General information

Launch year: Unknown
Official website:

ClickAdilla is an international advertising network and self-serve platform.

Available traffic volumes per day:


  • PopUnder - 64,342,399+ impressions
  • Interstitial - 45,656,356 hits
  • Banner - 1,486,047,208+ impressions
  • Web-Push - 8,799,055+ impressions
  • In-Page/Sticky - 6,257,311+ impressions
  • In-Stream - 29,173,191+ impressions


  • Traffic across all major verticals: Dating, Shop, Sweepstakes, Blog/News, Nutra, Finance, Webcams, Crypto, Games and more;
  • Minimum price from $0.01 for 1,000,000 impressions.




Affiliate program representative

ClickAdilla reviews

September 09, 2021
  • Stability 10
  • Quality of advertisers 8
  • Profitability 8
  • Support 10

What to advertise on porn sites? Dating? VPN? Boosters? Yes, it's possible, but it's better to move traffic to Telegram and monetize it with double profit! Inpages, by the way, give an awesome CTR: 6.32% targeting Spain and 4.7% targeting Italy.

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October 21, 2021, 22:53

Tell me how to stream to telegram! @Volfram777 I'm waiting to hear back from you on the wire... I won't be indebted to you...

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

August 11, 2021
  • Stability 1
  • Quality of advertisers 1
  • Profitability 1
  • Support 1

If by some miracle you have deposited money and their bototraffic does not suit you, you can forget about the withdrawal of the remaining funds. As soon as you start asking for this information. You will immediately be told that you have viruses on the site and by the rules the money will be left with them. This is a real scam. There weren't any viruses, he just hadn't had time to get them yet, for that matter. I asked him to show me where the virus was found. It turned out to be a secret - we won't tell. A new domain, a new site that is two days old.

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August 12, 2021, 17:00

Good afternoon,

We monitor the quality of provided traffic, so our moderation department is strict about sites with suspected viruses. We advise you to check the URL with virustotal or other similar services. And it's better to check other problems with the site beforehand.

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

June 30, 2021
  • Stability 10
  • Quality of advertisers 9
  • Profitability 9
  • Support 10

A couple of months ago I tested the push traffic in Clickadilla. Dating on Algeria is not bad. CTR is normal, conversions are there. Optimizing campaigns and thinking of improving performance. Right now the ROI is 12%.

No complaints about the platform. All works clearly, support and managers are available and always in touch.
Who tested which offers, write here please?

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

April 21, 2021
  • Stability 10
  • Quality of advertisers 8
  • Profitability 8
  • Support 10

Hello everyone, I read the reviews and wonder how people after spending only $50 on the test, decide that the traffic is crap? I think in the first place you need to look at offer and creatives. Adult is adult. Audiences are hard to convert.

As for my Clickadila tests - I started with good old pops. There are conversions. Already spent a little over $400. Traffic on many GEOs is cheaper than in other popular networks. And most importantly, the % of bots in the tracker is less than 15%. Support manager is always in touch (hi Max) and moderation is almost around the clock. By the way, special thanks for the CPA Goal. But it only works with Popunder :(

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

February 12, 2021
  • Stability 2
  • Quality of advertisers 3
  • Profitability 1
  • Support 1

In the tellegram I wrote to the manager of Clickadilla with an offer to sell traffic, he offered to register. I signed up. I've been running the test company for 3 days on a very tempting traditional marketing budget of x5 leads for 2 hours a day "together" with the chat moderator who has no idea what time zones and Angela the manager, who was in touch only on the 3rd day, and then after a strong request to withdraw the test 50 dollars even in spite of the huge commission of $ 25 and the term of 3 months. Test campaign initially, while the manager was off, running as appropriate with a choice of targets (USA, english, mobile, iphone/ipad, ios - it's States). CPA according to manual is about 2 times less than cost of lead. On the 3rd day the traffic was 0. And then on the 3rd day Angela, the manager, came after all. She offered not to withdraw the money but to try it with a sly wink. Like this?. Said she had to remove all the targeting, then there will be traffic. Told - done and WOW! Traffic started. For two hours 1000 unique visitors, but no one lead. With the manager of the affiliate we thought what's the matter, where are they good long-awaited? Looking at the statistics, and there's all the traffic for the most part from non-traditional sites. On the playful dating with a hint of light female erotica for more than 90% of non-traditional traffic, Carl! Started dealing with Clickadilla, started talking about blacklist, time limits, etc. If I add non-traditional traffic to the blacklist, there will be no traffic at all)) They called a highly qualified supervisor from the account department to solve the problem. The head of the mumbled some nonsense of over 40 lines without bothering to carefully read the correspondence that was before her arrival. She began by attacking, then taught me how to do business, then a story, then a noodle, then the repetition of already passed material. And all this assortment for a mere $50.

The result: they think that they are flawless and infallible, the client (me) is held for an idiot, even when the statistics is here. They not only dispose the budgets of client (me) irrationally when the targeting is not working, and incompetent, and maybe even mocking. I do not recommend having business with ClickAdilla!

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August 11, 2021, 10:55

Good afternoon,

We are very sorry that you had a negative experience. We have made a big update to the platform. We recommend that you test our traffic on the new formats. Please write to live-chat at

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

January 26, 2021
  • Stability 10
  • Quality of advertisers 1
  • Profitability 1
  • Support 1

I paid $50. 4 campaigns 1500 clicks, overdose of impressions and......0 conversions, ZERO, darn it! At least one fucking registration - no, absolutely zero. But the fact that bots' brazenly twisted traffic is half the problem. They do not withdraw funds. See, to withdraw at least $50 and 25 of them the commission + wait is 90 days (ie all so that the client does not even try to return the money). Towards the end of my work, I noticed another cool moment: when I lost all the budget and the account was $ 0, my balance has turned sharply into a debt of $ -18 (probably calculated on users who are not attentive, or do not count their money, which will put another couple hundred dollars, and will not notice the shortfall). After a question in support of what the f... Balance magically returned to $0. Do your own conclusions yourself. ClickScammers! Screenshots are attached:

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August 11, 2021, 10:48

Good afternoon.

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee conversions. When testing an offer on a new source, you should understand that there are many factors that affect the number of conversions: creativity, targeting, branding, etc.

Charges higher than your balance could be due to overflow (the campaign didn't have time to pause because of the large amount of traffic), or due to the use of a push format. The user may click on the message after a few days. Accordingly, the charge is based on the actual click.

Please email us in live chat at and we will help you choose the most effective format and targeting for your offers.

September 23, 2021, 11:36

I have the same thing, spinning bots!

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

December 23, 2020
  • Stability 1
  • Quality of advertisers 1
  • Profitability 1
  • Support 1

I'm registered here especially in order to leave a review. I've decided to test the network, in order to be contacted by the advertising manager, I was told to top up my balance. After refilling the balance, it turned out that the traffic and their conditions do not suit me, and what do I learn? That to withdraw their $ 50, I have to pay a commission of $ 25. I threw the money to Webmoney and they did not accept Webmoney through the aggregator, but only directly to their wallet. You should draw your own conclusion before driving traffic to them and spend your money.

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August 11, 2021, 10:38

Good afternoon,

I'm sorry that our traffic didn't work for you. We are constantly working to improve our platform. Perhaps now you will find something that suits you? Email Live Chat at and our manager will help you find the most suitable format and give you creative advice.

By the way, registration is free at You can view the list of Premium sites, all the available formats and the traffic volume for the selected targeting. To avoid problems with the withdrawal of funds, you can send your creatives for moderation without funding.

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

April 23, 2019
  • Stability 9
  • Quality of advertisers 9
  • Profitability 10
  • Support 10

I signed up on the recommendation of an acquaintance and did not regret it. I've quickly figured out the campaign settings, quickly launched several campaigns with pushes. All the questions that arose were quickly resolved through the intercom.

As for traffic driving - there was a working link tested on Datspush and another network. But ROI of above 160% I've never had on pushes on dating. And I think this is not the limit =]

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

April 18, 2019
  • Stability 4
  • Quality of advertisers 4
  • Support 8

New guys, I'm testing them right now.
Can't say anything good or bad yet.
But I can note the support is on top.
Maybe because they are new))

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

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03 June 2024
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