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February 12, 2024 0 489

Adsterra Sports Marathon: Get Up to $500 Cashback On Your Ad Campaigns

Adsterra has something up the sleeve for you, and it’s an exciting event. Welcome to Adsterra Sports Marathon - an event like no other. Sports season is gathering pace, and the avid fans are a massive audience. What does this mean? Only that traffic for your campaigns is on the way! You just need to start a campaign on Adsterra, grab this traffic, and receive up to $500 cashback on your spending!

What’s Adsterra Sports Marathon?

To make it simple, we compiled a list of basic facts about the Marathon. Check out what awaits you:

  • Who can join: all Adsterra advertisers (new and active ones)
  • Dates to run ad campaigns: February 10 – March 10, 2024
  • Geos to buy traffic from: the USA (US), Brazil (BR), Mexico (MX), the UK (GB), India (IN) or South Africa (ZA)
  • Pricing models: CPM or CPC (prepay only)
  • Best verticals to advertise: iGaming, VPN, Utility, Subscriptions (but you can try any other offer you feel will hit)

Of course, there will be rewards for your active participation. More details on how you can earn during Adsterra Sports Marathon are on our blog.

How do I know what events bring me the most traffic?

You can base your assumption on popular sports or tournaments in the GEOs you’re targeting or simply go with the global championships. In any case, we can help you there with some ideas. Our sports events calendar for the Marathon period is right here. Check it out and make up your mind about the sporting agenda!

How do I register?

Signing up for Adsterra Sports Marathon is pretty simple: click the button below to get to the registration page. The only reminder is that it’s crucial for you to register. If you don’t, we won’t be able to track your campaigns as participating. So, get your hands on the Marathon and register right away!

Register here!

This post is featured on the corporate blog .
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