December 10, 2021
  • Support 8
  • Technology 5
  • Quality of offers 7
  • Reliability 5

I've been working with this affiliate for a couple of years. I was able to get a good income, and their support team was fine, and the manager was adequate. There were some innovations there. In the mobile version their banner blocked everything, the leads flowed to the registration immediately, and not to the downloading through me. I lost income and started looking for new niches.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

gost Answer
What is new is. That now the questionnaires live for a year... at the end of the time, the income does not count... those, a year, and after that the payments from the questionnaires are not counted... the yield. Unstable... very...
September 20, 2022, 11:55 0
gost Answer
Such... income can be, then... it's suddenly gone... All profiles, after one year are deleted from your referral account... and do not belong to the partner... if users are older than a year and pay, everything goes to affiliate program...those, everything older than a year, if it goes, partner does not get....

Registrations are weak... the mobs who downloaded the application from your site or through your link affiliate program does not count, they go without display in statistics... such a solution...

All that went to the app, in the statistics do not count, all that over a year and make a payment, you do not go....

September 22, 2022, 15:29 0
gost Answer
Support wants to answer, wants not to answer ........ constantly breakdowns in statistics... fixing, fixing, then, again disappearing data... User activity is extremely rare, even monetize partner's traffic at Teamo ... the link is on all domains ... Partner does not get anything
October 27, 2022, 19:28 0
gost Answer
Income...absolute crap...there's no point in getting involved in a long-term projection...and a year your agents will score themselves...inadequate conditions...both in terms of income and everything else.
November 17, 2022, 18:12 0

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