General information

Launch year: Unknown

MostUsedWords is dedicated to facilitating language learning in the most efficient and effective manner possible. As part of their commitment to this goal, they offer a generous affiliate (referral) program, emphasizing the value of word-of-mouth promotion. Affiliates earn a percentage of each sale they refer to the platform.

Their marketing strategy prioritizes putting money back into customers' pockets rather than allocating large sums to traditional advertising channels like Google and Facebook. This approach ensures a win-win scenario for both the platform and its customers.

Upon signing up for the referral program, affiliates can quickly begin earning additional income. MostUsedWords provides support in spreading the word via social media and offers affiliate resources and a guide to help affiliates get started.

Key features of the affiliate program include:

  • Affiliates receive a 40% commission for every qualified sale they refer.
  • The affiliate accreditation never expires, providing ongoing opportunities for earning commissions.
  • Affiliates have access to resources and a guide to assist them in getting started with the program.


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  • Payment methods
    PayPal, etc
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06 October 2024
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