI 191%, profit $190), and Spain (ROI 49%, profit $96) brought by 1 deposit. The only country that didn’t generate revenue and worked at a loss (losses: $164) was Chile. The final statistics: 20 000 clicks per 1 deposit and $7 355 in the account after the campaign. It was a superb result for a marketer who tested crypto-offers for the first time.

Case Study #2 from PropellerAds

Traffic: Push Notifications

Affiliate program: Aivix

Offer: Bitcoin Income

Period: December 11, 2019 - December 21, 2019

GEO: Latvia

Expenses: $219

Income: $600

Profit: $381

ROI: 174%

The new offer was provided by Aivix, but before launching an extensive campaign via Facebook, the marketer decided (very wisely!) to test whether it converts well.

The advertiser provided a high-quality prelanding that showed a story of success confirmed with reviews and payment receipts, as well as a very simple registration form. No need for any additional tuning or extra work.  

The traffic was purchased via PropellerAds, it wasn’t the first crypto-offer for the marketer, so he was aware of the crypto-traffic source.

There were 4 different campaigns based on 2 creatives (desktop and mobile versions): the title "She earned a lot of money" with the description "investing only €250 she received €1 127".

The first deposit (desktop) came after 3 registrations from mobile devices and 2 from desktop. The mobile campaign was suspended; the marketer decided to focus on the desktop.

Note: The target was to test the offer. But as a result of this testing, some money was earned.

By the way, a good result was achieved with the low activity audience. The majority of marketers avoid dealing with the "low activity", and how wrong they are!

It was difficult to scale the campaign because of the relatively small audience for the GEO. After several days the campaign was paused.

Results: 15 generated leads with 2 of them approved. It wasn’t bad at all for running quick tests.

Conclusions: do not ignore the low activity audience; don’t run tests for too long (2 000-5 000 clicks would be enough for analysis), and don’t run for tier1 GEOs (higher CPC and higher competition) when your budget is limited.