July 04, 2021
  • Profitability 3
  • Lockouts 0
  • Stability 0
  • Support 0

Affiliate program does not work honestly, they ascribe minuses! Today + from the player, and tomorrow there is exactly the same minus with a difference of several pennies. Just absurd! Under "By player" you can see player's deposits, which he did today, yesterday, etc. If the deposit is being driven you can easily count how much is left on the player's balance. With 15-30 rubles remaining, their affiliate program simulates winnings by 3000 - 6000, etc. and it is from 15-30 rubles of the player, thus allegedly repaying the deposit and driving more into deficit and that happens almost all the time. They are artificially writing out negative statistics for aan affiliate, I do not recommend it!

P.S I have been working with this affiliate for 2 years, I didn't have any claims before, but in the last six months you've became just like a scam, it's a shame!!!

Translated from the original

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

ggi Answer
Hi, tell me then normalized or everything is still bad and after earnings write minus?
July 07, 2021, 09:41 0
Hello. If you have unresolved questions about the affiliate, then write to the manager https://t.me/mb_yaroslav
February 01, 2023, 16:23 0
Hello, Irina_517. Write your username in the affiliate program and we will consider the situation described. Thank you!
August 04, 2021, 13:31 0
I'm their partner. I also began to be cheated, started looking for information, it turns out I was not the only one.
November 07, 2022, 10:51 0
Hello. If you have unresolved questions about the affiliate, then write to the manager https://t.me/mb_yaroslav
February 01, 2023, 16:23 0

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