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Madservs establishes itself as a prominent player in the Mobile Value-Added Services (MVAS) industry, specializing in mobile content. Their in-house CPA affiliates program spans 40+ global locations, collaborating with 300+ mobile carriers, and excelling in APAC, MENA, LATAM, and Africa. Categories offered include Sports, Music, Movies, Games, Sweepstakes, and Downloads, guaranteeing the best CPA rates and top-performing offers.

Functioning as an ad network, Madservs facilitates traffic for publishers and aids advertisers in reaching their target audiences. The platform ensures a user-friendly experience with clean ads compliant with Adsense, offering easy integration through copy-paste ad tags. Weekly payments, flexible payment options, real-time statistics, and a variety of ad formats, including Display Banners, Popups, Direct Links, and Push Notifications, make Madservs a comprehensive and efficient solution, boasting a 100% fill rate for maximum audience monetization.


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23 February 2025

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