February 10, 2023
  • Profitability 1
  • Support 1
  • Reliability 1
  • Promotional materials 1

I worked with an affiliate for about three years Account cazinoaffilate, Everything was great while there were small payments. as ordered a good advertisement and made about 40 sites, went good earnings, they just blocked the user and did not pay anything. Here is the correspondence with the technical support. They can not explain anything clear! NOT RECOMMENDED!!!
Gambling Craft | Support, [07.01.2023 11:47]
Hello, I'm checking.

Gambling Craft | Support, [07.01.2023 12:06]
cazinoaffilate - account blocked for crossing data between partner and referrals.

One account at Joz Casino is registered to your details.

One account at Bui casino has overlap with your data by city + ipi address.

Gambling Craft | Support, [07.01.2023 12:07].
Invite your friends or relatives to register with their referral links is strictly prohibited.
All our rules are listed here - https://gamblingcraft.com/ru/termsandconditions

DG, [08.01.2023 12:13]
These accounts were registered a long time ago. How did I do normal advertising, and started getting money. You decided to block .

DG, [08.01.2023 12:15]
Pay out what came for the last period , and what I earned in this one.

DG, [08.01.2023 12:16]
And unlock

DG, [08.01.2023 12:16]
Waiting for your response

DG, [08.01.2023 12:19]
How much did I make from these accounts? 0, are you kidding me? If the account is registered from one city too can not?)) this is ridiculous )

DG, [08.01.2023 12:21]
Dialogue can not delete, all the screenshots are already there.

DG, [09.01.2023 6:45]

Gambling Craft | Support, [09.01.2023 11:52]
What is your issue ?
From your side were violated the rules of the affiliate program, your account is blocked.
At the same time there was never a good amount of traffic.
We refuse such further cooperation.

DG, [10.01.2023 7:04 AM]
My issue is that as I started getting good payouts, you blocked the account without any confirmation. Expect reviews of your affiliate on all affiliate sites

DG, [10.01.2023 7:06]
If already as you say, you have to pay honestly earned money and then say or write that you refuse to further cooperation ... because you see, you do not like that the traffic is not quite huge, but it is and it is profitable. And not just a bunch of pointless referrals .

Gambling Craft | Support, [10.01.2023 11:24]
Account was blocked when enough data was found about intersection of gaming accounts and webmaster account

DG, [23.01.2023 14:01]
Where can I see the stats for which accounts I was banned? And why when I was banned I was not notified. I am flying home in a week wait for reviews on all sites, I have all the correspondence with you.

Gambling Craft | Support, [23.01.2023 14:03]
You won't be able to see the stats anymore. We have all the proof, we will be able to provide it to any arbitration service.

Translated from the original

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.


It's very strange to see a complaint in which the affiliate himself described his own violations. In our affiliate program (as in many others) it is forbidden to register your relatives, friends, employees and any other persons who are associated with an affiliate. When registering an affiliate account it is necessary to read and accept the rules. Consequently, the author accepted the rules, but probably did not read them. The very reason for blocking is already mentioned above and does not need to be duplicated. All relations with the partner were according to our rules - https://gamblingcraft.com...

At this point we consider the complaint biased and closed.

Regards, Gamblig Craft team

February 14, 2023, 16:21

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