October 02 0 68

4 Up-to-Date Methods to Link a Card on Facebook

Paying for ads on Facebook can be a real challenge. The constant changes to the platform and new, unfamiliar rules often turn linking a card into a nightmare: a dance with unnecessary obstacles and a continuous search for workarounds to simplify the payment process. In this article, we'll take a detailed look at the current methods for linking a card, along with step-by-step instructions for each.

Why linking a card isn't easy

Facebook makes linking a card more complicated for several reasons:

  • Enhanced security

Facebook frequently encounters various scams related to theft through illegal payments. To prevent this, the platform implements strict security measures, including checks on payment data and account verification. While these measures protect the user and the platform from fraud, they also create difficulties when linking a card.

  • Algorithm changes

Facebook constantly updates its algorithms to improve the platform's functionality and combat illegal activities. These updates also affect the card linking process, making it more complex and less predictable for users. In some cases, this may lead to errors or the inability to link a card without a valid reason.

  • Facebook "storms"

During periods of instability, such as technical issues or sudden policy changes, Facebook may block card linking to accounts. Although this is usually a temporary solution, it still causes inconvenience for users due to the inability to make payments. However, the best option is often to wait out the wave of bans and other issues.

The most effective ways to link a card on Facebook

Currently, there are several reliable methods for linking a card, which differ in their simplicity and convenience. In this article, we won't discuss complex and time-consuming methods like linking a card through a mobile app, donations, or auto-replenishment, which not everyone uses. Instead, we'll focus on the simplest and most convenient ways — we'll break down four working methods that are easy to implement:

Method #1: Linking a card through the Ad Account

1. Go to the ad account: link.

2. Click "Add payment method."

3. Enter your card details.

That's it! The card was linked without any issues, even with an American card, a Kazakh account, and a Polish proxy.

Method #2: Linking a card through a Fan Page

1. Go to your Fan Page and boost any post.

2. You'll be prompted to link a card.

3. Click "Next" and link the card.

The card was linked without any problems.

Method #3: Linking a card through FBAcc

1. Install the "https://fbacc.io" extension.

2. Go to your Facebook Ads ad account and click on the extension.

3. Enter your card details and link it: "Set up payment method".

Method #4: Linking a card through Business Manager

1. Go to your Business Manager in the "All Accounts" section.

2. Click on the "View payment" button in the top-right corner.

3. You'll be redirected to the billing section, where you can link the card using the old scheme.

The card was linked without any problems.

The methods described above are among the fastest and most convenient for linking a card.

Personal experience

My team uses the "boost post" method when a card doesn't link well through regular billing. If you encounter a similar issue, such as a "failed to debit" error, don't worry — simply go to the post boost and link a new card on top of the old one. The error message will disappear within about 5 minutes.

Factors affecting card linking on Facebook

To avoid most of the problems when linking a card, you should also understand what can affect it. Therefore, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the main factors that influence card linking and the "Risk Payment" error.


When using a proxy server that is used by multiple people at the same time, Facebook may suspect something is wrong.

Imagine the situation: The platform sees that multiple accounts are accessing the network through the same proxy server. What can this lead to?

That’s right. Facebook will be suspicious — the accounts are connected or fake. As a result, the account will receive a "mark" from Facebook, which can lead to various difficulties, including problems with linking a card.

To avoid potential problems, use high-quality and reliable proxies, preferably those that are not used by multiple people at the same time. This will help protect your account from unwanted attention from Facebook.

Account quality

A high-quality account is not just a set of data, but a living profile with real photos, good activity, likes, and comments. Facebook considers such accounts to be real, which means the likelihood of problems with linking a card decreases.

Why do low-quality accounts often get rejected for linking?

  • Suspicion of fraud: Facebook may consider them to be fake and therefore insecure.
  • Security restrictions: Facebook may impose restrictions on low-quality accounts, including payment restrictions.

When buying accounts, pay attention to what you're buying — don't chase cheap options or assume that expensive means high-quality.

Tip: Opt for accounts that are at least 2 weeks old, as the chances of successfully linking a card to them are much higher than with brand new accounts. And if you're not sure where to buy high-quality accounts, we've got you covered: check out these options here or here.

Matching geo location of account and card

When running ads on Facebook, it's essential that the country specified in the ad campaign settings matches the location of the bank account. The platform checks where your card was issued and compares it with the profile information. If there's a discrepancy, for example, if you specify a US geo but have a Ukrainian card, Facebook may suspect fraud and block the account.

As we mentioned earlier, Facebook tries to prevent illegal actions, such as fraudulent advertising. Therefore, when working with this platform, ensure that all data matches.

Of course, most problems with linking a card and matching geo occur during Facebook "storms." In "calm" times, there are no problems with linking a card to an account with a different geo.


Linking a card to Facebook is not always an easy process, but with the right actions and understanding of the factors that affect the process, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

It's essential to remember that Facebook constantly updates its algorithms. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that card linking methods may change even in the near future. This means you'll need to test and find new ways again.

The simplest and most effective way is to monitor forums and chats. It may sound strange, but they always have the latest information: mass problems with linking cards, new methods, valuable experience from first-hand accounts, and more. Therefore, before testing various methods, try to study arbitrage chats — you'll not only learn something new but also save money on expenses and card issuance.

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