Profile information is not specified.
The site itself is terribly inconvenient, the space in the personal office is filled with unnecessary garbage.
The translation is crooked, it is impossible to change the language on the home page.
To my remarks about the appearance of the site, the support team replied with excuses.
For all of the criticism addressed to them, and by the way constructive - only excuses.
According to their attitude to customers, you can conclude that PropellerAds is full of shit and it is not even worth register there.
This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.
Hello everyone, I'm not that long in the fiels of driving the traffic, but I've already tried a lot of affiliate programs. They sometimes delayed the payment, the verification of traffic lasted 3 month. In one word - horror.
I met AD1, the conversion surprised me, continued to drive traffic to it, the first payment was simple and without any check, then I got to check. The check was incredibly fast and immediately the next day I was paid the entire amount, as well as they approved early payment.
A few words about the support:
The support really works 24 hours a day, as each webmaster gets an assigned manager, I got the manager Maxim, an excellent man, not rude, always help to find a way out, simple and friendly communication. Big thanks to them!
I consider AD1 a worthy and reliable affiliate problems and recommend it to beginners webmasters and "old timers" in this field)
Thank you for your attention.
This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.
February 11, 2019, 18:50
Good afternoon!
Alexey, let's be honest with you. This is the first time we've heard such a review after the site update and we thank you for it.
However, it's quite strange to read a review about "crooked translation" from the author of the words "composing" and "oppositions" :) And we were very upset when we did not see any constructive criticism and factual component in your review.
If the content or design of our site somehow does not allow you to run advertising campaigns (perhaps, it "discourages" the desire to earn?) - We will be happy to listen to your comments and suggestions. You can leave them here - https://propellerads-adve...
We are also waiting for you in our Telegram chat, where your constructive suggestions will always be heard -
PropellerAds team who love their clients
June 18, 2019, 17:30
I wrote to your manager, laying everything out in detail.In response, I heard only excuses.
September 27, 2019, 10:40
For complaints and suggestions, we have a special section in the advertising panel called "Suggest an Idea. We will be glad to see your recommendations there.
Thank you)
June 18, 2019, 17:29
Now we would judge the constructiveness of criticism by using grammar.