April 14, 2022
  • Support 1
  • Technology 1
  • Quality of offers 1
  • Reliability 1

When I asked where the payment was made, there was no intelligible answer and immediately the tract was closed. If anything, I'm waiting for payment in Ukraine, so they ignore regardless of passport. I think that a high probability of scam. Screenshot is attached.


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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

affiliate_care_sellaction Answer
Good day! SellAction team is also from Ukraine and because of the situation in our country all questions about payments are resolved more slowly than usual, we stay in touch and the project team does everything possible to ensure that webmasters can earn money as soon as possible.

We always fulfill our commitments, funds will be withdrawn, but now there are delays due to the war in Ukraine. We are working on restoring processes, please wait and we will appreciate your understanding.

Also, sometimes the advertiser has some questions about the quality of traffic after it has been paid - in this case there is an additional check, which can have a negative impact on the timing of payment.

June 22, 2022, 14:12 0