September 19 0 29

How to Steal Traffic From E-commerce Businesses to Your Affiliate Links: A Blackhat Guide

One of the biggest challenges for affiliate marketers is getting a constant flow of high-quality traffic to their affiliate links. Without people clicking on those links, even the best affiliate campaigns won't make much money. That's where finding creative and effective ways to get traffic comes in.

In this article, we're going to dive deep into one strategy that could help you get free traffic for your affiliate campaigns. This is by tapping into the huge amounts of traffic that e-commerce businesses, especially dropshippers, are already generating. As an affiliate, you can "ride the wave" of their success and direct highly targeted, ready-to-buy traffic to your own affiliate links.

We'll walk you through this strategy step-by-step, and by the time you finish reading, you'll have a clear understanding of how to tap e-commerce traffic to increase your affiliate commissions. Let's get started!

Dropshipping and Facebook Ads: A match made for blackhat affiliate marketers

Before we can talk about stealing dropshipping traffic for affiliate marketing, we need to understand how dropshipping works and how it connects with Facebook advertising.

Facebook is one of the most popular and effective platforms for dropshippers to advertise their products and get people to their stores. By creating ads that showcase their products and target specific groups of people based on their demographics, interests, and behavior, dropshippers can effectively reach their ideal customers and get them to visit their online store.

However, what many affiliate marketers have realized is that this presents a unique opportunity for them to use the traffic that dropshippers are getting for their own benefit. By finding successful dropshipping ads and promoting cheaper alternatives to the products being sold, affiliate marketers can effectively "redirect" the traffic from those ads to their own affiliate links, potentially earning a lot of commissions in the process.

In the next sections, we'll explore this strategy in detail, giving you step-by-step instructions on how to find profitable dropshipping ads, find cheaper alternative products to promote, and effectively engage with potential customers to get clicks and sales. By the end of this article, you'll have a complete understanding of how to use this powerful traffic generation strategy in your own affiliate marketing campaigns.

The step-by-step process to stealing dropshipping traffic for affiliate marketing

Now that we have a solid understanding of the dropshipping business model and its relationship to Facebook advertising, let's dive into the actual process of stealing dropshipping traffic for affiliate marketing purposes.

In this section, we will break down the strategy into a step-by-step guide, providing you with a clear roadmap for putting this approach into action.

Step 1: Identifying successful dropshipping ads on Facebook

The first step is to find successful dropshipping ads that are currently running on Facebook. These ads will be your starting point for figuring out what products to promote and who to target.

One of the best tools for finding these ads is a Facebook Ads Spy tool. These tools let you see the ads that other businesses, including dropshippers, are running on Facebook, along with important information like how engaging the ad is, how many likes, comments, and shares it's gotten, and how long it's been running.

There are lots of Facebook Ads Spy tools available online, both free and paid. One popular option is Facebook Ads’ own tool called the Facebook Ad Library – which is free. 

Another premium one is, which offers a free trial. You can sign up for the free trial using a temporary virtual credit card to access their database of winning ads without having to pay anything. Just remember to cancel the trial before it ends so you don't get charged.

Once you have access to a Facebook Ads Spy tool, you can start looking for successful dropshipping ads. Use the tool's filters to narrow down your search based on things like the ad's country, the dates it was active, and how engaging it was.

For the best results, focus on ads that have a high engagement rate and are still running, because these are likely getting the most traffic and sales.

As you look through the ads, pay attention to the products being promoted, the ad text and images, and anything else that catches your eye. This information will be helpful later when you start creating your own affiliate campaigns.

Step 2: Analyzing the dropshipper's product and finding a cheaper alternative on Amazon

Once you've identified a successful dropshipping ad, the next step is to analyze the product being promoted and find a cheaper alternative that you can promote as an affiliate.

Start by clicking through to the dropshipper's website and taking a close look at the product being sold. Note the product's features, specifications, pricing, and any other relevant details. Pay particular attention to the product's unique selling points and the benefits it offers to potential customers.

Next, head over to popular e-commerce marketplaces like AliExpress, Amazon, or eBay, and search for the same or a similar product. More often than not, you will find the product being sold at a significantly lower price than what the dropshipper is charging. This is because dropshippers typically mark up the price of the product in order to earn a profit.


For example, let's say you come across a dropshipper selling a wireless Bluetooth speaker for $50. After doing some research on Amazon, you find the exact same speaker being sold by another supplier for only $30. This presents an excellent opportunity for you to promote the cheaper alternative and potentially earn a commission on each sale, through the Amazon affiliate program.

All you need to do is sign up for the marketplace’s affiliate program and get your referral links.

When searching for cheaper alternatives, be sure to compare the products carefully to ensure that they are as similar as possible to the one being sold by the dropshipper. Look for products that have the same features, specifications, and design elements. If possible, try to find products that come from the same manufacturer or supplier, as this will help ensure consistency in quality and customer experience.

Once you've found a suitable alternative product, make note of its price, shipping costs, and any other relevant details. You'll need this information when creating your affiliate campaign and engaging with potential customers.

Step 3: Writing comments under dropshipper's ads that indirectly promote your affiliate link

Now that you've identified a successful dropshipping ad and found a cheaper alternative product to promote, it's time to put your affiliate marketing skills to work and start engaging with potential customers.

The key to success in this step is to position yourself as a helpful and trustworthy source of information, rather than a spammy salesperson. Your goal is to provide value to the people who are interested in the product being promoted by the dropshipper, and to gently guide them towards your cheaper alternative.

One effective way to do this is by leaving a comment on the dropshipper's ad. In your comment, mention that you have found the same or a similar product at a significantly lower price. Be sure to include a link to the product using your affiliate link, so that you can earn a commission if someone clicks through and makes a purchase.

For example, your comment might read something like this:

"I was interested in this product too, but I found the same thing on [affiliate link] for almost half the price! Just thought I'd share in case anyone else is looking to save some money."

By framing your comment as a helpful tip rather than a hard sell, you increase the likelihood that people will be receptive to your message and click through to your affiliate link.

When writing your comment, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid using spammy or salesy language. Words like "cheapest," "limited time offer," or "buy now" can come across as aggressive and turn people off.
  2. Use a link shortener to clean up your affiliate link and make it look less intimidating. Long, complicated links can be off-putting and may even trigger Facebook's spam filters.
  3. Be prepared for your comment to be deleted by the dropshipper. Some dropshippers are vigilant about monitoring their ad comments and will quickly remove anything that promotes a competing product. However, many others are too busy managing multiple stores to keep a close eye on every ad, giving you a window of opportunity to engage with their audience.
  4. Don't spam the same comment across multiple ads. This can quickly get you flagged as a spammer and may even result in your Facebook account being suspended. Instead, take the time to write unique, relevant comments for each ad you engage with.

By following these tips and approaching your engagement with a spirit of helpfulness and authenticity, you can effectively leverage the traffic being driven by successful dropshipping ads and direct it towards your own affiliate offers. Over time, as you refine your approach and identify the types of products and audiences that work best for you, you can scale your efforts and start generating significant affiliate commissions from this powerful traffic source.

Of course, success with this strategy requires persistence, patience, and a willingness to experiment. Not every comment or affiliate offer will be a hit, and there may be times when you go days or even weeks without generating a sale. But by staying focused on providing value and building long-term relationships with your audience, you can create a sustainable affiliate marketing business that leverages the best of what dropshipping has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this chapter, we'll address some of the most common questions and concerns that affiliate marketers have about leveraging dropshipping traffic for their own gain.

Q1: Is this strategy legal and ethical?

A: Yes, this strategy is both legal and ethical, as long as you approach it with the right mindset and intentions. Remember, your goal is not to "steal" traffic or customers from dropshippers, but rather to provide value by offering a cheaper alternative to the products they are promoting. As long as you are honest and transparent in your communications with potential customers, there is nothing unethical about this approach.

Q2: Won't the dropshippers get angry if they see me promoting competing products on their ads?

A: It's possible that some dropshippers may not appreciate seeing affiliate marketers promoting alternative products on their ads. However, it's important to remember that Facebook ads are public spaces, and anyone is free to comment and engage with them as they see fit. As long as you are not engaging in spammy or abusive behavior, you have every right to participate in the conversation and offer your own perspective.

That being said, it's always a good idea to be respectful and professional in your interactions with dropshippers and their customers. Avoid making negative or disparaging comments about the dropshipper's products or business practices, and focus instead on highlighting the benefits of your alternative offer.

Q3: How much money can I realistically expect to make with this strategy?

A: The amount of money you can make with this affiliate marketing strategy will depend on a variety of factors, including the niche you are operating in, the quality of the products you are promoting, and the effectiveness of your messaging and targeting.

That being said, many affiliate marketers have reported earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month using this approach.

For example, let's say you are promoting a popular skincare product that retails for $50 on the dropshipper's site. You find the same product on AliExpress for $10, and you earn a 10% commission on each sale you generate through your affiliate link. If you can generate just 10 sales per day, you would be earning $50 per day, or $1,500 per month, from this one product alone.

Of course, achieving this level of sales requires a significant amount of traffic and engagement, as well as a compelling offer and messaging strategy. But with persistence and optimization, many affiliate marketers have been able to scale their earnings to impressive levels using this approach.

Q4: What if the dropshipper deletes my comment or blocks me from commenting on their ads?

A: It's possible that some dropshippers may delete comments that promote competing products, or even block users who engage in this behavior. However, this is a risk that comes with the territory when using this affiliate marketing strategy.

If you find that your comments are being deleted or your account is being blocked, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Try using different accounts or profiles to leave comments, to avoid being easily identified and blocked.
  2. Experiment with different messaging and positioning strategies to see what resonates with the audience and avoids triggering the dropshipper's defenses.
  3. Focus on engaging with ads and audiences that are less likely to be actively monitored by the dropshipper, such as older ads or ads with a lower engagement rate.

Ultimately, the key is to be persistent and adaptable in your approach. If one door closes, look for another one to open. With time and experimentation, you'll develop a sense for what works and what doesn't in your niche and market.

Q5: Can I use this strategy with other social media platforms besides Facebook?

A: Absolutely! While Facebook is currently the most popular platform for dropshippers to advertise on, this affiliate marketing strategy can be adapted to work with other social media platforms as well.

For example, you could use Instagram's "Explore" page to find popular posts promoting dropshipping products, and leave comments with your affiliate link. You could also use Twitter's search function to find tweets related to specific dropshipping products, and reply with your offer.

The key is to be creative and experimental in your approach, and to always be on the lookout for new opportunities to engage with potential customers and promote your affiliate offers.

Q6: Do I need to have a website or blog to make this strategy work?

A: While having a website or blog can certainly be helpful for building trust and credibility with potential customers, it's not strictly necessary for this affiliate marketing strategy.

Many affiliate marketers have had success simply by leaving comments with their affiliate links on relevant Facebook ads and posts. As long as you are providing value and not coming across as spammy or manipulative, you can generate clicks and sales without the need for a separate website.

That being said, having a website or blog can provide additional benefits, such as the ability to build an email list, create targeted landing pages for your affiliate offers, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. If you're serious about building a long-term affiliate marketing business, investing in a website or blog is definitely worth considering.


Leveraging dropshipper’s traffic for affiliate marketing can be a powerful way to generate significant online income, without the need to create your own products or invest in expensive advertising campaigns. By identifying successful dropshipping ads, finding cheaper alternative products to promote, and engaging with potential customers in a helpful and authentic way, affiliate marketers can tap into a massive source of high-quality traffic and convert it into reliable affiliate commissions.

Of course, success with this strategy requires persistence, creativity, and a willingness to experiment and adapt. Not every comment or offer will be a winner, and there may be setbacks and challenges along the way. But by staying focused on providing value and building long-term relationships with your audience, you can create a sustainable affiliate marketing business that leverages the power of dropshipping traffic for your own gain.

So if you're looking for a new way to increase your affiliate earnings and take your online business to the next level, give this strategy a try. With the right approach and mindset, you may just find that leveraging dropshipping traffic is the key to unlocking your full potential as an affiliate marketer.

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