August 14, 2020
  • Support 2
  • Technology 2
  • Quality of offers 7
  • Reliability 1

They blocked my account, which is over a year old with $2k in my account for "clear case of false lead generation among your conversions". All my traffic comes from SEO, not paid, and they know all my sources. My sites had been fined by Google for months and I hardly sent any traffic to the affiliate, but a few weeks ago they recovered for some keywords and I started sending new traffic to CrakRevenue smartlink because I found that they were changing the landing pages (before the Google fines I had sent most of my traffic to another affiliate and started sending now). Everything was fine, but a few days ago they just banned me. And of course, they don't explain what false lead generation is, how many false leads there were, where they came from. (I don't know, maybe a couple of conversions via vpn or proxy, a couple of dozens), etc. But they just banned and stole my money. But I think they just ban everyone if CR is high (but obviously seo CR will be higher) or if you are not from first world country and they can steal your money for nothing. NaziRevenue is the best name for this affiliate. If you have worked with them for a long time without any problems, it doesn't mean they won't cheat you in the end.

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