AI Meme Generators

AI meme generators

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5+ Best AI Meme Generators [2025]

In 2023, almost everything is turned into a meme. If you don't already know what a meme is, you've definitely seen them everywhere while browsing the Internet. Memes are popular photos or jokes circling around the Internet about specific topics or in response to certain events. Nowadays, memes are super famous especially when it comes to marketing and content creation.

If you are good at creating your memes, you probably don't need these AI meme generators. But if you are a beginner or if you want to create some memes for your own, AI meme generators can really come to the rescue. In this article, we will go through what AI meme generators are, how they can benefit you, how they work, and what their features are. We will also share some insight on how you can choose the best AI meme generators.

What Are AI Meme Generators

AI meme generators simply create memes. But if you are not really sure what exactly they create since memes are just simple images, you should know that creating memes requires working with certain visual and text editing software. Sometimes they even require working with video editing software. And it is not a secret to anybody that working with video editing and image editing software is quite a hassle. Plus, not everybody is into it, but everybody might want to create memes.

Even though there are many tools out there that simplify the process of creating a meme or a video, you should know that not all of these tools are optimized for creating up-to-date memes. We often see memes being created using green screens, clips that circle around the Internet, and templates that are only found on certain websites. So these AI meme generators can help you edit videos and create these memes while giving you inspiration for the recent memes trending around the planet.

With AI meme generators, you can kickstart your editing, both visual and textual, and get right in the middle of the meme community.

AI meme generators can sometimes even create images for you. Let's say you have an entirely new meme idea, but you are not a graphic designer or an illustrator. In that case, you can simply provide the AI with some references and have an entirely new funny image created. These tools might be the same as AI art generators or AI in the generators, but they are more specialized in the meme sector.

To put this all in simple terms, AI meme generators help you with the software aspect of generating memes, provide you with ideas for creating the meme, develop means right out of your own ideas, incorporate completely unique and new texts into the memes, and creating imagery and visuals for your memes from scratch. From these AI meme generators, you can even download templates and get started right away.

How Do AI Meme Generators Work

So now that you know what an AI meme generator is, you need to understand the specific way in which they work. First of all, just like any other AI tool, they receive input and give out an output. This input can be your own ideas, texts, or any random idea you ask it to generate for you. You shouldn't expect it to be too funny especially if you don't give references or context of what you mean. As a matter of fact, many of these AI meme generator tools might not be funny all on their own. So you need to provide a reference for them to create the mean for you.

Next, the tool will analyze your references, resources, clips, and imagery, and merge them together just in case you don't want to do it yourself. Then the AI will give you an output of the memes you create and you can share them with anybody you want.

Benefits of AI Meme Generators

There are many benefits to AI meme generators, especially for people who are beginners in the field. You don't only generate memes or funny texts, but you also generate entire video clips from the names or references that you've provided. In this section, we will go through some of the benefits of AI mean generators and different fields.

Help in Marketing

As mentioned before, right now the usage of memes for marketing is quite widespread. You can even see big brands like Lotus Cars or KFC in different countries use memes. This has been proven as an amazing method for marketing your product. As you can see in the screenshots below, these memes were created by marketing specialists for these companies. So, with the memes you create, you can drive lots of attention especially if they are funny, and updated, and use the latest templates for them. Keep in mind that each platform has its own pattern for the way they use memes and each platform has users that find something specific funny. So for example, if you were to market a product using memes on Twitter, you would have to focus on the type of memes those users find funny.

Providing Inspiration

Inspiration is an amazing factor in using any AI generator, not just AI meme generators. With these tools, you can generate lots of ideas and funny imagery to use in the memes you create yourself. For example, if you have no idea how a template works, you can ask the AI mean generator to generate some memes for you with that template so you can learn how the template works and you can create your own videos or memes. Take a look at the screenshot below. The mean absolutely doesn't make any sense, but it follows the template specified for that meme. This way, you can enter your own ideas and use the inspiration you drive from the AI mean generator to create your own.

Making it Easier to Create Memes without Software Knowledge

If you don't have any editing or software knowledge for creating memes, you don't have anything to worry about. There are many different tools out there that help you create memes or videos just by clicking a couple of buttons and the power of artificial intelligence. For example, as you can see in the platform below, you can simply input your own references and resources and click a couple of buttons, use preset transitions and effects, and come up with the best meme video. You don't have to know how to use Adobe premiere pro, photoshop, or any other editing software in order to make your own memes.

Saving Time

You want to make some memes, but you don't want to spend much time on them. That is understandable. With AI meme generators you can create a meme in just a matter of minutes or seconds even. Many of these tools allow you to share your images online directly from the to you generate them. So let's say you cannot paste your photos somewhere. Still, these tools allow you to copy a link and have people visit your meme directly on the link.

What Are the Features of AI Meme Generators

There are many different features in AI meme generators, but most of it just comes down to providing the AI mean generator with an idea and getting it up. Many of the features mentioned below are not available in various meme generators, but you can see them across different tools.

Generating Memes out of Ideas

The most basic feature is generating memes out of your own ideas. Do you have a funny joke to tell? You can simply tell that joke to the AI meme generator, and have it put The meme in the right template and give it out to you in the form of an image or a video.

Making Video Clips

Most themes nowadays are in video format rather than image format. Of course, it depends on the platform on which they are shared. on TikTok, you can see many memes being created in video format, and on other platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Reddit, you can see memes being created in image format. While both of them are absolutely available on different platforms, many find the video clips a much funnier and more Conversational format of memes than images.

Many of these tools provide you with all the features of a simple video editor for you to edit your materials to make a video. And some of them allow you to use the year AI to merge the resources together and put out the meme in the format of the video.

For example, if the meme you want to post has captions or subtitles, you can simply achieve this by having the AI video editor sync the caption with the voice in the video. You might have even seen the memes in the screenshot below which edit the voice and image of there are celebrities and put on a fake voice on it. With these AI meme generators, you can create such videos as well.

Exporting in Various Formats

Let's say you want to Post your videos, and you want to have a specific format ready. Many of these tools provide you with an output for free and you can share them with anybody you want.

Ability to Edit Memes

So let's say you only input an idea into the AI meme generator, and the AI meme generator outputs a meme. In many of these tools, you will also get the ability to input your own text or change some parts of the picture in the mean easily with the power of AI and simple tools. So you won't have to use an entirely different tool to edit your memes, and you can simply prepare them in the AI meme generator itself without having to use any third party application.

Ability to Import References

Sometimes you might even get to import some images or materials into the AI meme generator. Sometimes you can only input text, and that can limit your abilities. But there are more advanced tools you can use to achieve what you want.

How to Choose AI Meme Generators

So now that you know what I mean generators are, you know there are benefits, they have some idea of their features, it is probably time for you to choose one of the AI meme generators based On your purpose and needs.


While some of the AI meme generators might be free, there are many of them that actually require you to subscribe to their service before you can get the full potential out of them. In the table below, you can see some of the top AI meme generators along with their pricing for you to compare which one is more affordable for you, and what you can expect from the pricing models among these tools.

AI Meme Generator Pricing
Imgflip Free / Premium starting at $9.95 a month
Makememe Free
Super Meme Free / Premium starting at $9.99 a month
Craiyon Free / Premium starting at $5 a month
PinataFarms Free


AI meme generators are great tools for us to automate and facilitate the generation of memes, and get more people into generating and editing memes. This is especially for people who don't have any prior knowledge of video editing and image editing software and don't know how memes work. So if you are a beginner, and you really want to create and edit your own memes and get all the attention online, you can definitely get started with AI meme generators and follow the tips and information shared with you in this article to guide you along the way.