67 Best Membership Affiliate Programs and Networks [2024]

Chances are you must have come across affiliate programs that have a continuous payment program for their affiliate marketers. In most cases, you will be compelled to choose between two programs in a particular niche that pay affiliates recurring commissions, or once after referring a potential customer to the affiliate program. The thing is, with membership affiliate programs, you get a chance to earn huge continuous commissions from referring a single potential customer, or as many as you can.

As an affiliate marketer, membership affiliate programs are all you might need to make thousands of dollars every month and you do not have to do anything else, aside from the first action of referring a potential customer. Be rest assured that wherever you find yourself in the world of affiliate marketing, as long as you are affiliated with a membership affiliate program, you have potentially set yourself up for life.

What Are Membership Affiliate Programs and How Do They Work

Affiliate marketing with membership affiliate programs works differently. For instance, these programs are after recurring customers and not just some "one-offs" customers. As an affiliate in this niche, your chances of earning high income at the end of the day lie in your ability to refer recurring potential customers through your affiliate link. Becoming an affiliate marketer with these affiliate programs does not require too much from you.

All you have to do is choose a niche you love and can market without stress. Within that niche, you can find a membership affiliate program that promotes affiliate products that meet your marketing expertise. You can then promote the affiliate products from that membership affiliate program, and then earn commissions doing what you love best. The commissions you earn, and for how long you continue to earn them are determined by the membership affiliate program you are affiliated with.

For instance, when customers you refer to a membership affiliate program continue to renew their subscription with that program, you continue to earn a commission whenever they do. However, there might be a scenario where membership affiliate programs pay you for a couple of months only and then stop.

What Types of Products Can You Promote

When you consider the fact that membership affiliate programs are not from a single niche, you will understand that you are not limited to specific affiliate products to promote. You can simply settle for membership affiliate programs in a niche that best defines your marketing skills as an affiliate marketer because you will have better chances at converting potential customers. The most important thing to take note of is that, you must only refer customers that are willing to stay with a program for a long time. This practice will allow you to earn recurring commissions for a speculated time.

The following niches usually have great membership affiliate programs or affiliate network opportunities:

  • Computer, Software, and Tools. As an affiliate, you will come across lots of membership affiliate offers that are related to computers, software, tools, etc. You can promote these offers to potential customers and make lots of money. Because the world is going digital, you won't have to worry about generating traffic through your affiliate links.
  • E-commerce. This is something you are already used to, as an affiliate marketer and so, you can simply go deeper in making research about e-commerce membership affiliate offers out there that you can promote to potential customers. If you consider the needs of your targeted audiences, you will have recurring traffic from your affiliate links.
  • VPNs. Most of the VPNs out there need members to subscribe for an extensive period before using the service. It's common practice with VPNs so, you won't have problems presenting such offers to potential customers. You can select the best of these offers and promote them. Especially ones with social proof of credibility.

  • Web Hosting. There are tons of web hosters online. When you try to use some of these tools, you'll see that they first require you to be a member. When you think of the number of affiliate marketers for instance, that are trying to get an affiliate site for their business, you can equally be looking at potential customers to sell this membership offer to.
  • Social media management. You can also promote social media management classes to potential customers. Seeing that this is a marketable skill, a lot of people will be interested in acquiring such skills by choice thereby reducing the stress of extensive marketing to convince customers. The more people you get to subscribe to this offer, the more money you make.
  • Design and graphics. There are apps specifically created for graphics and designing purposes. Some of these apps like Photoshop Express, allow users to create and design even their imagination. Most of these apps require members to subscribe to unlock some features. They are equally popular and in high demand, you can have fun promoting such membership affiliate offers.
  • Online courses. How about promoting online courses of all kinds? There are so many programs that want to teach people how to go about things. Music courses, programming courses, etc. All these are Membership offers you can promote to the right audiences and make a good income at the end of the day.
  • Payments and finances. We have a recently published article on the credit card niche. This is one of the niches where you can find membership offers to promote. All payment platforms deal long-term with members. Anything that concerns money is done through a membership program. This is your chance to earn good money by helping people out with legit and credible payments and finance options.
  • Sports. Sport membership offers are vast. You'll have to consider lots of things before choosing a membership offer to promote in niches like these because you have a lot you can choose from. But they are highly promotional; people are diving into sports betting and gaming like it's a hot bath in winter.
  • Cryptocurrency. With cryptocurrencies like bitcoin making rounds globally, more people are beginning to mine and purchase cryptocurrencies for future benefits. This is another great opportunity to promote membership offers to interested individuals. Since it takes time for things like this to be beneficial, finance-wise. And the wait is always worth it. Crypto trading is a complex topic on its own, you can make a good income from promoting crypto courses as well.

  • Food and beverages. Membership offers in the food and beverages niche can come in different forms, like catering services, providing chefs to restaurants, and supplying beverages to potential customers for an extended period. All customers need to do is subscribe to such services for a period and they can enjoy the benefits. People can also subscribe for home food delivery like pizza, etc.
  • Travel. In the travel niche, you have many options. You can promote luxury travel offers and it's like. A lot of people travel regularly, those are good targets to promote travel membership offers to. The interesting part is, you are likely going to earn lots of money from promoting such offers to just a few customers.
  • Education and courses. Some people do not fancy online activities and so, they stick to physical activities. These activities can include music classes, bale, sports, and even school courses. All you have to do as an affiliate promoting educational membership offers is to find interested people in forums and communities and promote your offers to them.

  • Health, fitness, and Beauty products. The world has grown comfortable to the extent that people do not have to go to hospitals before they get treated. This is because sometimes, the hospital comes to them. People book home appointments for a period and have doctors tend to them within speculated days. People subscribe to fitness classes, and makeup classes and sometimes, have makeup kits delivered to them monthly or annually. If you are an affiliate uncertain about which niche to join to promote membership offers, you can settle for the beauty niche as there is lots of money to be made there as well.

Payment Models in Membership Affiliate Programs

Three payment models are mostly used by membership affiliate programs, regardless of the niche they are found in. These are.

Revenue Share

RevShare stands as the normal traditional payment model of membership affiliate programs in the sense that it sets you up for life and that is what membership affiliate programs are all about. You earn a commission each time a customer you refer acts through your affiliate link. You can be paid monthly with some membership affiliate programs, while others might pay you annually.

Above all, you have a chance to choose which of these options you work with since there are more than enough that you can choose from. But again, you must make sure to choose only membership affiliate programs that have products you can promote without stress. Making a calculative decision with commission rates in mind will also determine how much you enjoy RevShare. The other payment models are not as entertaining as RevShare but are also available with membership affiliate programs.

Cost per Sale (CPS)

As mentioned earlier, you will come across membership affiliate programs that pay only once and never again. The way this works is instead of receiving monthly income as you do through RevShare, you will be paid a flat rate that will contain several months in advance. But once you are paid, you will not expect any other payment again. The payment is usually significant so it's equally a good thing if you look at it from a marketer's perspective. Also, membership affiliate programs that pay once are not many, but they are not lacking as well. So keep an eye out.

Cost per Lead (CPL)

The CPL payment model earns you flat rates for every lead generated through your affiliate link. For instance, if you get customers to renew their subscription with a membership affiliate program, you get paid for the lead. The difference between CPL and CPS is that customers can simply leave their contact details, and you earn a flat rate commission, while the CPS means that your referral must act.

What to Consider When Choosing a Membership Affiliate Program

Choosing the best and most convenient membership affiliate program to work with can be complex especially since you have to consider convenience and profits. Nonetheless, a brief review and consideration of the following can make things easy for you.

Brand Recognition

Promoting popular affiliate products from popular brands places you at many advantages. One of these advantages is that you find it easy to convert potential customers. Another advantage worth taking note of from brand recognition is that recognized brands tend to pay affiliates the highest to some extent. So, you will not only get to convert easily but also generate good commissions. Therefore, choosing a membership affiliate program that promotes products from popular brands should be your top priority. However, nothing is stopping you from promoting less popular products from membership affiliate programs. Just be prepared to work X2.

Commission Rate

Commission rates can serve as motivation for affiliates to work hard, and it can also be a means of discouragement because of the amount of money you are expecting to receive at the end of the month, after referring any amount of potential customers to a membership affiliate program is determined by what commission rate that program pays affiliates. Whether by flat rates, or based on percentages. As an affiliate, know that you can equally decide on what amount of money you earn by month end, or annually and that is by choosing a membership affiliate program that pays affiliates good rates.

Cookie Duration

A great disadvantage lies in choosing a membership affiliate program that does not have a long-term cookie duration. Some membership affiliate programs offer 60 days for cookie duration, and that is the average you can expect while affiliating with such programs. Nonetheless, you can come across some membership affiliate programs that offer less than 30 days for cookie duration. Considering the process required for potential customers to decide on becoming members with the membership affiliate programs you are promoting to them, you might need to work with time, at least enough so that your referrals can make up their minds and you earn your commission for a successful referral.

Minimum Payout

Since you are dealing with long-term benefits in most cases, there’s a possibility of you coming across membership affiliate programs that have minimum payouts set up for their affiliates. As an affiliate with such membership affiliate programs, you must reach the minimum payout before you can withdraw your earned commissions. You can look at this in a way that is, you are mandated to meet a specific number of referrals before you withdraw your money. It will place you at a financial advantage if you choose membership affiliate programs that do not have an outrageous amount set up before you can cash out.


Before you choose a membership affiliate program to be affiliated with, consider the possibility of you marketing the products from that program globally. In most cases, membership affiliate programs where you are capable of getting customers from different parts of the world allow you to earn even more commissions by the end of the day, much more than marketing for a single location can generate. Also, being conscious of the location where your membership affiliate offers are in high demand allows you to target specific audiences that will find your offers attractive. The result can be rewarding if you play your cards right.

Affiliate Trackers

Affiliate trackers are one way you can keep track of all your affiliate activities. The role this software plays in membership affiliate programs is remarkable. Since you are dealing with recurring customers and commissions, you will have the advantage of having a well-detailed record set out for you through affiliate trackers. And you can keep track of all your affiliate links, and referrals that have clicked through them. A bonus advantage is that in a case where your referred member continues to renew their subscription, the membership affiliate program can reward you for bringing such customers their way. Great, right?

How to Promote Membership Affiliate Offers Successfully

When you think out of the box, you'll realize that there are multiple ways to promote membership affiliate offers successfully. Some of these ways include.

Find the Membership Programs Suited to Your Niche

As stated earlier, membership affiliate programs can be found in different niches and chances are, you can find one to work with even in your favorite niche. Let’s say, for instance, you love the music niche. If you consider working in this niche, you can search the affiliate programs within and you will surely find a music membership affiliate program that has musical affiliate offers you can promote to potential customers. The idea is to settle for a membership affiliate program that matches your marketing skills, which can only happen if you find one within a niche you love.

Keyword Targeting

While using targeted keywords to promote membership affiliate offers, remember to make your keywords a denotation of what your membership affiliate offer is all about. For instance, if you are promoting yoga classes, you can make use of “Best Yoga Classes to Sign up For in 2023”. You can get creative with your keywords, but don’t drift too far that you forsake their main purpose, which is to lead traffic to your membership affiliate content. Remember that members will be disappointed when they click a yoga class link, only to find music courses. So try to keep it connected. Thankfully, some tools can help you research keywords online.

Create Content on Membership Services

Creating content on membership services can be rewarding especially if you follow some practical content structures that have proven effective for affiliates like you. Some content structures to try out are.

  • Membership Offers Reviews. You are dealing with thousands of membership affiliate programs and these programs have lots of offers and services for potential customers. You can create exceptional membership affiliate offers reviews, and enlighten customers on the advantages they have for subscribing to them. If your content is good, you will have customers subscribing to a membership affiliate offer you reviewed on your membership affiliate blog.

  • Membership Offers Comparison. You can also compare two or more membership affiliate offers. This is most effective if you compare two competitive offers in the market. Most times, customers are stuck between two amazing membership offers so if your blog post can help them understand the advantages and disadvantages in choosing either, they'll as well sign up through your affiliate link.
  • Best Membership Offers. There is no better way to inform prospects of new membership offers aside from creating "Best Of" articles on your blog. You can keep this strict and informational. Remember not to give lengthy descriptions and be critical with points.
  • Membership Offers Guides. Most people online just want to know how to enjoy the full benefits of a membership program they found themselves on. You can help such people by creating guides on “How To” use membership programs and products. If your content is informational enough, you can easily cajole users into checking out your "Best Of" membership products, and from there, you can generate good leads.

You can also add other articles related to membership services in your niche on your affiliate blog, that is if you settle for running a dedicated blog to membership services where you can easily educate potential customers and Convert them.

Social Media

Social media presents you with options for generating good traffic to your membership affiliate offers. However, keep in mind that to excel greatly in using this traffic source, you will have to keep users in the dark for the meantime, and wait until you can redirect them to your membership affiliate website where you will have the full package unveiled to them. To make this work, you will have to remain active on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. Whatever platform you feel is convenient for you.

And the way to go about this is by making video content about certain membership offers in your niche that you are promoting. You can talk about the benefits of an offer and drive the curiosity level of potential customers high enough to the extent that they will want to know more about the offer. This will make them want to click through your URL just to have a better look at what you are talking about and when they land on your affiliate website, you can convert a great number through the contents there. But do not make the mistake of telling viewers what the offer is completely about, especially if it is a membership offer or a subscription-based offer.

It might be a turn-off for some potential customers because your social media content might not have enough information to compel users into deciding on accepting your offer or not. Frankly, that will be the role of your affiliate website. Your main objective here is to try as much as possible to lead traffic to your membership affiliate website where potential customers can check your membership affiliate offers and subscribe to the ones they find interesting.

Case Studies

In this section, we’ll talk about one of the best examples of affiliates promoting membership offers, and that is nobody but Adam Enfroy. He is one of the most successful affiliates who owes his success to promoting SaaS (Software as a Service) and membership offers.

He has a blog by his own name where he talks about all the different membership products, like web hosting, DNS, VPN, etc. Let’s check some of his blog posts and investigate why they’re so successful.

Looking at this blog post about cloud hosting options, we can see that he instantly lists all the programs on top of the article with a few details about each and a link to their website for quick sign-up.

As you can see, he has a very small subscription as well and writes his articles all in first-person. This is very important if you want readers to think of your blog as different one from all the websites that write in the third person as if they’re talking to an invisible audience. Adam, on the other hand, knows his audience and talks to them directly.

Next, we see that he makes certain sentences bold in the article. This helps readers read the article better because nobody actually reads anything. They all skim it. So if you want readers to understand your content better, make the important parts of the text bold for them.

Then, we have the main part of the article: the product reviews. There’s so much to cover here, so read on. Firstly, we can see that he shares screenshots of the services he is introducing, meaning not just random generic pictures taken from the internet, but personal experience. This helps readers understand that he actually gave those tools a try.

We also see that he manages the content in the form of bullet points, which further helps readability. After this, we have the section where he finally shares his own personal experience, opinion, and what he likes and dislikes about the product.

His wording is very specific here, and you can see that he does not stutter. For example, in the section about “dislikes,” he writes: “You can’t easily host a DNS, so you might need a third-party service for it.” This sentence is very clear and explains the weak point pretty well.

Plus, you can see how he mentioned 2 likes and 1 dislike. This is to help readers understand that he is not just blindly complimenting the service, but actually considering the weak points as well. Nothing’s perfect, and you should show the potential customers exactly that.

After all of this, and having reviewed all the options, he talks about some complementary information, so he can answer all the questions of the readers himself. So, if the readers have a question about cloud hosting, they get their answer right on his website and not somewhere else.

This is a proven structure that many successful affiliates follow for their product review websites, and if you want to know how to answer exactly what readers want to know, you should pay more attention to Google searches, for example, the part in a google search that says “People also ask.” Make sure to keep expanding it to the point that you can see more and more questions people are curious about.

This part is very useful to know what people are searching for on Google and what exactly they are interested to find the answer for. Those questions are the ones you need to be answering, either in the form of an FAQ section at the end of the blog post or just answering them in dedicated sections as Adam does.

This is a great example of a complete guide on how you should structure your buying guide articles, so take note and get into action.


Membership affiliate programs in the right niche can set affiliates up with 4 to 6 figures monthly, that is why we recommend you only choose one from the right niche. With that in mind, don't forget that there are certain criteria you must consider before picking any membership affiliate program to be affiliated with even in a niche of your choice, and these are what have been discussed in the section where we talked about things to consider when choosing a membership affiliate program.

Research shows that lots of affiliate marketers intentionally search for membership affiliate programs within niches to be affiliated with. This is because of the potential earnings they are capable of generating monthly, and annually. Be sure to meet lots of competition along the line, if you intend to make this a profession. But it's nothing you can't handle if you put your head in the game.

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