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Crazyt15, good afternoon!

If your question is still relevant, please provide your KMA login so we can contact you and review your situation again.

February 27, 2023, 16:17 0
Reshetin, good afternoon!

All the information about your case is in the comment under the post

Briefly: out of 512 approved leads only 4 customers (!) confirmed requests to send leads, 1 of them redeemed the order, the redemption was only 0.2% (!).

February 27, 2023, 16:07 0
Morgan, good afternoon!

There are offers where it is possible to cancel an order before the goods are sent to the client. In this case the lead changes its status to "Rejected". These offers are marked with an icon in the form of a shield. When you put your cursor over the icon, you will see an appropriate notification:

For clarity, we will add to such offers an additional notification that customers can cancel the order, so that this characteristic of the offers is more obvious.

February 27, 2023, 13:06 0
Best Google ADS accounts