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November 08, 2023 0 492

Game using AI tools, subscriptions, offers, and new content

This is the fifth day of my Game in a Week challenge using AI tools. The other parts are available on my Telegram.

In this part, more than 90 levels with various content have been added, along with new offers and those subscriptions that many have heard about and wanted to try :)

If you want to find out some more useful information on gaming and game developing, visit our Telegram channel.

But let's start from the beginning.

How to Fill the Game with New Content

To prevent the levels from being dull, they should constantly offer new content. In our case, these are simply new block icons, which were easily found on free stock platforms.

I downloaded this set:

Blocks at each level are the most important content in the Blast mechanic because  the player interacts with them the most, and the appearance of new blocks will be the most exciting for them.

And any excitement must be earned, so we will add content gradually and according to the following scheme:

Scheme for presenting new content:

  • New content will appear at the end of every 7th session (approximately every 2 days);
  • Namely, after completing the last level in the red zone;
  • I remind you that after a difficult level, there is always a bonus one in which we reward the player;
  • And the best reward is new content;

Therefore, the last bonus level will be the perfect place to give the player new content and reward them before they leave.

Here it is:

The main bonus we receive by following this scheme is that the duration of the session is extended, and the player stays to play longer than usual to explore the new content, and they have more motivation to come back quickly.

So, these levels are now in the game:

Levels 1-30

Levels 31-60

Levels 61-90

In short, the levels can now be designed however you like, and all this is done in a couple of clicks through a text table, similar to Google Docs.


Events are a super cheap and effective method of retaining an audience, which it would be a shame not to take advantage of:

And it's cheap because:

  • 95% of the event is just a banner that we easily generate in any AI tool;
  • The remaining 5% is a progress line that develops as the player progresses through the levels;
  • And a reward that they will receive upon completing the event.

I have created these three events:

Mechanism for creating new events

Now, to create a new event, you simply need to upload a new image and add one line to this table:

Quick explanation:

  1. Event title;
  2. Event image;
  3. Icon (item) that needs to be collected;
  4. Number of items that need to be collected for the gift;
  5. Gifts that the player will receive at the end of the event;
  6. The level at which this event will appear;
  7. And the number of days the event will be available.

This is a crucial point, especially if you plan to order development from a programmer.

The project architecture should be such that all content (events, offers, levels) can be added using regular tables, so you can fill the content independently without touching the code, even if it's not Construct, but any other engine.

Full-screen Offers

I added 3 full-screen offers.

A couple of nuances about the offers:

  • All three offers have three prices ($5, $10, and $30) and differ only in the banner and name (for A/B testing);
  • The first and cheapest one pops up when the player runs out of moments for the first time since installing the game;
  • If they buy it, they will be offered a $10 offer the second time, and then a $30 offer, and so on;
  • If the offer is not purchased, after 2 sessions of struggling in the red zone, they will be offered a super cheap $1.99 offer with the same value;
  • The main goal of this stage is to transfer the player from a non-paying to a paying one by any means necessary.

New offers are now created just as easily as events, using a similar table.

Table for creating offers:

And I added two subscriptions

Both subscriptions are deliberately identical and will be tested on different audiences. The only difference is that the first one immediately states that it costs $9.99, while the second one doesn't disclose it and offers a free three-day trial period, after which the same $9.99 will be charged.

I have long wanted to compare the difference between these approaches, and for now, you can make an assumption about how much more convertible the second one will be.

In total

Now the engine is completely ready and has everything that top games contain, namely:

  • Main gameplay with 90+ levels;
  • Meta-gameplay;
  • 3 events;
  • Basic store, 3 offers, and 2 subscriptions;
  • And most importantly, a convenient architecture that allows you to fill all the content without touching the code, but simply filling in text tables.

To finally make sure that the game has everything that the top ones have, in the next part, I will make a detailed comparison of my game and the two millionaires.

Read the rest of the parts on the Telegram channel.

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