November 25, 2024
  • Support 5
  • Technology 8
  • Quality of offers 5
  • Reliability 10

A review can help beginners

1. The quality of managers is at the highest level, provided that the manager is from the "oldies". Most often, such people deal with their accumulated base, and a beginner is very likely to get a manager with not the largest background.

2. The color scheme of the interface is for an amateur, some elements of light gray on white are very poorly visible.

3. There is a large selection of offers, but most of them are resale. The number of author's offers is gradually increasing. But the rates have frozen at the level of 2021, $ 40 for Europe, although they are trying to position themselves as EuropaNutra = KMA. Competitors' rates are 20-25% higher.

4. As for the apruv, it sometimes fails and not infrequently. Here is an example of their bestseller BigHanter for Spain, in their cool marketing advertising they promise a 30% discount. Then, of course, they adjusted it to 18% in advertising, but there is a sediment.

5. Marketing at the highest level among affiliate program, cool performances here they have no equal.

6. Reliability is also their strong point, if they have agreed on a guarantor, they will do it at the highest level.

7. A small fly in the ointment is a small number of hyped reviews, most likely by internal buying. 

8. If you show yourself on the good side, they help with translations and adaptation of landing pages. 

Conclusion: Good quality affiliate program, with its positive and negative qualities. 



Translated from the original

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

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