December 21, 2021 1015

Why Do My Facebook Ads Keep Getting Rejected — 5+ Tips How to Fix It

Trying to get your ads approved on Facebook feels like hitting the same wall repeatedly while knowing that the wall is going to be there. Or trying to hit a target moving at sonic speed, that too, in pitch black. Yes! It can get that bad. It gets so confusing trying to figure out what you can post and what you cannot. What audience can you target, and what can you not? And once you tick every single box off the list, it gets even more difficult to wait for Facebook to review your ad.

And to top it off and make things even worse, Facebook (now Meta) keeps changing its advertising and marketing policies every new day, and, as a result, people keep facing the same problem over and over again. Or they keep waiting for the “pending review,” only never to get rejected nor approved. Frustrating, isn’t it?

Lucky for you, we sat down to solve this Scooby Do mystery of why Facebook keeps rejecting your ads, how you can find a way around that and avoid your ads getting rejected. So, let’s break it all down, shall we?

What Causes a Facebook Ads Review

Let’s start with the trigger events, AKA what prompts Facebook to send your ad to its review purgatory. There are two cases in which Facebook can take the decision to review your ad:

  • You made some changes to an existing Facebook ad;
  • Or you decided to create a new advertisement on Facebook.

Now, let’s see, more specifically, what factors can trigger a review:

  • Making creative changes in elements like links, pictures, video, or text;
  • Changing the audience you want to target;
  • Changing or choosing a new billing event;
  • Altering your optimization goals or choosing new ones.

Sometimes, Facebook approves your ad right away, but you find out that it has been denied or rejected a day or two later. The reason behind this is pretty unclear. However, if we look into it in more detail, the only plausible explanation that comes out is that the first approval is most probably done with an automated process. Later, an actual human reviews your advertisement and ends up denying it.

Use of Prohibited Content

Facebook is stringent when it comes to using a particular type of content that is prohibited according to its Advertising Policies. Check its advertising policies regularly to keep up with it, and don't post anything that Facebook asks you not to. Otherwise, you will get rejected.

Here are some of the things that Facebook prohibits:

  • Illegal Products or Services
  • Tobacco and Related Products
  • Discriminatory Practices
  • Weapons, Ammunition, or Explosives
  • Unsafe Substances
  • Third-Party Infringement
  • Adult Products or Services
  • Personal Attributes
  • Sensational Content
  • Non-Functional Landing Page
  • Controversial Content
  • Cheating and Deceitful Practices
  • Misinformation
  • Penny Auctions
  • Multilevel Marketing
  • Sale of Body Parts
  • Adult Content

And so much more.

Use of Before & After (Comparison) Shots

This one is a big no from Facebook. We often think, as marketers, that if we post a before and after shot of the positive effects of our product or service, people will be more likely to show an interest. However, Facebook begs to differ. And it is rigorous on it as well. One just simply cannot use any kind of before and after shots in their advertisement’s supporting images.  

So, for instance, if you are planning to show somebody parts or an ideal body picture as a part of your ad campaign. Just drop that idea before Facebook drops your ad. If you want to market a weight-loss supplement, you need to post something other than someone with a 6-pack or thigh gap.

Using Fake Buttons

Have you found a fascinating video with an exciting thumbnail only to click on it to find out that it is actually a picture with a fake play button? It is pretty annoying, right? Well, Facebook finds it super annoying too. So, if you use a static image ad that takes your target audience to a video after they click on it, keep in mind not to add a fake play button on the Facebook image ad. Otherwise, Facebook will reject your ad.

Facebook rejects any ads that display any kind of non-existent functionality. In other words, it will not run your ad campaign if any part of it deceives the users by being an image but looking like a video because of a play button added to it.

You Made Facebook Users Feel Bad About Themselves

Another reason Facebook may have rejected your ad is that you made its users feel bad about themselves with the way you chose to market your product or service. So, if you made Facebook’s users depressed or sad by choosing a touchy advertisement tactic, your ad was set for rejection.

For example, suppose your ad talks about how people’s weight can affect their personal, professional, and social lives or how certain problems can make life difficult. In that case, you can potentially drive people away from the platform. Facebook does not want that to happen.

In short, it all revolves around context. Stay positive and get accepted, or be negative and get rejected.

How to Prevent Facebook from Rejecting Your Ads

Well, right off the bat, adhere to the rules and regulations set by Facebook to avoid getting your ad rejected in the first place. However, to stay on the safe side, here is a handy dandy list for you to refer to so you can lower the odds of your ad campaign getting denied.

  • Steer Clear of Inappropriate Targeting: Make sure that you are targeting the right group of people. If your ad's content does not correspond with your target audience, your ad will most likely get denied.
  • Use Proper Grammar: Keep things normal and grammatically correct. If you capitalize everything, your ads will most likely get denied and give your competitors an unfair advantage. So, don't turn Facebook off by going ALL CAPS, and it will approve your ad, provided everything else is also according to its policies. Moreover, use professional language (use full sentences). Pay special attention to sentence structure, tone, grammar, spelling, and clarity. It will also make people see your content in a more professional light.

  • Don't Use Unacceptable Language: Avoid cussing or swearing in your ads. Don't use profanity or words that are sexual, derogatory, or degrading in nature.

  • Follow Destination URLs Guidelines: Do not cloak your URL or direct people to Word, PowerPoint, or PDF files because it will instantly take your account from being in good standing to getting terminated within 8 seconds or even instantly. Send your target audience to a landing page. Do not direct them to fake close behavior or pop-up destinations.

  • Do Not Substitute Symbols, Numbers for Words: We may use all kinds of numbers, abbreviations, and symbols in real life, Facebook, however, doesn't allow that. Do not use numbers like 4 instead of the word 'for.’ Use complete, real words. These kinds of sketchy mistakes make Facebook twitch.
  • Use Relevant Images: Make sure that the images you include in your ads are clean, acceptable, appropriate, and, most importantly, relevant to what you are advertising. Facebook strives to keep its environment a safe and fun place for its users, so try to follow its rules and not use any pictures just for shock value.
  • Don’t Deceive Facebook Users: And, lastly, do not offer any deceptive discounts and offers. For instance, if you provide a discount or make a very particular claim, a user gets intrigued and goes to your landing page; upon arriving, he finds out that the landing page's content is entirely different from what you claimed and gets annoyed. What happens then? Well, you could possibly lose your account. So, don’t trick people.


In conclusion, the best way to deal with Facebook and its continuous game of hide and seek with declining ads is by keeping calm and playing its game. We understand that it can get super annoying to deal with rejections, especially with the fact that Facebook has one of the worst customer supports ever, but you can make things easier for yourself. How? Well, by following the right guidelines and not giving Facebook any reasons to reject your request to run an ad.

All in all, edit your ads the right way, AKA the Facebook way. Do not include anything that prohibits you from adding. Do not cut corners and never try to trick Facebook. It can automatically block your ad and even terminate your account, and you will have a tough time getting it back, especially due to the lack of customer support.

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