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April 12, 2018
  • Support 1
  • Technology 5
  • Quality of offers 0
  • Reliability 1

I was registered in this affiliate program a long time ago, but somehow I didn't drive traffic there. At the beginning of the year I drove there some traffic and forgot. Worked with several other affiliate programs. So, I’ve decided to check what's going on with the offers today, in case there's something interesting...and I look at the beginning of the year I've got 1800 approbed leads (in January), it feels like I've found 500 rubles from that season in spring) I think it's nice, for drinking beer or for testing will go. See the threshold of the minimum to withdraw and amazed ... 5000 thousand ..., for preschedule 5000 as well .... Frankly speaking, it’s the first time I see it, usually 1000-3000, in some affiliate programs there is minimum at all. Early repayment is usually not limited to anything either.

I think well, I will write to support, at least the leads are old and verified.

And then I was told that the rules of a minimum of 5000 and under no circumstances, we will not pay you until you reach the threshold.

There were similar situations in some affiliates where the money lay for a long time, but they do not work with them, for example at Shakes, I wrote to support, no problem, they return everything. They do not care about the minimum.

I would forget about it, the amount which I have is nothing, and as if the rules so provide, but the conclusion just begs to be made:

1) Attitude towards partners - none.

2) There’s nothing to do here for the newcomers, imagine the situation that you can not fill up for 5000, test traffic and affiliate program, and even on the turnover there will not be money. Would have to artificially drive traffic in minus at least something to get something back.

That's how it is. I do not plan to go back there myself.

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