January 23, 2020
  • Support 1
  • Technology 5
  • Quality of offers 1
  • Reliability 1

Generally, I've tried to start working with them, the first time I drove traffic of 20 leads on AlphaMax ID
It turned out later that the advertiser ran out of the product (I was warned about this only after I've driven some traffic), but the affiliate program generously did me a favor and "asked" to process the leads. In the end, of course the approve is 0% for the same traffic in dr.Cash was 12-14% steadily. Neither compensation, nothing at all.
The second offer was also driven with the approval of half out of the normal one.
Pennies which remained in the account - they refused to withdraw.
In general, I do not advise to deal with them.
Who needs proofs, in Telegram I have the same nickname as here, welcome.

Translated from the original

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

Write to review the situation.

statisstics on your leads in our admin panel - http://joxi.ru/n2YVak3HbY...

1. Alphamax - 27 leads.

24.12.2019 from 00:35 you drove traffic the leads on this offer, the last lead is fixed in our system at 05:04 am.

By coincidence, a couple of hours after your launch, the advertiser notified us that he plans to stop the offerer, this is confirmed by the News about the planned stop of the offerer published by us, namely on 24.12.2019 at 11:46 "The remaining orders will be accepted until 11:00 on 25.12.2019", that is a day before the actual stop, which does not contradict the rules. In other words, your leads logged in at a time when the offer was fully functional.

That is, all the leads drove traffic in before the actual stop-offer - dialed by the call center in standard mode. After the stop of the offer, on December 25, we made a request for an additional redial of your leads, as well as updating the status of the already processed leads, which was reported earlier in the dialog manager.

The question of the unprocessing of your leads is excluded, because the leads were drove traffic on the working offer before we ourselves were aware of the impending shutdown.


You have provided a screenshot of the same offer, from another affiliate network, which for a period of 2 months, a section of 1756 leads your uprun, excluding invalid cancellations (thrash) is 15%. We omit the fact that in other networks, on the same offers, may process different CCs, and let's assume that all the same theoretically with them is identical.

In our network you leaked 27 leads, of which:

10 didn't pick up the phone.

5 - wrong person

4 - number is busy

4 - tests

2 - duplicates

1 - wanted to buy another product

1 - no phone number.

The total is 11 valid cancellations and 16 invalid (tresh).

Consequently, with 11 valid cancellations 15% uproof, in the best-case scenario, is 1-2 uproofed leads.

I'm sure, as experienced arbitrators, you know that 20 leads in the test is doubtful indicative volume, especially on the push source of traffic. But even if it's true, the probability that this 20 leads will get those 1-2 uproots, on the adalt offere, according to the geography of Indonesia - 50/50. I believe the numbers and math we will not challenge.

Let's move on.

2. On the second offerer Suprema, what concerns payments.

You have apruva on which there was no payment, namely, 2 apruva from one office and 1 apruva from the second.

Translating this into cash equivalent: $ 22 and $ 11 respectively.

In a private office, each publisher of our affiliate network, spelled out the rules regarding the minimum amount for withdrawal, I enclose a screenshot http://joxi.ru/v29nPW6iZE... . This is the answer to repeated questions as to why the manager was unable to provide you with such payments - it is not in his competence and goes against the rules of our affiliate network.

3. Deadline for closing the issue.

From December 24, for at least 5 days were in a dial-up, in connection with the holidays until January 8, we were waiting for the unloading of details of your leads, in order to thoroughly and fairly understand what kind of leads and what comments on the dialing of these leads gave the KC.

January 8th manager reset you as requested unloading on Alphamax, and additionally on the second offer Suprema, in order to completely eliminate misunderstandings.

Unfortunately we had a dialogue with you on all the above only yesterday, January 23, as soon as you were able to get in touch.

Summing up, I think our analysis of the situation is more than reasoned and detailed with both screenshots and numbers.

In order not to develop polemics, as an exception to the rules of our network, you will be paid all the current amounts on the balances of your accounts: $ 22 and $ 11 respectively.

Very sorry that this situation has arisen in principle, we are always most loyal to all our publishers and are open to any dialogue, as well as protecting their interests. Unfortunately, our further cooperation is not possible, objectively for each of the parties, so I propose at the present moment to end it.

January 24, 2020, 19:19 0
Payments were made on each of the balances.
January 24, 2020, 19:41 0

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