October 21 0 17

This 62-Year-Old Woman Grew Her Food Blog to 6-Figures a Year by Teaming Up with an Accountability Partner

Debra Clark

Debra Clark is a 62-year-old food blogger who runs Bowl Me Over, a blog that now brings in about $300,000 a year. This didn't happen quickly. Debra started her blog in 2013 just for fun. Over ten years, she worked hard to make it a real business. Now, more than 400,000 people visit her blog each month.

Debra's blog did so well that two years ago, her husband was able to quit his job. He now helps by tasting all her recipes. They even bought a new house in Oregon, moving from California where Debra first started blogging. Her blog keeps growing. In July 2023, it got its most visits ever - 307,000 in one month.

But it wasn't always easy. She experienced a setback during Google's Helpful Content Update, which caused her traffic to drop to 129,000 clicks in May 2023. Debra didn't give up. She worked hard to fix things and get her readers back. Let’s get into the full story.

Who is Debra Clark?

Debra Clark is a 62-year-old woman who loves to cook. She's been married to her husband Dan for 11 years. But before she started her blog, Debra went through a really tough time. She was married for 22 years when her first husband suddenly left her. He sent her an email just a week after their anniversary, saying he was done with the marriage. He cleaned out their bank account and left Debra with only $100. He told her she'd be fine and took off to chase his own dreams.

This was a huge shock for Debra. But she didn't let it beat her. She scraped by and made it work. For two years, Debra focused on getting back on her feet. Her friend Nicole started to worry that Debra was becoming a hermit, or as some joked, a crazy cat/dog lady. Nicole insisted that Debra try online dating through eHarmony.

That's how Debra met Dan. They dated for two years before getting married. When they moved to Fresno, California, Dan gave Debra an amazing gift - the freedom to do whatever she wanted. That's when she decided to start a food blog. She thought it would be fun, especially since her friends were getting tired of seeing all her food pictures on Facebook. Little did she know that this casual decision would turn into an amazing journey and a profitable business.

How Bowl Me Over began

Debra started her blog, Bowl Me Over, in 2013. At first, it was just a fun hobby. She thought it would be a good way to share her recipes instead of posting food pictures on Facebook all the time. She didn't know then that it would become such a big part of her life.

As time went on, Debra realized she could make money from her blog. This realization changed how she thought about her blog. It wasn't just a hobby anymore - it could be a real business. She started to take it more seriously and put more time and energy into it.

To make her blog better, Debra worked on several skills:

1. Writing: She practiced writing more engaging posts that people would enjoy reading.

2. Photography: She learned how to take better pictures of her food. Good photos are really important for a food blog.


3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): This is about making sure people can find your blog when they search on Google. Debra spent a lot of time learning how to do this well.

Debra's blog is all about easy recipes. She uses everyday ingredients that most people have in their kitchens. She likes to find shortcuts to make cooking simpler. This is perfect for people who are busy but still want to make good food at home.

One thing that makes Debra's blog special is that she tests every recipe herself. She won't put a recipe on her blog unless she's sure it tastes good. She says her blog is perfect for people who are just starting to cook. If you're not very confident in the kitchen, Debra's recipes are a great place to start.

How much Debra earns from her blog

Debra's hard work has really paid off. This year, she expects to earn $300,000 from her blog. That's a lot of money from something that started as a hobby! It shows how much her blog has grown over the years.

Her blog gets a lot of visitors too. Right now, she has over 400,000 people coming to her blog each month. That's like filling up a big stadium with people, all coming to read Debra's recipes. Her best month ever was July 2023, when 307,000 people clicked on her blog in just one month.

Because her blog does so well, Debra was able to help her husband retire two years ago. Now, Dan helps with the blog by being the official taste tester. It must be a pretty good job to eat all of Debra's delicious recipes! They even bought a new house and moved from California to Oregon. This shows how a blog can change your whole life if you work hard at it.

How Google's update affected Debra's blog

In 2022, Google made a big change called the Helpful Content Update. This change affected how Google shows websites in search results. The idea was to show more helpful content to people searching online. But this change made it harder for some blogs to show up in search results. Debra's blog was one of them.

In May 2023, Debra's blog traffic dropped to its lowest point. Only 129,000 people clicked on her blog that month. This was a big drop from her usual numbers. It can be really scary when your traffic drops like this, especially when your blog is your business.

But Debra didn't let this stop her. She worked really hard to make her blog better. She went back to the basics of good blogging. She looked closely at what was working and what wasn't. She studied what Google wanted and tried to make her content more helpful for her readers.

It took time and a lot of effort, but Debra managed to get her readers back. She says she's really proud of how she handled this tough time. It shows that when things get hard, it's important to keep trying and to be willing to update your strategies.

What Debra thinks about SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a very important aspect of Debra's blog success. It's all about making sure people can find your blog when they search for recipes or cooking tips online. Debra takes SEO seriously because most of her blog visitors come from Google searches.

Here's what Debra does to keep her SEO strong:

1. Daily checks: She looks at her blog's performance every day using tools like Search Console and Google Analytics. These tools show her how many people are visiting her blog and which posts they like best.

2. Regular updates: Debra updates her old blog posts regularly. She thinks about how she can make each post better and more helpful for her readers. This is important because Google likes websites that keep their content fresh and useful.

3. Understanding trends: She watches for trends in her traffic. If she sees that certain types of recipes are becoming more popular, she might write more posts like that.

4. Keyword research: When Debra writes a new post, she first checks if it's a topic people are searching for. She uses tools like KeySearch and RankIQ to do this. This helps her write about things people actually want to know about.

5. Staying in her lane: Debra tries to write about things that fit with her blog's focus on easy recipes. She knows that trying to write about everything wouldn't work as well.

Debra believes that what works for SEO is different for every blog. That's why she focuses on figuring out what works best for her specific blog. She doesn't just follow general advice, but really looks at what her readers want and what Google seems to like about her blog.

How Debra creates content

Debra's approach to creating content is all about her readers. She doesn't just guess what people want to read - she asks them directly.

“When I first started asking, I got crickets for a response. Now, after spending more time engaging with readers, I have great lines of communication open with my email subscribers.”

 Here's how she does it:

1. Asking readers: Debra often asks her audience what kind of recipes they want to see. She wants to know what makes cooking easier for them and what they're hungry for. This direct communication helps her create recipes that people actually want to make.

2. Building relationships: When Debra first started asking her readers for ideas, not many people answered. But she kept trying. Now, she has great conversations with the people who subscribe to her emails. This shows how important it is to keep talking to your readers, even if they don't respond right away.

3. Making recipes easier: Debra is always looking for ways to make recipes simpler. She knows her readers are busy and don't want to spend all day in the kitchen. So she tries to make traditional recipes quicker and easier to make, without losing the good taste.

4. Testing everything: Debra tests every recipe herself before putting it on her blog. This might sound obvious, but not all food bloggers do this. Debra wants to make sure that every recipe works well and tastes good before she shares it.

5. Using everyday ingredients: Debra focuses on using ingredients that most people can find easily in their local grocery store. This makes her recipes more accessible to everyone.

After Debra publishes a new recipe, she does several things to help more people see it:

  • Social media: She posts about it on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. This helps her reach people who follow her on these platforms.
  • Internal linking: She links to three other recipes on her blog. This helps readers find more of her content and can also help with SEO.
  • Email newsletter: She sends the recipe to everyone on her email list. This is a great way to make sure her most interested readers see her new content.

By focusing on what her readers want and making her recipes as accessible as possible, Debra has built a loyal following for her blog.

Growing her email list

Debra has 5,400 people on her email list. While this might sound like a lot, Debra actually thinks it's small for a blog her size. She started her email list later than she should have, which is a common mistake many bloggers make.

When Debra first thought about starting an email list, she didn't think anyone would want to read her emails except her mom! This is a feeling many new bloggers have. But Debra learned that readers really do want to hear from the bloggers they follow. She said;

“To my surprise, once I started my list and then refined it by emailing daily and sharing bits of myself in almost every email, it’s surprising how much folks wait for those emails and write back to chat. I love my readers!”

Now, Debra sends an email every day. In each email, she shares between 9 and 12 recipe links. This might seem like a lot, but Debra has found that her readers appreciate being reminded about different recipes. She uses a tool called ConvertKit to manage her email list and send out her emails.

Debra was surprised to find that people really look forward to her emails. They often write back to chat with her about the recipes or share their own cooking experiences. This has helped Debra build a strong community around her blog.

Growing her email list is one of Debra's main goals for the future. She knows that having a strong email list is important for a few reasons:

1. Direct communication: Emails let Debra talk directly to her most interested readers.

2. Less dependence on search engines: With a good email list, Debra doesn't have to rely only on Google for people to find her blog.

3. Building relationships: Emails help Debra build stronger relationships with her readers, which can lead to more loyal followers.

Debra's experience shows that it's never too late to start building an email list. Even if you think no one will be interested, you might be surprised by how much your readers want to hear from you!

Debra's accountability partner

Marye from Restless Chipotle

One of the most important parts of Debra's success is her accountability partner, Marye from Restless Chipotle. An accountability partner is someone you team up with to help each other reach your goals. Debra met Marye through a friend of a friend several years ago.

Even though they didn't know each other well, Debra took a bold step and asked Marye to be her accountability partner. At first, Marye was surprised. She didn't know Debra at all and thought it was a bit crazy. But Debra was persistent. She explained how they had a lot in common and why she thought they'd work well together. Debra's determination paid off, and Marye agreed.

Now, Debra and Marye meet every week on Zoom to talk about their blogs. These aren't just friendly chats. They use this time to work on strategies and support each other's businesses. They talk about what's working well, what challenges they're facing, and how they can improve their blogs.

Once a year, they even meet in person in Phoenix for a special planning retreat. This gives them a chance to really go deep into their blog strategies and plan for the future.

Debra says having an accountability partner is different from just having someone to talk to. She and Marye really focus on their work during these meetings. They give each other honest feedback, even if it's sometimes hard to hear. This might mean telling each other when an idea isn't great or when they're not working hard enough.

Debra believes this honest, one-on-one feedback has been extremely valuable for her blog's growth. It's helped her stay on track, try new things, and keep pushing forward even when things get tough.

Having an accountability partner like this can be really helpful for any blogger or business owner. It gives you someone to share ideas with, someone to encourage you when things are hard, and someone to celebrate with when things go well.

Debra's main marketing strategy

Debra's number one marketing strategy is closely tied to her work with her accountability partner, Marye. She believes that this partnership has been part of her success.

Debra spends about 60 hours a week working on her blog. But it's not just about creating recipes and taking photos. A lot of this time is spent thinking about her business strategy. Debra believes that this thinking time is just as important, if not more important, than the actual work of creating content.

Here's how Debra approaches her marketing:

1. Studying her website: She looks carefully at her blog to see what's working well. She tries to understand why certain posts are popular and how she can make more content like that.

2. Email marketing: Debra pays close attention to her email marketing. She believes that building a relationship with her readers through email is very important. She uses her daily emails to keep in touch with her audience and share her latest recipes.

3. SEO focus: Debra checks her Search Console and Google Analytics data every day. She watches for trends in her traffic and uses this information to guide her strategy. This helps her understand what kinds of content her readers are most interested in.

4. Regular updates: Debra is always looking for ways to make her existing content better and more helpful for her readers. She updates her old blog posts regularly, which can help them continue to perform well in search results.

5. Reader engagement: Debra often asks her audience what kind of recipes they want to see. This helps her create content that her readers really want. By listening to her audience, she can make sure she's meeting their needs.

6. Social media sharing: Right after publishing a new recipe, Debra posts about it on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. This helps her reach people who follow her on these platforms and can bring more traffic to her blog.

7. Internal linking: With each new post, Debra links to three other recipes on her blog. This helps readers find more of her content and can improve her SEO by showing Google how her content is connected.

Debra believes that success in blogging comes from consistent work, strategic thinking, and a willingness to adapt. Her partnership with Marye helps her stay accountable to these principles and continually improve her approach. By having someone to discuss ideas with and get feedback from, Debra can refine her strategies and keep growing her blog.

Debra's blog income and ad networks

Debra's blog income has grown significantly over the years. This year, she expects to earn $300,000 in total income from Bowl Me Over. But getting to this point involved some important decisions, especially when it comes to advertising.

In March, Debra made a big change. She switched from using Mediavine to Raptive for her blog's ads. This wasn't an easy decision, but Debra felt it was necessary for her blog's growth.

Debra explains that she left Mediavine because her RPMs (Revenue Per Mille, or how much she earns per thousand page views) weren't growing. She also felt she wasn't getting enough help to improve them. Debra wanted someone who would listen to her concerns and provide actionable advice.

When she moved to Raptive, Debra was given a guaranteed increase in earnings for the first three months. She's happy to report that her earnings haven't dipped below that increase since she made the switch.

To track her blog's performance, Debra relies heavily on Google Search Console. She uses this tool to monitor her blog's traffic and understand how people are finding her content. Here's what Debra saw in Search Console:

1. Her highest number of clicks in a one-month period was in July 2023, with 307,000 clicks.

2. When her traffic hit its lowest point in May 2023, she had 129,000 clicks in a 30-day period.

Seeing this drop in traffic was tough, but Debra didn't give up. She started doing her own research and worked closely with her accountability partner, Marye. Together, they focused on learning not just general best practices for Google, but specifically what worked best for Debra's blog.

Debra's experience shows how important it is to:

1. Be willing to make changes if something isn't working

2. Use tools like Search Console to understand your blog's performance

3. Work with others to find solutions when you face challenges

By taking these steps, Debra was able to turn things around and continue growing her blog's traffic and income.


Debra Clark started Bowl Me Over in 2013 and now earns $300,000 annually from it. She focuses on creating easy recipes that appeal to her readers. Her approach includes regular SEO work, frequent content updates, and engaging with her audience through email and social media. Debra works with an accountability partner and has switched ad networks to increase her income. Her blog receives over 400,000 monthly visits, demonstrating growth since its inception.

For those looking to start a blog, key steps include: choosing a specific topic, consistently creating content, learning about SEO, building an email list, engaging with readers, and being willing to adapt strategies as needed. Understanding website analytics and exploring various monetization methods, such as ad networks, are also important aspects of blogging as a business.

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