General information

Launch year: 2011
Official website:

Since 2019 the largest affiliate network in Russia and CIS became a part of OFFERRUM.

OFFERRUM.COM is a well-known leader and one of the top players on the cash on delivery market. The service offers a great variety of offers, including more than 100 exclusive offers, which are available only to the OFFERRUM affiliates.

The advantages of working with OFFERRUM:


  • A large set of tools for work - configuring traffic distribution, TDS, domains parking, discounts and bonus programs from third-party services;
  • Powerful statistics system - statistics shows clicks, conversions, accumulated finances, in addition, there are filters for downloading data on a number of parameters, their settings are shown in the personal pannel;
  • A large selection of offers (1800+). Personalized working conditions for each offer and any sources.
  • Teamwork - by getting the status of the "master account" you can add accounts of other webmasters, then you can view statistics and get the right to manage their finances;
  • Contests with gift drawings, free training events; 
  • Affiliate marketing Academy - a resource with free author training courses in traffic affiliate marketing, as well as interactive tests, articles and case studies;
  • Round-the-clock technical support;
  • Simplified transition from another affiliate network. The "Interface Themes" feature is integrated into OFFERRUM. There are currently four themes available, three of which replicate the interfaces of popular affiliate programs.


  • Commodity xml feed
  • Teaser block
  • Module for WP/DLE
  • Direct product reference
  • Tracking the source of leads
  • Trafficback
  • Banner rotator
  • Referral percentage
  • Minimum payout
    800 rubles or 20USD
  • API
    Russia / World
  • Report An Error


Affiliate program representative

OFFERRUM reviews

October 22, 2023
  • Support 10
  • Technology 9
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 10

Games. online stores, even adalt. Conditions are not bad, but most of all I was pleased with sp offers on hybrid. fix and revshare in one flacon. About payments - there were delays, but always got in touch with me and did not freeze. Solve their problems and compensate for everything.

Translated from the original

October 24, 2023, 19:34

Guys I do not pay anything for a month. do not believe the positive reviews, the project is probably going to skam... very sorry.

October 25, 2023, 20:41

I also do not pay out for three weeks, most likely near the end of this affiliate, even if they withdraw more here I will not drive traffic it is for sure. This is at least disrespect for the web from their side

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

October 20, 2023
  • Support 1
  • Technology 8
  • Quality of offers 8
  • Reliability 1

Hello. I have been working with this affiliate since ad1, about a month ago I made some traffic to them, the funds were transferred from the hold to the balance without any problems, but the payment has been hanging for 2 weeks and 1 week 2nd payout
Support says the same thing: Wait for you in the queue.
On requests, at least approximately indicate the terms, do not answer anything clear

Translated from the original

October 23, 2023, 23:32

I've been waiting a month for payment. The affiliate is dying and most likely is preparing to skam, whatever they say that everything will soon be normal and so on, it's all ches probably.

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

October 16, 2023
  • Support 1
  • Technology 1
  • Quality of offers 1
  • Reliability 1

Decided to try working with the oferum earlier this year. Made a test spill. Earned about 5k rubles. Then I waited for almost a month until the hold expired. Then when the hold expired, offerum started checking my traffic, and I had to wait another week, as if it was impossible to do it during the hold. Eventually the money came. I think okay, in August I decided to try to drive traffic there again, but I saw that there is a negative online. I think I will make another test drive traffic on a small amount. It turned out about 3k rubles. Sent a request for withdrawal on October 4, today is the 16th. The application is still in processing. Sapport is talking nonsense and writes back, like it's "Aggregator to blame" - yep yep, we believe. In short, my conclusion is that the project is preparing to skam, withdraw what you can and more traffic is not worth driving traffic.

Translated from the original

October 17, 2023, 21:14

all true, they pay small amounts and the main part is delayed, by all means and by no means try to persuade that they will soon pay everything this week all debts will be closed and I personally will give a little bit well I drive traffic on them like the debt is accumulating but they pay back a little bit but the point is that the debt does not fall but only grows. Recently they wrote that all set up and now in the near future all will pay off and all debts will close, paid 2 ьреti and we believed and began to drive traffic on them again and the result is that their debt has grown as much as twice and payments again stopped. The conclusion is that it is absolutely useless to work here, full repayment of payments can wait a year or more. I think the boys are going to cover themselves.

October 18, 2023, 16:20


We certainly understand what caused your negativity, but the conclusions you draw are not objective. There were delays in the system, which arose due to external reasons from which no one is insured.

At the moment the solution to the problem has been found, and you yourself confirm that you have received more than 2/3 of payments. However, you should realize that the closing of all expectations can not happen instantly.

Current expectations can be as long as a week, but in many systems this is normal practice, and you are particularly resentful because you are used to the fact that payments were previously made on a day to day basis.

Your further conclusions are just as far from reality.

October 19, 2023, 20:55

I am not saying that you are scammers, we have been working with you for 10 years and all this time the money could come in 20 minutes after the order. I'm just sorry to lose such partners and look at all this mess that you can not solve for half a year. As soon as you all pay off your debts I swear I will leave the best review here, provided that everything starts working as before. We still consider you the coolest and these reviews we write that you there do not relax, especially since our reviews are not lies.

October 18, 2023, 16:11


Hold and traffic verification are standard procedures that all webmasters in all affiliate programs go through. If we compare, 15 days is quite a short period of time relative to the market. In addition, the hold is completely turned off as you receive payments.

We also ask you to refrain from any unfounded assumptions, as they are in no way close to reality. There was not 1 case that we did not pay at least 1 webmaster. Moreover, you yourself write that you have received payments. The current request will also be processed soon.

October 29, 2023, 21:38

Offerum - we're not in your chat room! At least don't embarrass yourself and copy the same message. Just now I looked, it's been almost a month. You can not withdraw 3 thousand rubles. What conclusions not to make? - It's 100% scam. You will now accumulate debts and go into the sunset 100%.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

September 26, 2023
  • Support 9
  • Technology 9
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 10

In my opinion, this is one of the few affiliate programs that you can still work successfully in the CIS. The statistics here are much nicer than in other affiliate programs. A plus is the possibility to work with different types of offers.

Translated from the original

October 17, 2023, 21:19

The statistics in the table can be drawn by anyone, and even if it is true, when the time comes to withdraw money you will discover the whole interesting side with queues for half a year. You won't make money here. It's a one-time experiment.

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

September 24, 2023
  • Support 6
  • Technology 6
  • Quality of offers 6
  • Reliability 2

I would like to inform you that this affiliate started to delay payments. is always talking and writing that At the moment your application is being processed. In some cases, there may be a delay due to the queue. Please wait for the processing of the application, we will take all necessary measures to ensure that the payment was processed as soon as possible. And so every time! I think that the affiliate will continue to pay with excuses as in affiliate program with delays of half a year. I will look for a new affiliate, good luck to everyone!

Translated from the original

September 26, 2023, 12:56

It's funny that they talk about some kind of "queue", but the other day they made a payout on a newer application, but with a smaller amount, and the old application for a larger amount was still hanging.

October 05, 2023, 17:24


As we informed you in the ticket, unfortunately, there were delays caused by interaction with an unscrupulous counterparty with whom we cooperated.

At the moment, the problem has been resolved and most of the existing requests have already been closed.

Of course, the current case has given us a lot of food for thought, and in the future we will work out solutions to avoid any similar situations.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

September 14, 2023
  • Support 5
  • Technology 5
  • Quality of offers 0
  • Reliability 0

Since about the summer of this year, there have been constant delays in payments. They say that there is a queue and that soon everything will be corrected, but in fact they give a little of what they have earned and most of the payments are delayed. Now it is fall and the debt continues to grow. There are no tendencies that all this will improve. I'm moving to other affiliates.

Translated from the original

September 15, 2023, 15:48


We are sorry that you have faced such a situation.

Specialists of our system are actively working towards solving delays in payments. We also observe a tendency to reduce the terms of delays.

We would like to note that no 1 webmaster is not left without a partial payment, which allows you to continue working unhindered.

In the near future, all expectations will be closed, and you will be able to increase volumes even more productively.

September 15, 2023, 19:12

Yes, that's right, the payments are partial and they are just enough not to stop the traffic through your links. It turns out that your employees live and work and get paid, and we work for you for free, as your partial payments as you noted allow only to not stop the work.

October 05, 2023, 17:29

The solution was temporary. Agree, it is much better to close at least part of the payments so that there is an opportunity not to stop work, than to wait for a complete solution to the problem.

At the moment, most of the requests have been closed, and work is progressing with even greater success.

We fully analyze any such cases, and always find solutions that allow us to improve and, most importantly, secure the work of webmasters.

October 17, 2023, 21:30

full deceit, again we paid a little bit and most of it is kept and not paid and the debt is growing and not decreasing, we owe more than 100k.

Since the spring of this year they started to clamp down a little and you pay less than we earned from you. If before the spring of this year all paid I do not argue, now it is already autumn is more than half a year has passed and you clamping payments to me personally did not pay me and keep 100k and feed you with promises you had a queue and not long ago you wrote that you turned out to have an unscrupulous counter agent with whom you solved everything and will not repeat such a thing, but everything repeats. Your debts ramtut you also delays payments and the debt is already more than it was. That's the end of you. Quit working with your charade.

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

September 13, 2023
  • Support 7
  • Technology 7
  • Quality of offers 7
  • Reliability 7

Good affiliate program, never had any complaints about them. I didn't make a lot of money on them, but it happened occasionally. Alas, but now they really have delays with payments, as it was not long ago and many other affiliate program. But their colleagues have coped and payments now go normally, I think OFFERRUM and everything will be fine and will be good!!!!.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

September 09, 2023
  • Support 1
  • Technology 1
  • Quality of offers 1
  • Reliability 1

Decided to try this partner! Started working in August, at the moment the middle of September, no money!
Lil traffic almost a month 1300+ unique clicks! of them only 20 leads, of which confirmed only three AND THEN after I began to write to support on the fact of fraud!
After writing to support confirmed three orders, funds blocked in the hold for 15 days! BUT after the expiration of 15 days, they scheduled the verification of the account and traffic for another 15 days!
Did not warn about this before starting work!
At the moment more than 40 days have passed after the start of work with the offerum, but I have not received on the card not a ruble! And probably will not get!
Traffic drove traffic quality, from their Telegram sites with adult WCA, and for the traffic is 100% sure.

Translated from the original

September 12, 2023, 13:24


Traffic verification is a common practice for most partners and a standard procedure, the purpose of which is to establish a level of trust between the webmaster and affiliate program for comfortable cooperation in the future, including the provision of early payments and other benefits.

As part of expediting the verification, we have requested information from you on advertising placements, but have not received it from you. Also, we do not have any information from you about your experience with other affiliate programs, and unfortunately for our current confirmed conversions, there are no redemptions yet.

Please understand and wait for the results of the verification, which we will inform you about immediately.

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

September 06, 2023
  • Support 2
  • Technology 8
  • Quality of offers 9
  • Reliability 3

I've been working with offerrum since 2020, never had any issues. Large selection of offerers, good rates, normal upruv, stable payouts. Recently (from June-July 2023) started delaying payments, default answers in support like "queue, wait".

In 5 days (on the 11th) will be exactly one month as ordered payment. I have never had such a situation neither with them, nor with any other affiliate I have worked with. I'm not saying that this is a cross and a reason to panic, but if this happens, it's a reason to think whether everything is normal at offerrum.

Translated from the original

September 12, 2023, 13:23


Unfortunately, sometimes there are delays in transactions, which causes delays in payments, as in any other system. However, each webmaster systematically receives at least part of the payment, which allows you not to stop traffic, and calmly continue to work.

Besides, as you wrote yourself, you are not the first year working in our system, and there has never been a situation in which we have not paid you (or any other webmaster) funds.

Soon, all your transactions will be processed.

September 15, 2023, 11:53

It's the same with me. All summer long. They give me a little to work, but they don't pay the main part. The debt is still growing to this day. Their office continues to work at our expense, they get a salary and give us to keep the traffic flowing. But it turns out that I have to work for free.

December 06, 2023, 13:59

Also delayed, on Friday ordered, waiting for the 5th day, at first they also said that the queue was formed, then that they are waiting for receipts from partners-suppliers of electronic currencies.

But on the account of the formation of the queue is not clear, to them that during the week came 1000 web and + drove traffic them immediately traffic that such a queue formed suddenly. That they darkly do not tell the truth.

December 06, 2023, 14:19

Similarly, just also on the weekend began problems with payments, just as I answer as the person above. When the chat left the cry, delayed and others, then I wrote back, of course they have difficulties, bitok buy on your money, that's all the difficulties, and I looked at the rate and bitok for this week just grew well, from 37 pcs. to 44 pcs., so I think, maybe really for our money just buy crypto.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

September 05, 2023
  • Support 1
  • Technology 6
  • Quality of offers 7
  • Reliability 4

I found a couple of interesting offers under the right geo, decided to test, looked that there is already an account in the affiliate 3 years as, but the traffic before that did not drive traffic there, ran through the FAQ read like everything is clear, payments every Friday minimum ridiculous, hold 7-15 days.

All right, I think the hold story is solvable, but it turns out not in this case.

Made a test drive traffic, I look and conversions are and upruv is present, you can drive traffic normally.

Let me see what with the withdrawal of funds, I open the details, and there is a wonderful news scheduled payment in 19!!! days, okay thought to me, I'll solve it through support (the first time that ... ) show the status of other cabs, driving traffic from fb all fair, because waiting so much payout no turnover is not enough to drive traffic normally.

That's where I was pissed off, the support works in a copy-paste format.

In the morning, the financial department refused me in early payment, which in principle after communication with Support not surprised, and offered to try again after a couple of!!! scheduled payments!

Naturally all traffic is stopped, and indignation about "client-oriented" led the stops here.

P.S. Call things by their proper names, this is not a hold, and a full check of traffic with the evaluation of redemption from advertising. If I had seen such conditions I would have just passed by, because waiting for payment for 15-20 days is not an option for me.

P.P.S. One more moment that caused doubts but was screened out for a while with the thought that it would be necessary to put a script on the lends to collect leads, the first test leads are not displayed in the system! no way, to what from Support was received a laconic answer

I.e. will all valid leads fly? It is clear that there is only speculation and no prufs, but still, the first time I see that the invalid instead of getting into the thrash, just not displayed in the system.

Feedback if negative, not doubtful or there are questions....

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September 12, 2023, 13:17


We don't know of any affiliate network that pays brand new webmasters 4 hours after providing a confirmed conversion. The date of account registration and any images of work in other affiliate networks can be considered from our side as a more loyal attitude when providing the programs you are interested in, but it has no effect on the first traffic verifications. Early payment is a privilege for our trusted webmasters.

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

July 29, 2023
  • Support 9
  • Technology 9
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 10

After listening to recommendations from friends and reading reviews, I decided to try working with offerrum and I have not regretted it. The rates are acceptable, and the number of working offers pleased. Geo is wide enough, so everyone can find a suitable option . In addition to the main income from , there are also interesting bonuses, such as discounts on services.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

July 08, 2023
  • Support 8
  • Technology 8
  • Quality of offers 8
  • Reliability 8

I've been working with these guys for over a year now. I am completely satisfied with the working conditions they provide, and they have also reviewed the rates for me several times. I have never had to ask for a fee increase, they have always given me a raise themselves. It's very nice that the affiliate network is interested not only in growing their profits, but also in developing their affiliates.


This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

June 25, 2023
  • Support 9
  • Technology 9
  • Quality of offers 9
  • Reliability 10

I was looking for a place where I could get better terms and I found offerrum. Immediately they offered decent rates, and there was quite a wide choice of offers.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

June 20, 2023
  • Support 1
  • Technology 5
  • Quality of offers 5
  • Reliability 1

The payment has been pending since May 24 on the sole proprietorship. Karmeshka with breakfasts the problem is not solved in the tickets, conversations with cliché phrases.
In the registration of IE also did all the vomozozochnyh actions to delay the process. Before I asked how long it would take to withdraw the money to Ip wrote 3 days maximum.

.Now when they do not pay out it turns out that the partner is paying out as far as possible Be careful when working with this company, God bless you.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

May 30, 2023
  • Support 8
  • Technology 9
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 10

You could say it's an old-timer of the affiliate network. The main plus is the huge variety of products. Despite the large number, the quality does not deteriorate, for which I am very grateful.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

April 10, 2023
  • Support 9
  • Technology 10
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 10

Which for such "old guys" of the market is very powerful. It's cool that they continue to keep their multi-verticality at the proper level. Exclusives have been and will continue to be great. Payouts are no problem.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

March 20, 2023
  • Support 9
  • Technology 10
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 10

I've been working with their offers for several years now, SPs are converting particularly well now. Also there are many interesting verticals, I can concentrate on one or work with several in parallel. There are no specific prohibitions and restrictions too

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

March 01, 2023
  • Support 8
  • Technology 8
  • Quality of offers 8
  • Reliability 8

The offers are very different, I was also pleased with the large number of tools, with them I can easily attract the target audience. I plan to work with offerrum for a long time!


This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

February 26, 2023
  • Support 10
  • Technology 9
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 10

I am now mainly focusing on sp offers, although I have not tried anything else during my work. I am happy that the affiliate gives me the opportunity to try new things without having to leave the affiliate. They have no problems with both offers and bribes, they connect whatever they need.

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December 24, 2022
  • Support 9
  • Technology 9
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 10

When I first came to the affiliate gave a limited number of offerers, gradually give access to the rest. I am happy that they do not refuse daily payments, proc I turnover is not dialed up 100 dollars daily, but surely going to that.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

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16 June 2024
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