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November 20, 2024 0 220

How to successfully run traffic to Crypto via Google Ads: the main secrets

Getting sane traffic on accounts with spend is much easier than launching a long-term campaign and saving budget on consumables at the same time.

In this article we tell you in detail about the ways to run traffic in a long-term format, share the secret of how to reduce the price of a lead. Additionally, you will learn about the correct setting of target audience by age and usefulness.

How to properly prepare an ad?

Initially, you will need to run a Google account (read how to run accounts here). Creating an ad for the main offer needs to be done carefully.

White Page approve from Money Safe service is ready, now you need a cloaca to tie the final offer. For example, any services like Hoax.Tech or are suitable. If there are questions about the application - open the site of the service and act according to the instructions.

For promotion, it is recommended to use the advertising campaign that was involved in the run. It is here that you can create ads for crypto offers.

Simultaneously with the cloak, make geo and language settings.

As a result, you have 2 ads. Keep in mind that an ad with an offer starts working almost immediately. Therefore, increase the budget on average by 20-30% in different time intervals from 8 to 12 hours.

Adding keys

It's time to add thematic keys for the offer. Immediately pay attention to the keys - conditional and exact matches to fill the account. For example, in the conditional format when running a crypto broker, it is desirable to use keys such as “crypto investing platform”, “crypto investor” and other similar occurrences.

Exact matches require care. For example, the word “investor” has a broad meaning and can be used as “real estate investor”. That is, non-targeted keys should not be allowed to be present.

Important: keys used in a run do not need to be put away. It is sufficient to pause them. When raising the budget, immediately mark for yourself the maximum limit.

Every day it is desirable to add from 5 to 10 keys, we wrote about the principle of search earlier. Be sure to keep an eye on targeted words that worked on the run, and put them on pause.

If you have inserted all the keys, then after 24 hours the black ad will start spinning. So, the run can be turned off completely.

Features of working with an advertising campaign

Without getting rid of stop words to control the budget and reduce the cost of leads will not work. Therefore, you need to get rid of the verbal garbage.

Getting the right audience without testing and spending the budget is impossible. In rare cases this happens, however, this is an exception.

If you used the target keys correctly and removed the stop words, then in about a week there will be a high ROI and a well-tuned campaign.

We advise you to read the article how to run traffic to crypto. Follow the link and read how not to drain your budget.

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