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June 04, 2020
  • Profitability 1
  • Problems with anti-viruses 1
  • Stability 1
  • Support 10

I've decided to test this network on the traffic popunder. I've send traffic for the test on 10 dollars, 1.5 were given as a bonus and that's 11.5 dollars. Drove on the video on youtube, it served as prelanding of the offer, the link to the offer was under the video. Offer was about making money on the internet with good conversions in other traffic sources.

On average if you take other traffic from let's say browser extensions next, from 1000 visits, there were on average 20-30 clicks on links to offer and about 1-3 sales. With this network I got 28000 clicks and NO ONE goes to the site of the offer NO ONE!!! Thus, I drove traffic of 11.5 dollars that is about 800 rubles. When the browser extensions at 1000 clicks for 110 rubles had at least some kind of result, which I described above. Tell me, if it were all 28000 hits were made by people at least 1 could go to a link even for the sake of interest? But I didn't get no transitions.

Conclusion: in my opinion there are solid bots. Well it can not be so that 28k people have not once made a single click. I do not know how else it can be called as not a bot traffic!

I categorically do not recommend driving traffic into this affiliate network for the newcomers.

Translated from the original

September 10, 2020, 19:00

Good afternoon. Your offer is not too suitable for popander traffic, I suggest to test our pushes (or in-page pushes) and then there will be a completely different result.

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

April 16, 2020
  • Profitability 1
  • Problems with anti-viruses 1
  • Stability 1
  • Support 1

Don't mess with this scamming site in any way! The most disgusting platform! The drain was on the earnings on the Internet! It all starts with the fact that the manager adds to you himself after registration and begins scamming for you to as soon as possible fill up the account's balance, which is the minimum of $ 100. After that they just don't care about you answering for half a day. Drained 7500 rubles. did not make ONE sale (creatives were with good conversion, it's not about them) and after earning 20 $ in the account of KZ they stop everything and ask to refill ie $ 20 you will not work off and will not return if you do not want to cooperate with them anymore! Traffic consists of bots up to 50% some platforms just cheat the budget (even when using their WL) Bottom line: Drained 7500 rubles. Earned: 0 Scammed: $ 20. Now think for yourself is it worth working with them or not in terms of the traffic drainage!

Translated from the original

April 17, 2020, 10:55

Cramonvert, good day!

We want to understand the situation and are ready to solve the problem.

Please write your account ID here in a personal message or in response to this comment. If it's more convenient e-mail -

We will analyze the details and come back with a proposal for further action.

Add yourself to our Telegram-chat, where you can ask questions and discuss details on working with the platform 24/7.


Evadav team

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

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