Profile information is not specified.

Are you kidding me? Or are you sending back saved templates?

I did not write about the fact that you have changed moderation, but that the moderators have changed - the people.

The old team worked quickly and efficiently and the current, in my opinion, stupid sit and play tanchiki.

You write - "You say that your sites are of high quality and good traffic, and you were banned for nothing.

Where did you read that?

Re-read my post and do not speak nonsense.

I asked to delete and whether to stop inactive sites (codes which were removed)

The reason for the request explained.

I got no response, no request for clarification of the traffic, and stupid ban.

Your 5 dollars give the moderator, for hand cream, so that blisters from the work was not.

September 26, 2021, 15:39 0
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