December 25, 2021 1021

How to Promote Affiliate Products on Instagram

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways that you can have a passive income with and the good thing about it is that affiliates have a spread-wide variety of choices on how they want to approach this business. These options go from choosing a niche to choosing a platform to work on.

There are different platforms to choose from, and each of them has its own unique way of approaching them. One of the best places you can start affiliate marketing is Instagram, and in this article, we will show you how you can build an entire affiliate marketing business from scratch to earn a suitable profit from it.

Why You Should Choose Instagram

As we mentioned, there are a lot of options for affiliates to choose from, but why you should be choosing Instagram? The first part about this is that Instagram is a major social media, and because of that, it is secure enough, and the developers update it quickly enough. Instagram is free, and it already has an enormous base of users. This means easy and free traffic for your business. The speed of Instagram evolving is also very fast, and still, there are a lot of people joining the Instagram community every day.

Another aspect is that Instagram has really evolved in terms of being a platform for affiliate marketing. There are a lot of tools and techniques that will help those who want to grow in affiliate marketing.

Now let us get into how you can start a page and get it from 0 to 100 for affiliate marketing.

Are you just starting out on Instagram?
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Make Yourself a Brand

When signing up, the name of your Instagram account or its ID would be the name that people are going to find out about you, search for you, and recognize you with. This step is like creating a brand and a brand name for your affiliate marketing business so take your time by thinking about it.

Make sure you pick a name that is memorable, simple to read, and simple to type, and a name that people can find by searching about similar things. For example, if your Instagram page is for selling beauty products, pick a name that is related to beauty products or selling them. I suggest you avoid long, meaningless names for your page. Making a brand is crucial for affiliate marketing.

Another thing to note is that you can change the name of your page at any time that you want, but it is better to stick with one username from the start. If you change your name to something else in the middle of this process, some people might lose your page. After you have created your account with the name that you wanted, it is time to make it look good.

Make Your Instagram Account Look Good

No one will trust or like an account that is empty without a profile picture or anything on its bio. After you have created your account, your account will look like this.

You need to add a picture which we will leave to you, but make sure that the picture has a good quality and it fits your page. The next thing you will see from your page is a small section called bio.

Bio is a space that you can write shortly about anything that you want. The space that bio provides you is too limited so whatever you want to write, make it short. Mostly, the best options for a good bio are summaries about your page, or what you do on that page, what you offer, etc. You want the users to tell what is your page so they would subscribe to it at the first glimpse.

As you can see from Pewdiepie here, You can also put affiliate links in your bio. You can have your contact information there, a link to your website or webpage, and anything that you want people to know about your business and your page.

Create Contents and Post them on Instagram

Now the next step that you need to take is to create some posts on your Instagram Page. As an affiliate, creatively make posts about your products. Nobody will even look at your page on Instagram if it is empty and without any post. We will talk about how to effectively create content and post them on Instagram later in this article.

Gather Subscribers and Build a Base for Your Page

The next part which is the main reason for your success is to get traffic into your Instagram page and gather followers. But how can you achieve that? There are quite some ways you can approach this.

  • Advertising

The easiest way of getting followers is simply by giving money to larger pages so they can promote you. This way is easy because you will get followers in no time, but it comes with a price, and it is not free. You can also see sponsored posts on Instagram every day.

  • Instagram's Algorithm

This step is essential for the growth of your business. The way Instagram's algorithm works is that you need to be inside the community of your niche. How is that? For starters, you should follow and subscribe to the pages that have a similar theme or niche to your business. For example, if you want to sell electronic devices, follow other affiliates who do the same. That way Instagram will know what your page is about, and it will recommend it to other people who look for similar things.

As an example, look at this page and its following pages.

The page we have here is about fitness and sport, and as you can see, the majority of its following pages are about the same things. This way the people who follow their following pages, get this page recommended to them by Instagram's algorithm.

  • Follow People and Wait for them to Follow you Back

The last way that you see other people is to go on their rival pages or pages that have an alike theme to their page and follow their followers or you could say steal their followers.

Imagine this. A person is on Instagram following pages about foods. When you follow that person he will see a new page, and there is a chance that they might follow you back. This is why some Instagram pages have a lot of followings.

However there is a downside to this, and it is that Instagram prevents you from doing this too much, and if you overdo it, Instagram will block your account. Make sure you do not follow more than 80 people in 24 hours.

  • Do not do this

There is another way of gaining followers, and that is using bots and different software to get fake followers. This one is pretty cheap, and it adds nothing to your page but followers. No likes, no comments, no sales. This is just a fake way of fooling people that you are famous, and there is also a chance that you will get blocked. Instagram is sensitive about these kinds of followers.

For instance, this page is using fake followers because it has 0 followers, around 80K followers, and gets only 50 likes. It is not normal to get that many likes with 80 thousand people following you. Pay attention to two things. Their amount of followers, and likes.

Have you ever purchased bots and fake followers?
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How to Create a Good Post on Instagram

The most important thing about your posts is that they have to be visually acceptable. They must have good quality. They need to be simple, positive, and easy to read. This is what makes a great post.

Abuse the Ability to Have Multiple Media in One Post

If you want to use video format posts, make sure the video and sound qualities are OK and do not make it one long video. Instead, make it multiple media in one post. This will make people stay longer on your page and watch those videos, and that is a good thing for algorithms to pick up. It's the same thing with pictures. Instead of one picture with a lot of contexts, have multiple pictures in one post.

Use Hashtags Under your Posts

You have seen hashtags on social media. Use your related hashtags under all of your posts. This is another way of Instagram finding out what your page is about, and it will recommend it to people who follow the same hashtags. Just do not create any new hashtags and use the already existing ones and ones that other affiliates like you might use.

Case Study: $500 in 6 Weeks

Llambie on Instagram started a page on Instagram to promote a money making course as an affiliate. He started his page and tried to get organic traffic into his page with the methods that we mentioned above, mainly including: following people and getting into the community, posting regularly, keeping his branding consistent, and not looking over promotional.

With these steps, he targeted his customers, and here is the result he got in only 6 weeks, by gaining loyal followers who purchased the course that he was promoting.

This all happened in less than two months and that is what makes Instagram a great place for affiliate marketing.


In this post, we taught you everything you need to know about an Instagram page to help you get started in your affiliate marketing journey on Instagram. Remember that affiliate marketing on Instagram also requires patience, so if you do the steps we mentioned above patiently, you will definitely get to a result.

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