May 11, 2020
  • Support 10
  • Technology 8
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 10

Like Guy Ritchie, there are four of us :) Researcher, designer, two mediabuyers (AdWords + fb). We are not a big, but very proud team. We made most of our money on Asians (creams, pills), but about a year ago we decided that we were ready for more and went to the US market. That's where they met Invictus.

Offers. Mostly only nutra, most of the U.S. and Canada, a few offers to the whole world, the rest on a narrow target such as France, Mexico, Spain, Britain, Singapore, etc.

Lots of keto, sbd, immunity, besides those there are testosterone options, beauty, creams, ointments. Prelends are often given under the offers. Prelends can be changed to suit your needs, they are discounted by archive.

Support. There is a Russian-speaking. After the registration were thrown into the chat, greeted, told what they were doing there at the time. The style of communication plus or minus such:

There are several people in the chat, a manager, a supervisor, technicians. The correspondence is attended by those on whose part is the discussion. Responses are usually within 10-15 minutes. It is possible to work without a ticket, there is always someone on duty in the chat room, all the updates are usually there too.

They give tips on the audience, options for spills. Advice on the split, if necessary. Helped me move traffic from hell to fb.

Tech. It's not unambiguous here. All the SS offers, APIs are not like that, it took us a long time to get used to them and rebuild. Already when you go through this process once - then it's easier. But be prepared that the track will not get everything, some of the intermediate information will need to ask the manager, the rest of the remove their visors. Not critical, but important.

Straight Sell. It's an interesting thing if you are working for the first time. The main value is the transparency of the stats. All conversions are your conversions, no trash. It's harder to bring to the purchase, but if you have brought it, you get everything.

Payouts. The first payment was kept for about 10 days, then began to pay every week on schedule. Payments in a separate chat with an accountant. They ask me how it is convenient to receive the money and then make the invoices. The methods are standard

The overall result on the work with them. They drive traffic themselves, it is visible, it is easy to close most of the issues. Update offerers for the season, expanding on the geo. No manager turnover, with whom we started working, with whom we still know what we are working with. If you do not have a good backgrounder - it will be difficult with straight sell.

Translated from the original

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

Thanks for the detailed review :)

Great results!

May 23, 2020, 07:50 0

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