
CyberMarketing 2011

When: 07 October 2011, one day
Where: Moscow, Russia

About event CyberMarketing 2011

In 2011, CyberMarketing Training Center held the fourth conference dedicated to SEO issues. The event was devoted to practical aspects of website promotion and trends in the development of the SEO market as a whole. This means that the reports of speakers, leading experts and analysts of Runet, did not consist of dry useless theory, but contained maximum useful information and personal cases of speakers.


The main purpose of the event is to study the current trends and effective ways of search engine promotion. CyberMarketing 2011 conference was held in the Great Concert Hall "Academic" and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Seven hundred people gathered at one venue on October 7 to listen to seven reports on topics that were topical at that time in the world of SEO:

  • peculiarities of traffic promotion;
  • algorithms for selecting the most effective set of donors for site promotion;
  • search engine reputation management and other topics that could help business owners promote themselves through SEO.

After all seven reports were presented, Ilya Zyabrev, Sergey Lyudkevich and Evgeny Poshibalov gathered at a round table to discuss issues related to SEO business and to deal with private cases of the conference listeners.

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