February 21, 2020
  • Stability 8
  • Quality of advertisers 7
  • Profitability 6
  • Support 8

About 7-8 years ago I worked with them. I placed them on an entertainment and educational site with about 8-10K visitors per day, along with AdSense blocks. They were still at Marketgid.com and had some sort of feud with another teaser "RedTram". For a day, usually came out about $ 3-4 dollars. I unscrewed only what they called "product teasers" - their click-through rate was more than for "information teasers", but with a lower CTR. Why I removed them - I do not remember exactly, or the cost per click has fallen to 1 cent, or because of the fact that it was excepted by the Yandex Advertising Network was accepted. Now, in the recent months, I again received e-mail offers of cooperation from their managers. P.S. Something for the past few years on the sites of their teasers are not observed. Or people have taken them down in mass, or my browsers they block the teasers, although I haven't adjusted any ad blocking purposefully.

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