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November 08, 2023 0 478

How affiliate marketers can benefit from communicating with FB support

Hello, affiliate marketers! Representatives of the affiliate community often repeat the thesis that Facebook hinders life and Zuckerberg constantly tightens the screws. At the same time, FB is one of the most valuable sources of traffic, and without it, it will be difficult in the market.

Today, MakeMoney TEAM will reveal an unconventional aspect of working with Facebook. Let's talk about how webmasters can interact with the support of the social network to get perks.

Principles of working with support in Facebook

Let's start with the fact that Facebook lives on advertising revenue. This means that the company is interested in constantly increasing the number of active advertisers and providing a good customer experience.

It's no secret that ads constantly face various problems: rejections, policies, microspends, ZRD, holds, etc. All these inconveniences hinder normal advertising, but maintain the stability of the FB ecosystem and are designed to protect against unscrupulous advertisers.

By the way, we managed to reduce the percentage of payment risks due to British bins that we found in the payment system Anybill. The team finds it convenient, team leaders manage the budgets of buyers, and I just control the overall balance. We also negotiated a discount for volume. In short, we recommend it.

The social network has Advertising Support — a department that provides technical support for advertising. After launching campaigns, you can contact support via email, online chat, or ticketing system. Support agents can be asked any questions about the advertising account.

If the Meta Support Pro option is not available, there may be restrictions on the profile. In this case, it will not be possible to contact support. You can only use the form if it appears in the advertising account.

Few people know, but Meta does not have its own support team. They order services from specialized companies that act as intermediaries between advertising and the corporation. Accordingly, support does not have a magic button for unbanning. They forward requests to the internal Meta department and await a decision.

Support employees can check the type of blocking and create a ticket for Facebook representatives. Therefore, there is no point in expecting an instant reaction and quick problem-solving from them.

This year, a support employee gave an interview to an affiliate marketing media and clearly stated that he often receives template responses from other departments and cannot obtain the necessary information. The lack of effective interaction between various Meta structures greatly complicates the life of advertisers.

No matter how bad FB is positioned, there's no getting away from it. And partially solving the problems with stable traffic can help trusted accounts. MakeMoney Shop has strong profiles from different countries. We use them for affiliate marketing, and we sell excess to webmasters and guarantee excellent quality.

The purchase is guaranteed 99% validity and quick replacement in case of invalid account. The manager will not only quickly issue the goods, but also help to solve problems promptly.

When it comes to affiliate marketers getting perks through support

Some webmasters can boast of successful cases of communication with support: unbanning an account, increasing daily spending, but such examples are rare. Although there is a chance to get other pleasant perks.

In Facebook Ads, there is a special form of payment for advertising — coupons. You can request them from a support agent in several cases. The nominal value of the promo varies, but most often, support gives a $100 code. This is a good opportunity to save your budget.

You can get a coupon in the following cases:

  1. Complaints about the quality of advertising tools. For example, if the pixel counts events incorrectly with the correct settings and the company is poorly optimized.
  2. Decreased campaign performance due to updates. After implementing the latest updates, accounts may stop spending or the number of impressions may decrease.
  3. Bugs in the ad account. In this case, the coupon will be given only with evidence and a detailed review of the request.

Free coupons may seem like a fairy tale to newcomers, but in practice, there have been many global failures where you could easily get a coupon. For example, in May of this year, most ads could not get into billing. Some created a ticket in support and got a $100 coupon.

Among the global bugs, the temporary funds retention error and the data export bug from the lead form can also be highlighted. Many affiliate marketers were able to get coupons, but the problems were quickly fixed. Who had time, had time.

With a simple life hack, coupons can be doubled: attach the first coupon in billing → try to activate it on another account → take a screenshot of the error → submit a request to support. As a result: $200 instead of $100.

From: Meta Support

To: You


We apologize if you encountered technical issues when adding the coupon.

Sometimes it happens that the coupon has expired.

We offer you a replacement for inactive coupons:

As for increasing the daily limit, it's not that simple, but positive cases in public are also encountered. To submit a request, you need an account with a tier-2 level and no payment delays. You can check the trust level of the profile using an extension.

The conclusion suggests itself: support in the Facebook ad account can be useful for affiliate marketers. And if it is not possible to increase the spending, you can get a promo code and save several hundred dollars on bill payments.

Write in the chat if you received a coupon from Meta and how often you encounter bugs in the account. And also subscribe to the blog on Telegram. We often share life hacks that will help you advertise even more effectively.

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