

Insurance affiliate marketing generates leads from a third-party website, operated by a webmaster for an insurance company. The affiliates, in turn, earn a handsome amount whenever they send in a referral, or they take a percentage of the total sales.

10+ TOP Insurance Affiliate Programs — Best Insurance Affiliate Programs of 2024 For Online Money Making

Affiliate marketing has always been the talk of the town for multiple reasons. Where a portion of people is actually in favor of it, others oppose it. However, it is an excellent way to earn cash while working for yourself, depending on the niche.

One of such golden niches is Insurance affiliate marketing. It promises you a secure job along with the global scope, pretty much two of the most important things that we look for in a job. Several people are making money online through affiliate links. If you keep on reading, we will discuss such a case, as well as figures.

Many insurance companies are always on the look-out for webmasters, who can help them achieve their target sales, and increase their reach.

What Is Insurance Affiliate Marketing

Insurance affiliate marketing generates leads from a third-party website, operated by a webmaster for an insurance company. The affiliates, in turn, earn a handsome amount whenever they send in a referral, or they take a percentage of the total sales.

There are a lot of ways to go about it. You start from selecting a niche and then work your way up from there. If you stick long enough, you will have ample information, allowing you to start your business without a glitch!

Types Of Affiliate Insurance Marketing

One of the best things about insurance affiliate marketing is the fact that there are so many options to choose from. Listed below are just some of the options that you can use.

  • Auto-mobile and vehicle insurance affiliate program
  • Property insurance affiliate programs
  • Health insurance affiliate programs
  • Pet insurance affiliate program
  • Travel insurance affiliate programs
  • Dental insurance affiliate programs
  • Life insurance affiliate programs
  • Identity theft affiliate programs
  • Small business affiliate programs
  • Accident affiliate programs
  • Critical illness affiliate programs

It might seem that some of these industries might not be as good in terms of making money as the others, but it is not true. This is because many people believe that healthcare insurance is the only option in the market.

Healthcare and life insurance are most definitely the most valued at 977 billion dollars and 804 billion dollars in the US respectively, but it is not the only one. Auto insurance follows close by 208 billion dollars and is mandatory in 49 states.

Let’s talk about travel insurance. Even though it is perceived that not many people are interested in it, it is still a 3 billion dollar industry in the United States of America alone.

These numbers are enough to show you that each industry is equally important, and there is a lot of scope in terms of both money and professional growth in the insurance industry.

It will serve you best if you shortlist the niche you are most interested in and break it down further to find your true calling. While looking for your true calling, you must always research the market, and figure out what they want before jumping into it.

Why Should I Go for Insurance Affiliate Marketing

The international insurance market is a trillion-dollar industry, if that isn’t enough, then we have a lot more reasons for you.

Think of it this way, whenever a house or a car gets sold, one insurance gets sold as well. This essentially means that an average human is always on the lookout for one or the other kind of insurance.

Another reason for stepping in this niche is the variety. There are trillions of options for you to dive into, you can go for medical insurance or travel insurance, among many others.

You can also cash in on the fact that selecting the right coverage is incredibly hard for some insurance buyers. This is why it is safe to assume that every company always tries to give its one hundred percent.

This leads to competition between organizations and naturally, they turn to their best resource for business. This is where you get the chance to make money out of it. Many insurance providers are ready to pay a huge sum for your services if you can produce high-quality and qualified leads that will give them their business for a long time.

We are attaching a few reports in the second last heading of some famous providers who pay a handsome amount to affiliates each month. Maybe you can be one of the affiliates next month.

What Is The Market Looking for

The graph is a clear representation of the search volume in the insurance market. Whereas health insurance is at the top, auto insurance is following close behind. However, as we mentioned above it is mandatory in 49 states, so it is not a surprise.

We would suggest you try auto insurance if you are in any one of those states.

Travel and real estate insurance are not doing too bad either. They both have a massive scope, as people become increasingly aware and turn to providers as soon as they book flights.

Another way to search for market trends is by looking at the keywords. If have been living under a rock for the past decade, allow us to brush up on your vocabulary.

Keywords are the words that people write in the bar of search engines. These words are the single most important factor to decide what the audience is looking for. Your website is completely dependent on the clients that you attract towards yourself, therefore, you need to keep their needs first.

Let us take a look at what these keywords are. But we must put up a fair disclaimer here, even though we did the work for you and extracted a list of keywords. It is crucial to carry out proper research and find out what works best for you.

Keyword Analysis

So a quick Google search helped us find some of the most popular insurance keywords right now. The numbers are huge and need no explanation. It is safe to say that there is a huge margin for growth in the insurance affiliate marketing industry.

However, one thing that surprises us here is the fact that vehicle or automobile insurance has taken over the health insurance industry. This is a really good place to start if you want something with less competition and more profit.

Judging by the search volume people are also quite interested in real estate.

You can further break down the keywords and then search for them according to the niche as well. It is quite beneficial to look for keywords that are sub-niche-specific.

The locality also plays a huge role in keywords. Sometimes, affiliates are more comfortable with starting low and then climbing their way up. This essentially means that you must keep your geographical location in mind.

Many people search for "insurance near me", such keywords are really important if you plan on working for a smaller audience group first. This would allow you to curate a close-knit client base and grow from the referrals.

What Type of Programs Are Available in the Market

To be honest, this is one of the biggest factors to keep in mind while selecting a niche. There is no point in going for something which has zero market value and no programs to deal with. After you search the high volume keywords, it is time to look for offers.

Most of the programs that are available in the market today are lead generation dependent. This entails that you would only get paid when someone asks for a quote through your reference. As soon as the customer generates a quote request, you get your percentage of profit.

One of the best things about this approach is the fact that you don’t have to wait for sales. It is alright even if no purchases anything through you. You will still get your share based on a quote. However, this does have one small disadvantage.

This approach only enables you to earn a flat fee that both the parties sign on in the starting, and you won’t get a part of the sale.

The best way to tackle the situation here is to be very smart. Design your website in a way that people are compelled to click on the links. Make an offer that users cannot refuse. This helps in generating a massive amount of traffic, and, in turn, you make a good sum at the end of each month.

How To Generate Traffic


One of the easiest ways of generating traffic is using Google paid advertisements. Google receives over 6.5 billion searches each day, making it your best bet to generate organic traffic. You can, of course, try and score a top position without payments as well, but it won’t allow you to be number one.

Google has a separate place for all paid advertisements. One thing to keep in mind while playing with Google is its rules. You don’t want to defy Google at any time of your career. If you want to place your ads, we suggest you read and educate yourself on their policies regarding insurance advertisements.

It is also important to track your keywords and conversions closely so that you are not blindsided by users who visit your web pages. Google has several customization options that you can use to make search work better.

Bid on keywords that are of real value to you and are generic. There is no point in paying for “insurance for health and medical fields for students who live in Colorado”. There are two main reasons here, for starters no one searches like this, and secondly, it is not recommended to use keywords with more than three or four words.

Keywords such as "best automobile insurance" are a smart bet. One can imagine that Google will link pages with ranking orders, and the cost per click will be quite high. I checked out this keyword, and the result is in the screenshot below.

It is all a game of probability, you need to calculate your profit margins before making a decision. We suggest that you enroll in a course, which helps you learn all such concepts.

How Much Money Can I Make in Insurance Affiliate Marketing

There is honestly no concrete answer to this. But one thing is for sure, you can make billions off this. The actual amount depends upon the number of programs you work for, your hard work, determination, and persistence.

However, we do have many real-life examples that will show you how much current affiliates are earning.

GoCompare UK is an insurance affiliate website based out of London. They are extremely efficient in their work, and they have a large number of companies on board. They are quite well known around the area, and their SEO strategy is on-point.

In 2015, they made over 25 million dollars in profit, and since then they have only gone up. Not one year went by when they faced a loss.

So what do they do? The folks behind the company are very smart. They have a website that crawls the internet and helps their users find the best deal based on their input data. It is a very technical affiliate website that generates a certain amount of profit on every new client referral.

If you think that this is just one example. Then we have a whole list of websites that are doing the same all over the world and earning in millions.

Another amazing example is The Zebra, they are a US-based website, which deals with auto insurance. They have over 200 clients listed on their website, and they also work on the comparison system. The Zebra is an amazing website, and they recently bagged funding of 17 million dollars from investors such as Mark Cuban.

Even though both of these websites are operating on a higher level, which is not accessible for beginners. It is important to remember that they were also on the same spot as you are right now. They were just starting, and they also had a million doubts just like you have right now.

However, they took a plunge at the right time and brought their A-game forward. Look at them now, they are leading the market.

It is safe to say that millions of other such websites are operating worldwide and are earning a handsome amount.

NerdWallet is one of the best examples that we like to quote, they work on a very simple straight forward referral system. Like the old school method, they have a set percentage with the companies that put up links on their websites.

They started with a meager amount of 800 dollars, and are now worth 69 million dollars through rounds and rounds of funding.

They have various life, healthcare, and auto insurance on their websites.

Real-Life Story

It is not fair to complete an article without mentioning at least one success story. Therefore, we have an impressive example for you. Sa El is a real-life person who was a former sales representative for an insurance company.

However, it was not as beneficial for him as he wanted it to be. Therefore, he took the plunge and stepped into the world of insurance affiliate marketing in 2017. He did his fair share of research, took a few courses, and started making contacts.

According to him, he used to work for 16 hours a day, and it took him almost 9 months to make his first commission. This means that Sa worked for most of this day for nine whole months and finally came up with a system that worked for him.

The rest of the year was pretty slow for him. He was slow but steady with his strategies. He kept on adding new products and features to the website and figuring out things one by one.

By the year 2019, he had more than 50 pages of content, and his traffic was ten folds more than the last year. At the end of the year, he purchased his official domain for 25 000 dollars.

However, his hard work paid off at the beginning of 2020, when he received a whopping 786% increase in his website’s traffic and he was earning more than 1 200 dollars a day. That’s huge!

His story is inspiring and we encourage you all to read it here.


There is a lot of money-making potential in the insurance niche. However, it requires you to be careful and work with a well-thought-out strategy. This niche asks for a lot of patience, and persistence as well.

We would suggest you start small and test the waters before jumping into it headfirst. Build your site and try to gain organic traffic. This would allow you to build a loyal following. Brand your website in a way that you can transform it from a small-scale niche to a larger one.

When you find the right sub-niche within insurance, dish out quality content, and build a solid link-building strategy. There is no stopping you after that.

Turn your IGAMING traffic into money!