October 16 0 35

How a Regular Guy From Pakistan Earns a $45,000/Year on Twitter

Forget complicated websites and confusing strategies. We're going to show you how a regular guy from Pakistan (who chose to stay anonymous) made $8,000 in just one month and $45,000 in a year — just by using Twitter.

What’s his secret you’ll ask? He figured out how Twitter works and used simple links to get people to visit his blog. It's like fishing in a river full of fish — Twitter helps you put your bait (your tweets) right where the fish (people who might buy stuff) are swimming.

Twitter's algorithm and simple links

This guy figured out that Twitter's algorithm (the thing that decides what people see) is really good at getting your stuff in front of the right people, quickly. He stopped trying to make money on Facebook and switched to Twitter because it was way easier. He focused on what he calls "direct linking."

No fancy websites needed!

Instead of building complicated websites, he just shared links to his blog on Twitter. "Just share links directly – no need for anything fancy," he says.

Use what's trending

His strategy? Talk about what's already popular! He uses hashtags and keywords related to things that are trending, especially interesting stories about celebrities and the latest stuff they share online.

For example:

  • "New photos of [celebrity] leaked online!"
  • "[Celebrity] said something crazy about..."
  • "Did you see [celebrity's] new video? Check it out!"

He then writes blog posts about these trending topics and tells people on Twitter to click the link to read the whole story.

It really works: Check out these results

This simple approach got him amazing results. One of his posts got seen by 195,000 people, had almost 50,000 interactions, and got nearly 7,000 clicks to his blog!  And in April 2024, he made a huge $8,000!

Here's how to make money tweeting:

  1. Just start tweeting!

Don't worry about watching tutorials or doing complicated stuff. This guy says the best way to learn is by actually doing it. Start tweeting and try out different things.

  1. Pick the right partner

You'll need a platform to help you actually get paid for your tweets.  This guy says it's important to find a good platform that's fair and doesn't let people cheat. He says to avoid platforms that allow spam or unfairly ban people.

How much money did he actually make?

Let's take a closer look at how much money this guy actually made with his simple Twitter strategy.

  • The US was his biggest money-maker

Most of his earnings came from the United States. His tweets got seen by over 474,000 people in the US, and he made over $31,000 from them! This shows that Americans are really interested in trending topics, and they're willing to click on links and potentially buy stuff.

  • Other countries paid off too

He also made good money from other countries like the United Kingdom and Brazil. He made over $5,000 from the UK and almost $2,000 from Brazil. France and Canada were also good markets for him.

  • Over $54,000 in two years!

From July 2022 to July 2024, his tweets got seen by over 2 million people, and he made a total of $54,620! That's a lot of money for just tweeting!

Consistent daily earnings

He didn't just have a few lucky days. He consistently made money every day. For example:

  • On July 10, 2024, his tweets got seen by over 16,000 people, and he made $409.
  • On July 9, 2024, he made $532 from just over 11,000 views.
  • On July 11, 2024, he made almost $300 from 9,500 views.

This guy's strategy of focusing on popular topics, targeting the right countries, and using effective ads led to some serious earnings. It proves that you can make a lot of money just by tweeting if you do it right!

This guy's top tips for making money on Twitter

Based on his amazing success, this guy has some great advice for anyone who wants to make money on Twitter.

  1. Be flexible and adapt to changes

Twitter sometimes changes its rules, so it's important to be flexible and adapt quickly.  When Twitter banned direct ad links, this guy quickly changed his strategy. Instead of sharing ad links directly, he started linking to his blog, where he had special links that still made him money. This smart move helped him stay ahead of the competition and keep earning big bucks.

  1. Use unique hashtags

To get a lot of people to see your tweets quickly, use unique hashtags that no one else is using. This helps your tweets stand out and reach a wider audience. If you use the same hashtags as big accounts, people are more likely to see their tweets instead of yours.

  1. Twitter is the fastest way to see results

If you want to make money quickly, focus on Twitter. It's much faster than other platforms like Facebook. If you have a good Twitter account and use trending hashtags, your tweets can go viral instantly.

  1. Don't give up!

It takes time and effort to be successful on Twitter. Keep trying new things and learn from your mistakes.  This guy says it was tough at first, but he kept learning and eventually figured out how to get tons of people to see his tweets.

  1. Use trend websites

To stay up-to-date on what's trending, use websites like trends24.in. These websites show you what topics are popular right now, so you can tweet about them and get more people to see your tweets.


Today's story proves that making money on Twitter is totally possible. You don't need a fancy website or special skills, just a sharp eye for recognizing what's hot. Start tweeting, experiment with different strategies, and who knows? You might just be the next Twitter success story!

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