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When they asked for verification on my main account I was waiting for the result for a very long time! And one day my patience ran out, I created a second account, connected Telegram to the account and began to write them: My partner requested verification and I wanted to know when they would start considering requests! The moment I reloaded page and the verification page appeared on the 2nd account too! As we know, after a verification request you can not go to other tabs, and then I wrote them the same thing in Telegram, and you know what that Support writes to me: DOCUMENTS FIRST ! And when I refused to provide data, they banned me in Telegram and my account on the site! Because of this case I stopped sending traffic to my main account!
I just wanted to share this story with you guys! Maybe someone will be interested :)))
This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.
I've started working with this affiliate program about 2-3 months ago! Everything went well! I've even received the payment! About 2-3 weeks ago I wrote to technical support, and asked about a feature, and suddenly a page with verification pops up! I've sent the data! Described everything as it is! But shit, I do not understand how long it takes them to check these documents! When an affiliate violates the rules of affiliate program, his verification is reviewed within 2 hours! And when it comes to affiliates who are actively working with the affiliate program, their verification can take weeks! I should warn you, that the payment was made instantly, without any problems, and they did not ask for verification!
I visit this site more often! You can ask me if I'm verified or not! I will answer you as much as possible
When a partner violates affiliate program rules, his verification is considered within 2 hours! And when it comes to partners who are actively working with the affiliate program, their verification can take weeks!
i wonder how you know all this? do you often violate rules?
This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.
February 04, 2019, 13:06
What exactly is it that surprises you? affiliate program does not want to cooperate and answer questions of those who violate affiliate program rules.