General information

Launch year: Unknown

SendOwl is a platform that helps anybody and any business sell anything digital online.


  •  if you refer 1000 users, you will be earning $45,000 a year;
  •  there are no limits on the number of referrals and payments;
  •  in the first month, they'll pay you twice the monthly subscription amount of your referrals;
  •  they do not hold any of your money and they send it to you directly via PayPal or Stripe as soon as you request for payment.


  • Minimum payout
  • Cookie duration
    90 days
  • Commission
    20% recurring
  • Report An Error
Rating is not calculated

There are no representatives yet. But we are waiting for them.
I represent the affiliate program

SendOwl reviews

September 11, 2023
  • Profitability 8
  • Support 8
  • Technology 8
  • Reliability 8

Many have affiliate functionality already built in. I've used SendOwl and it's a great option that's easy to set up quickly.


This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

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19 September 2024

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