January 13, 2022 1403

What is In-Page Push Ads — A Step by Step Guide

An in-page push is a new ad format that looks just like push-notifications. It works on all browsers and platforms, including IOS. This ad format does not require users to subscribe — it appears directly on the publisher’s site. In-page push ads are actually banner ads displayed directly on publishers’ websites and working on the CPC model. Today we are going to teach you how how to set up an in-page campaign.

How Does It Look Like

The banner pops up directly on the site, displaying on any device with any operating system as soon as the user visits it. Interaction with the client takes place directly in the browser (on a resource with the installed code). The user's attention is drawn not only to the creativity, which is certainly important, but also to the unexpectedness, which is more typical for pop-ups. The notification itself will not be closed and will not disappear into thin air until the user sees it and takes the time to close it. Accordingly, the media buyer may not worry about whether the IPP will be seen or not. They will definitely see it.

The fact that the IPP is shown to everyone at once makes some adjustments to the target setting. IPP settings allow you to define devices and operating system, GEO, language, and browser type.

In-Page Push Traffic Characteristics

In-page push has just been launched and it's already had its fair share of publicity. This is probably due to the latest Chrome 80 update situation and its similarity to regular push ads. To make everything crystal clear, here are the main characteristics of in-page push traffic.

  • In-page push ads are in fact banner ads
  • They’re meant to be similar to standard push notifications in their design
  • In-page push ads are shown directly on publishers’ websites
  • In-page push ads don’t require users to subscribe to receive them
  • In-page push ads work on all desktop and mobile devices, iOS included
  • In-page push ads are displayed to users the moment the bidding is won
  • In-page push ads operate on the CPC cost model
  • In-page push ads allow multiple targeting options
  • In-page push ads allow reaching fresh audiences
  • They’re not subject to the same technical restrictions as standard push ads.

The fact that users don't need to subscribe to receive in-page push ads is by far its biggest advantage for advertisers and publishers. Given the speculations and excitement that Chrome 80 update brought upon the affiliate advertising world, about third-party cookie blocking as well as the quiet UI and app subscription request blocking, in-page app ads seem like a perfect alternative. Ads are displayed directly on publishers’ websites and are not affected by the latest browser updates.

In-page push ads are shown to a far wider audience than web push alerts, but they are just as user-friendly as classic push ads. Using the same template is intended to capture users' attention by displaying advertisements in a non-intrusive but well-known and trusted type.

In this way, advertisers get to keep promoting their offers using push-like ads, publishers get to keep having their sites monetized, and users get to receive relevant ads in a form they are already familiar with.

Another significant fact to mention: you only need to pay for CPC (Cost-Per-Click). In-page push ads only work with cost model CPC. This specific cost model often used to push ads, is a simple way for advertisers to pay for the actual clicks. Considering that the in-page push ads are not restricted to registered users only, and are shown to all users visiting the website of a publisher that suits the targeting of an in-page push advertisement, this seems to be a cool way of getting only high-quality inventory. 

Step-by-Step Guide

Now let’s deal with the so-called technical part. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up In-page push notifications.

  1. Select Push Notifications ad format:

  1. Scroll down and under frequency settings you’ll find a tick box that says, “Include In-Page Push zones”.

Case Study

Dating is one of the best verticals that can be easily transferred from regular push to in-page push.

The result was impressive. The in-page push campaign exceeded the results of regular push campaigns by 2 times. CTR was stable — about 3%, while the cost of conversions has become lower.

As you can see, in-page push ad is a completely new type of advertising, which means that users are more likely to respond to it. For a media buyer, this means a high CTR and a good conversion rate.


Remember: in-page ad campaigns work only with HTTP URLs. Complete the set up adding your campaign vertical and additional info on the offer, cost model, and pre-lander use. Then, make sure to double-check your settings and the campaign is ready to launch!

In-page push traffic is a wide field for tests and a completely new layer of the audience that has not yet encountered push notifications. IPP is suitable to try a new offer or refresh a burned-out bundle.

In-page push offers that are interesting to the Apple audience are suitable. For example, any cute product for Apple devices, extensions and utilities for macOS, Safari, and much more.

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