March 03, 2020
  • Support 10
  • Technology 10
  • Quality of offers 9
  • Reliability 10

1) Top guys.

2) Managers are dope (Sveta hi!)

3) They pay on time. No kidding, I've been with them for over half a year, they've never delayed the payment. A couple of times they couldn't pay me to the paypal, I've withdrawn them to the capitalist. My respect.

4) Straight sales are super great. Anyone who can't get a coin off the cc is just a lazy groundhog. I've been soloing up to a dozen daily leads. If only it was possible to fix your lands - it would be so perfect.

5) Terms - Top. In the sense that there are the top conditions + established a flow and went to the top.

I don't know what else to say. Emerald affiliate program. Make a landing page especially for me - I will not let you down.

Translated from the original

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

Thank you for the feedback! I'll say hi to Sveta.)
March 18, 2020, 10:21 0

1 review
Best Google ADS accounts