February 06, 2020
  • Support 10
  • Technology 8
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 10

There isn't much information about them in the net, but the guy from telegram assured me that this afiiliate program is not a scammer. I checked this guy on the forums - he writes articles, cases, seems to be fine. I've decided to drive traffic on it. For the several driving sessions I've generated 5 leads, asked for the payouts and stopped driving until I got my money. After the first payout I've started the traffic again. This is a good affiliate program in terms of a workflow, no unnecessary information, only what is needed. They do not take broadly on the offerers, but each offer is perfected. They give huge amounts of creatives, approaches, prelands. In short, they know something about nutra)). In the chat there are good guys and girls, you can discuss any theme, they do not show themselves as a blue-blooded. As for the payments, everything is fine - 2 times a week. They increase the rates, if you stabily send traffic - nice. Stakes on the leads are good - 70-80 dollars. If you work hard - you get accordingly.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

Thank you for the review! We're glad you trusted us.
March 18, 2020, 10:22 0

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