June 16 0 165

How to do SEO for Nutra, Gambling, Crypto, and Other Grayhat Verticals in 2024

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical component of digital marketing, especially for businesses operating in highly competitive and regulated verticals such as nutra, gambling, crypto, and other grayhat verticals. As we go through 2024, staying updated and ahead of the curve is paramount for success.

In this article, we'll share a number of tried-and-tested strategies and techniques to help you handle SEO in grayhat and other heavily regulated verticals effectively.

Building trust and credibility

One of the biggest challenges faced by businesses in grayhat verticals is establishing trust and credibility with both search engines and users. We've found that acquiring links from high-authority websites is a powerful way to signal trustworthiness to Google. Aim to get valuable backlinks from well-known publications like the Daily Mail, USA Today, and CNN that can elevate your brand's credibility.

Another strategy is to build your personal brand through various channels. Don't be afraid to participate in forums, start a podcast, or create engaging YouTube videos. By positioning yourself as a thought leader, you can gain the trust of your target audience and establish your business as an authority in your niche.

When it comes to the iGaming/ gambling niche, transparency, and user reviews are paramount. Show customer feedback, display security certificates, and provide top-notch content to build trust with your users. Clear communication and well-defined private policies also contribute to establishing credibility.

Optimizing for competitive markets

To outrank your competitors in search engines within grayhat verticals, we recommend focusing on topical authority rather than solely targeting individual keywords. By comprehensively covering a topic and addressing all related questions, your website can become the go-to resource for users seeking information.

Leverage the expertise of your internal team members, such as doctors, traders, or health experts, by creating content under their authorship. This approach not only adds credibility to your website but also signals to Google that your brand possesses the necessary knowledge and authority in your respective vertical.

Keyword strategy

When it comes to keyword strategy in highly competitive markets, we've discovered that traditional keyword research is losing its relevance. Instead, we advocate for a topical research approach, focusing on covering a subject matter in its entirety.

By targeting long-tail keywords and answering commonly asked questions, you can gradually build your way up to ranking for more competitive terms.

Problem-based keyword research is another highly effective technique. Identify the problems your target audience faces and create content that addresses those issues head-on. By positioning your brand as a problem solver, you can attract organic traffic and establish trust with your audience.

Link building tactics

Link building is a vital aspect of SEO, especially in grayhat verticals where competition is fierce. One successful link-building technique we swear by involves creating infographics. Conduct thorough research, present valuable data in a visually appealing format, and pitch your infographics to relevant websites. When you get credited as the source, you'll earn valuable backlinks that boost your website's authority.

Another strategy we've found effective is supercharging existing links. If your website already has a link from a particular domain, building tier-two links to that linking page can increase the overall link equity and authority passed to your target website. This tactic is particularly useful when dealing with links from high-authority websites like Forbes or Business Insider.

Commentary link-building is another powerful approach. Stay on top of current events and trending topics, and provide expert commentary and insights. This can attract links from media publications eager to feature your brand's perspective. We've seen this strategy work wonders, with one case study involving a gambling company capitalizing on viral UFO sightings by offering odds on spotting UFOs in different states, resulting in over 200 links.

Risk management strategies

Handling SEO for highly regulated verticals requires careful risk management. While it may be controversial, we advise against buying links in these spaces due to the potential for penalties from Google. Adopt a more cautious approach to link building, as Google is more vigilant in monitoring these verticals.

That being said, some argue that Google allows more leeway in these verticals, and aggressive link building tactics can still be effective. One strategy to mitigate risk is to build multiple websites, diversifying your portfolio to minimize the impact of potential penalties.

Alternative search engines and traffic sources

While Google remains the dominant search engine, we recommend exploring alternative platforms for driving traffic. Bing, for instance, can be a valuable source of traffic for certain demographics, such as older users who may not change their default search engine.

TikTok SEO is another area that's gaining traction, reminiscent of the early days of SEO. By optimizing your video content with relevant keywords, you can tap into the massive user base and search volumes on the platform. Include keywords in your video titles and descriptions, and mention them within the first three seconds of your videos to signal their relevance to TikTok's algorithm.

Diversifying your traffic sources is crucial. Participate in forums, collaborate with authoritative sources, and use email marketing and push notifications. Focus on quality over quantity and build a strong presence on relevant platforms to maximize your reach.

Social media integration

Social media plays a huge role in SEO, particularly in competitive verticals. We've found that a strong social media presence can increase trust and credibility for your website. When selecting platforms, focus on quality and authority to ensure maximum impact.

View social media as a means to build a natural-looking brand presence. Analyze your competitors' social media strategies and referral traffic to determine which platforms to prioritize. However, be cautious not to overinvest time in social media at the expense of content creation and link building.

It's worth noting that Google has started displaying social media follower counts in search results, indicating that they consider social media engagement and following as a signal of authority and expertise. Building a strong presence on platforms like Twitter can indirectly impact your SEO performance.

Leveraging AI in SEO

AI is transforming various aspects of SEO, and we're excited about the possibilities it offers. We're proponents of using AI for content writing, as well-trained AI models can produce higher-quality content than entry-level human writers. However, it's essential to craft detailed prompts that guide the AI to generate SEO-optimized content with proper structure, semantics, and keyword placement.

Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) is another area where AI is making waves. SGE uses AI to provide direct answers to user queries, with a large portion of AI-generated answers coming from highly trusted media sources. By securing features in these publications, you can increase your chances of being featured in AI-powered search results.

While predicting how AI will shape the SEO space is complex, we believe in staying informed and adapting to updates. When approached strategically, AI can be used for the betterment of the industry and help you stay ahead of the curve.


SEO in nutra, gambling, crypto, and other grayhat verticals requires a multifaceted approach. Focus on building trust and credibility, optimizing for competitive markets, employing effective keyword strategies, executing strategic link building, managing risks, exploring alternative traffic sources, integrating social media, and leveraging AI.

If you use the tips and strategies we've discussed, you can handle the challenges of SEO and succeed in 2024 and beyond. Stay flexible, keep learning, and be ready to adapt to new changes.

As SEO algorithms keep changing, it's important to stay ahead, try new strategies, and always provide value to your audience. Focus on creating a great user experience, producing high-quality content, and building real relationships with important people in your industry. This will help you achieve long-term SEO success, even in grayhat verticals.

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