August 14 0 69

How Andrew Kamphey Built a $5,000 Per Month Business with Google Sheets

Andrew Kamphey

Andrew Kamphey never imagined his Google Sheets skills would lead to a successful online business. But that's exactly what happened with Better Sheets, a platform that now earns him around $5,000 every month. His story shows how everyday skills can turn into something much bigger.

Better Sheets helps people get really good at using Google Sheets. It has over 400 video lessons that teach everything from basic formulas to complex data analysis. The course is designed to make spreadsheets less intimidating and more useful for everyday work.

What makes Better Sheets different is its hands-on approach. Students work on real projects, which helps them remember what they've learned. They also get downloadable templates and examples to practice with. Andrew teaches the lessons himself, explaining things clearly to keep students interested.

Now, let's look at how Andrew built Better Sheets step by step. We'll see how he turned his spreadsheet skills into an online money-maker.

Becoming the "spreadsheet guy"

Kamphey's journey started in a pretty normal place - at an entertainment startup where he became the go-to "Google Sheets Guy." For five years, he used Google Apps Script to make his job easier. He didn't realize it at the time, but he was building some serious coding skills. Back then, Kamphey thought his spreadsheet abilities were just a weird little talent, not seeing how valuable they could be.

Trying out different business ideas

In 2018, Andrew decided to start his own business. He tried a few things:

1. He made a website and newsletter about influencer marketing. He sold these for $37,000 after they made $12,000 in a year.

2. He tried to create a software service called Hypeletter. It only made $200 a month and didn't grow.

Starting better sheets

While Kamphey was working on Hypeletter, something interesting happened. His business partner pointed out how impressive his spreadsheet skills really were. This comment, plus the fact that Hypeletter wasn't taking off, got Kamphey thinking. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, and it all came together - he decided to create Better Sheets.

A quick start

Andrew launched Better Sheets in a clever, simple way: In just 24 hours, he created a video library that would become the foundation of his full-time income. Using Loom, a user-friendly and cost-effective video recording tool that also provides hosting, Andrew produced eight instructional videos. To streamline the process and avoid getting bogged down in perfectionism, he made a crucial decision: no editing. This allowed him to focus on content creation rather than post-production refinement.

With his video content ready, Andrew implemented a clever marketing strategy. He made four videos freely available to attract potential customers and demonstrate the value of his content. The remaining four videos were placed behind a paywall, creating an incentive for viewers to purchase access to the full library. This balanced approach allowed Andrew to both showcase his expertise and monetize his knowledge.

For the technical aspects of his launch, Andrew chose platforms that minimized upfront costs and complexity. He utilized Gumroad, a popular e-commerce platform for digital creators, to handle payments. Gumroad's fee structure, which only charges when sales are made, was ideal for Andrew's experimental venture. To create a professional-looking web presence quickly and easily, he turned to Carrd, a simple website builder. This combination of tools allowed Andrew to create a functional, professional-looking business with minimal technical overhead.

The results of Andrew's streamlined approach were impressive. In its first month, Better Sheets generated $390 in revenue, validating the concept and providing immediate returns on Andrew's time investment. The business then gained significant traction through a partnership with AppSumo, a platform known for promoting digital products and services.

As Better Sheets grew, Andrew invested in scaling the business. He transformed the initial simple video library into a more robust Ruby on Rails website hosted on Heroku. To acquire the necessary coding skills, Andrew leveraged free online resources, including a FreeCodeCamp YouTube video featuring John from Codemy. He then supplemented this knowledge with a paid Rails Tutorial from Learn Enough, demonstrating his commitment to continual learning and improvement.

Validating the business model

Interestingly, Better Sheets' validation came from a single customer. The first buyer, Carlos, purchased the course on a Monday and sent Kamphey before-and-after screenshots of his improved dashboard within hours. This immediate, tangible result was all the validation Kamphey needed to know his product was valuable and had real-world applications.

How better sheets makes money

Better Sheets now brings in about $5,000 each month from different sources:

Better Sheets is currently generating approximately $5,000 per month in revenue. Andrew has diversified his income across various products and platforms, creating a robust business model. Here's a detailed breakdown of his revenue streams:

  1. Templates and tools via Gumroad: This accounts for 12% of the total revenue, which translates to about $600 per month.
  2. Subscriptions and consulting via Stripe: This is a significant portion at 22% of the revenue, amounting to roughly $1,100 monthly.
  3. Lifetime deals via AppSumo: This is the largest revenue stream, contributing 50% of the total income. This means AppSumo lifetime deals bring in approximately $2,500 each month.
  4. AppSumo Marketplace: This smaller stream accounts for 4% of the revenue, or about $200 per month.
  5. Courses via Udemy: Online courses contribute 10% of the total revenue, which is around $500 monthly.
  6. Ad Revenue via YouTube: While small, this stream adds 2% to the total, equating to about $100 per month.
  7. Google Sheets add-ons: Currently, these are offered for free and do not generate direct revenue.

This diverse approach to monetization allows Andrew to tap into various customer preferences and payment models. By selling templates, tools, tutorials, offering subscriptions, consulting services, and leveraging platforms like AppSumo, Udemy, and YouTube, he's created multiple touchpoints for customers and reduced dependency on any single revenue source.

The power of lifetime deals

Kamphey's decision to offer lifetime deals for Better Sheets proved to be a pivotal moment in his business journey. Initially, he harbored doubts about the strategy, unsure if it would be beneficial in the long run. However, this move opened the door to a game-changing opportunity: being featured on AppSumo, a popular platform for digital product deals.

The impact of this exposure was nothing short of transformative for Better Sheets. In a matter of months, Kamphey's customer base exploded from a modest dozen to over 1,000 users. This rapid growth not only boosted his revenue but also significantly increased the visibility and credibility of his product in the market.

What made this success even more valuable was the quality of the customers acquired through AppSumo. These were not just casual buyers looking for a bargain; they were professionals who heavily relied on Google Sheets in their daily work. This alignment between Better Sheets' offerings and the needs of AppSumo's user base created a perfect synergy. The influx of these highly relevant customers not only drove sales but also provided Kamphey with valuable feedback and use cases, further enhancing the product's development and market fit.

Using online marketplaces to grow

Online marketplaces have played a pivotal role in the growth and success of Better Sheets. These platforms have provided significant opportunities for customer acquisition and revenue generation. AppSumo, in particular, served as the initial catalyst, delivering a substantial influx of customers that kickstarted the business's growth trajectory. This early boost from AppSumo laid a strong foundation for future expansion.

Diversifying across multiple marketplaces has proven to be a successful strategy for Better Sheets. Udemy, for instance, now hosts some of the company's courses and contributes approximately 10% of the monthly revenue. This steady income stream from course sales complements the core business offerings. Additionally, YouTube has emerged as another valuable platform, not only generating ad revenue but also serving as an effective channel for attracting new customers to Better Sheets.

The success of Better Sheets on these marketplaces underscores a crucial insight shared by Kamphey: the importance of product-market fit. For marketplaces to be truly effective, the product or service being offered must align well with the needs and preferences of the platform's user base. This alignment has been key to Better Sheets' ability to leverage these platforms for growth, despite not relying heavily on direct promotion through social media channels.

It's worth noting that while marketplaces have been instrumental in Better Sheets' growth, this approach may not be universally applicable. The effectiveness of marketplace-driven growth can vary depending on the nature of the product and its target audience. For Better Sheets, expanding into subscription models was achieved through targeted email marketing to their existing customer base and by prominently featuring the option on their pricing page, allowing customers to opt for the model that best suits their needs.

SEO efforts and challenges

Kamphey's experience with search engine optimization (SEO) for Better Sheets has been a journey of exploration with mixed outcomes. His efforts have included creating a comprehensive formula database, publishing blog posts, and developing free tools to attract organic traffic. These initiatives demonstrate a multifaceted approach to improving search visibility and attracting potential customers through valuable content and resources.

However, the results of these SEO efforts have been somewhat underwhelming in terms of customer conversion. While the strategies have successfully drawn traffic to the site, Kamphey has found that a significant portion of this audience is seeking specific information rather than looking to make a purchase. As a result, many visitors find the answers they need and leave without further engagement or conversion, leading to a low percentage of SEO-driven traffic translating into actual customers.

One of the primary challenges Kamphey faces with SEO is the extended timeframe required to see tangible results from implemented changes. This delay in feedback makes it difficult to maintain focus and motivation for ongoing SEO work. The lack of immediate visible impact from SEO efforts can be frustrating, especially when compared to more immediate marketing strategies. Kamphey expresses a desire for a tighter feedback loop, which would allow him to prioritize and refine his SEO strategies more effectively.

Despite these challenges, Kamphey recognizes the potential value of SEO for Better Sheets. He acknowledges that periods of neglecting SEO are often followed by renewed interest and recognition of its importance. This cyclical pattern suggests that SEO remains a significant, if sometimes overlooked, component of his marketing strategy. However, the slow pace of results and the constant awareness of potential improvements that could have been made in recent months create a sense of ongoing pressure and missed opportunities in Kamphey's SEO efforts.

What better sheets offers

Better Sheets provides a comprehensive Google Sheets training program suitable for users at all skill levels. The course content includes:

  1. Spreadsheet Basics: Covering interface navigation, cell referencing, and essential formatting.
  2. Formulas: From simple math functions to complex analytics like INDEX/MATCH and VLOOKUP.
  3. Tools: Exploring Google Apps Scripts and useful add-ons.
  4. Advanced Methods: Delving into data validation, conditional formatting, and dashboard creation.
  5. Practical Applications: Real-world projects like cryptocurrency trackers, budget calculators, and more.

What's next for better sheets

As Better Sheets enters its fourth year, Andrew is focused on maintaining and expanding the business for the long term. He's considering increasing his consulting work to boost revenue and prepare for future expenses, such as his son's education.

Lessons from Andrew's experience

If you want to start your own online business, here's what you can learn from Andrew:

  1. Your everyday skills can be valuable: What seems ordinary to you might be very useful to others.
  2. Start small and grow: Better Sheets began with just eight videos. Now look at it!
  3. Use online marketplaces: Websites like AppSumo can help your business grow quickly and reach the right people.
  4. Have multiple income sources: Getting money from different places keeps your business stable and helps it grow.
  5. One happy customer matters: Sometimes, all you need is one person loving your product to know you're on the right track.


Andrew Kamphey's Better Sheets story shows how focusing on a specific skill can turn into a successful online business. By using his Google Sheets expertise, keeping things simple when he started, and finding the right places to sell his course, Andrew built a $5,000 monthly business that fits his lifestyle.

The success of Better Sheets reminds us that in today's world, there's always room for new ideas and niche products. Whether you're great with spreadsheets or have some other special skill, remember: your unique abilities could be the start of your next big thing. So why not give it a shot?

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