October 04, 2022 13134

How to Monetize Xvideos — Best 3 Ideas

Xvideos is not just filled with porn videos for no reason at all. The fact that you see new videos, repetitive videos, and a huge collection of porn videos that get easy views is that there are a lot of people who are making money out of it. There are many videos out there, and most of them are shared with the purpose of making money, but how? That is the question we are trying to answer in this article.

One of the ways that you can monetize Xvideos is uploading videos as a porn actor, but what to do if you don’t want to actually record porn? Here, we have gathered some ideas to make money both using affiliate marketing, and maybe making videos a little as well to make even more.

Benefits of Xvideos for Affiliate Marketing

The first and most important reason why Xvideos is such a good source of traffic is how popular it is. Currently, Xvideos is ranking around 10 on the top ranked websites worldwide, with over 3 billion views a month and 9 pages per visit on average.

Your audience on Xvideos is also looking for fresh new content everyday, since it’s an open free platform where you don’t necessarily have to be a big pornstar or an original uploader to be working on it.

Another benefit is that you can freely publish your affiliate website domain and get redirects from there. But without getting further into how amazing Xvideos is, let’s jump into the ways you can make money.

There are generally 3 ways to make money from Xvideos:

  • Promoting affiliate offers
  • Promoting your own porn website
  • Xvideos Partner Program

Monetizing XVideos Through Affiliate Offers

There are basically a couple of steps you need to follow to make money from adult offers.

  1. Get a domain
  2. Join an affiliate program/network
  3. Pick an adult offer
  4. Redirect your domain to the affiliate offer link
  5. Choose a video to upload
  6. Put your domain as watermark on the video
  7. Upload on XVideos and wait for the money to come in

Let’s go through each step one by one because there are many things you need to pay attention to, and if you do one thing wrong, there is a chance of failure or violation.

Get a Domain

First and foremost, you need a domain. The domain can be anything, and doesn’t necessarily have to be paid. This domain is going to be the middle ground between the affiliate offer and Xvideos, so you can redirect users.

You can use any hosting or domain service you want, and buy domains starting $1. You want to get a domain that is easy to read and users can find through the address bar or a simple Google search, so domains of your choice could be similar to girlsoncam.com, sexcamjam.site, or any other similar to these. Just make sure you don’t use unreadable domains like sxxx78349.com and you’re good to go.

It’s also important to get a domain from a domain name provider that allows for adult content, so make sure you check that out in the terms of service of the domain provider you plan to get the domain from.

Join an Affiliate Program/Network

Here is when you need to be careful and make your choices. There are many adult affiliate networks out there, but we want an easy one to go with for this article, so we’ll go with CrakRevenue. You don’t have to use CrakRevenue necessarily, and it’s just an example. Any other adult affiliate network you choose from the list would also work. There are usually many offers on these networks and even though some of them might not be useful to us, after searching a bit, we can find the correct offer.

Usually, the referral Revshare of such adult networks starts from 5%, as in the case of CrakRevenue.

Simply sign up on your affiliate network of choice, and have your affiliate dashboard ready, and move on to the next step. Usually, they take some days for them to approve your affiliate account after submitting the information.

Pick an Adult Offer

After we have our affiliate network going on and ready, we need to pick an offer. On your dashboard, simply find the Offers tab, and find all the offers available to choose in the adult vertical.

When choosing the offer, pay attention to the payout type and amount. There are usually a few types that these offers will pay you in:

  • CPL: Every time someone leaves their email on the website and confirms it.
  • Pay per Sign up: Every time someone signs up on the target website and deposits at least $1 on the website.
  • CPA: When someone completes a specified action on the target website.
  • Revenue Share: Every time someone makes a purchase, you will get a share forever. So if the commission rate is 5%, and the user paid the target website $20, you are getting $1.

On Crakrevenue, specifically, you will see terms like SOI and DOI. These two terms mean Single opt-in and Double opt-in, which are the same as CPL on their website.

SOI means you will get paid every time someone leaves their email in, and DOI means you will get paid when not only they put in their email, but also confirm it.

When you have your chosen offer, grab the affiliate link, and jump to the next step.

Redirect Your Domain to the Affiliate Offer Link

Now is the time that you need to use your domain to redirect all in-coming to traffic to the offer page. To do this, you should first check your domain provider. Sometimes, your domain provider will have a special setting on it that allows you to forward to another domain.

If you could not find such settings there, no worries. You can always use a little bit of coding and get the job done. All you have to do is include the code below in your index.html file’s <head> tag:

<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "1; url = https://www.ExampleURL.com" />

Just replace the ExampleURL with the URL of your affiliate offer and you are good to go.

Choose a Video to Upload

When choosing a video to upload, you need to be careful, so the video that you’re choosing isn’t subject to any copyright. In that case, Xvideos might suspend your account for violating their terms of service after 3 strikes.

What you can do instead is take the videos that are already uploaded multiple times or find videos that are amateur. The downside to that is that usually the quality in these videos is not that good, but you will get the hang of it.

Every once in a while, in order to prove to XVideos that you are an actual content creator, you can upload videos with no face or no identity revealed that don’t belong to anybody, just so you can prove that you are making some content.

You can also get some videos from XHamster, which mostly has clean videos with no watermarks on. If you know how to edit videos, you might be able to remove the watermarks, but there are many videos out there, so just search. Searching through other language’s libraries will also help. For a bigger database of porn websites that include good videos, you can check the Porn Dude. It includes an entire library of different types of porn websites with different types of free or premium content. You can easily find some cam websites that includes lots of cam videos that won’t get you caught easily.

In case you get banned, you can create other channels as well, but just make sure to hide your IP using a VPN, because XVideos might detect it.

Put your Domain as Watermark on the Video

Next thing you have to do is include your website’s domain as a watermark on the video. You might have already noticed this a bunch of times on many porn websites. Simply use a video editor, Adobe After effects or Adobe Premiere Pro to do this. Below, you can see an example:

After visiting the website, users will be redirected to the offer. For example, after searching the domain name above, we were redirected to another website, which was attempting to get us to register somewhere.

Upload on XVideos and Wait for the Money to Come in

Now that we are on the last step of this method, all we have to do is upload the video on XVideos. The moment users start clicking on the links and the offers, you can see your income flowing into CrakRevenue and any other network of your choice.

You can see some examples of the earning below, along with the percentage that was made from the income created for the network.

Promoting your Own Website on XVideos

If you have a website, or if you want to make a website and use it to guide people to affiliate offers or display ads, you can go about doing it the same kind of way as the above idea. This way, your success rate might be even higher if you are an actual content creator. If you want, you can create a full-on website and have links to other offers or even set up a paid membership program. Take a look at the video below. Fapadoo is a website that not only redirects people to cam websites and other porn websites as promotion, but only offers membership for their own videos.

When you check out their website, which is in the watermark of their videos, you’ll be redirected to their website, filled with pictures and each one is a link.

This is another great way to not only keep getting money out of affiliate programs, but also give people many choices and also update your links every once in a while. 

Join the XVideos Partner Program

This one is the last one, and is only suitable for people who want to make actual porn. This is their content partner program, and they will have to verify whether it’s actually you who is making the porn videos. Through this, you can do all the other ones mentioned above to make even more streams of income. So if you are just an affiliate, this one might not be for you.

Almost all the channels that have the verification tag and even the ones that have hundreds of thousands of views are making money from the partner program.


There are 3 main ways to earn from XVideos, and if you want to kickstart it as an affiliate, you don’t have to spend too much time creating videos or even thinking about it. Simply grab the videos, edit them, upload them, and wait for traffic to your affiliate offer. This needs persistence and requires lots of trial and failure, but eventually, it will pay off.

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